
  • 网络internal blowing;acute mastitis during pregnancy
  1. 退火是影响铜盘管内表面清洁度质量特性的关键工序之一,内吹扫是退火工序提高铜盘管清洁度的支配性工序要素。

    Annealing is a key process step affecting quality feature with high cleanliness of internal surface of copper coil tubes , whereas the internal blowing off is the dominant factor in annealing for raising high cleanliness of internal surface of copper coil tubes .

  2. 中空纤维膜的氢渗透率随着管外H2和管内吹扫气流量的增加而增加。

    The hydrogen permeation flux of the hollow fiber membrane increases with the hydrogen flow rate on the feed side and the argon sweeping rate increasing .

  3. 钢锭模内吹氩提高镇静钢质量的原理

    Principle of improving killed steel quality by blowing Ar into molds

  4. 镀锌钢管湿式内吹消烟除尘系统

    Wet INTERNAL-BLOWING demisting and dedusting system for steel pipe galvanizing

  5. 包内吹惰性气体精炼动力学的研究

    The Study of the Ladle Inert-gas Purging Refining Process

  6. 包内吹惰性气体精炼熔融金属工艺现已广泛应用,但有关的一些理论问题尚有待探讨。

    Although the ladle inert-gas purging technique ie widely used in the melt-refining process , yet its theoretical aspects are still not clear .

  7. 本文着重研究钟罩炉内吹扫(排气、冷吹和热吹)三种方式。

    Three ways of the internal blowing-off , i.e. , cold blow , hot blow , and gas exhausting in a Clock Hood-type furnace .

  8. 设计的镀锌钢管湿式内吹消烟除尘系统结构简单、投资少、运行费用低、净化处理效果好。

    The newly-designed wet internal-blowing demisting and dedusting system is of simple structure , lower capital and operation costs as well as better purification effect .

  9. 研究表明中空纤维膜的氧渗透总流量随着膜管内吹扫气流量、纤维膜的长度和膜管外侧氧气来源气的氧分压的增加而增大。

    The oxygen permeation flux increases with the helium sweeping rate , the length of the hollow fiber and the oxygen partial pressure on the feed side increasing .

  10. ANS-OB钢包浸罩内底吹排渣实验研究

    Study on Elimination of Slag in Snorkel by Bottom Stirring in ANS & OB Ladle

  11. 在吹氩量合适的范围内,吹氩能够降低沉积速率。

    Blowing argon decreases deposition rate at appropriate range of argon flowrate .

  12. 用干蒸汽做载体向高炉内喷吹烟煤的设想

    An idea of using dry steam as carrier for PCI in blast furnace

  13. 结果表明:当对流受热面在较长时间内不吹扫时,不会产生粘结性很强的积灰,对下一次除灰效果影响较小;

    The experiment result shows that ash can not adhere to the heating surfaces firmly and there is little impact on the next sootblowing effect in case of no sootblowing in given period .

  14. 风常常在他背后的烟囱内呼呼地吹着。

    From time to time the wind wuthered in the chimney at his back .

  15. 流动控制结晶器内磁场和吹氩对夹杂物粒子群运动的影响

    Effects of magnetic field and argon gas injection on the inclusion motion in flow control mold

  16. 在德国和其它一些国家,人们在食用鸡蛋时并不事先将其打破,他们往往用针在鸡蛋一头扎一小孔,再将鸡蛋内的蛋液吹进碗中。

    In Germany and other countries eggs used for cooking were not broken , but the contents were removed by making a hole from the end of each egg with a needle and blowing the contents into a bowl .

  17. 本文介绍了以微碳铬铁、纯铁等原料在感应炉内,通过底吹Ar和适当供氧来冶炼超低碳不锈钢的试验研究。

    The article states a test in the induction furnace for making super-low carbon stainless steel .

  18. 循环的干氮气被用于排除腔体内的空气和吹扫顶盖窗口。

    The recycled dry nitrogen gas is used to purge the sample chamber and upper lid window surface of condensation .

  19. 胸内廓清术加吹自制水瓶治疗急性脓胸的疗效分析

    Research of the curative effect of clear away operation in the thoracic cavity and water bottle in treatment of acute empyema

  20. 目的:探索微创胸内廓清术加吹自制水瓶治疗急性脓胸的最佳方法和疗效。

    Objective Minimally invasive discuss the way and curative effect Clear away operation in the thoracic cavity and water bottle treat acute empyema .

  21. 在实验范围内,温度和吹扫气量的增加,聚乙烯中正己烷的脱挥速率均上升,脱挥时间缩短;

    The rate of devolatilization was faster and the devolatilization time was shorten with increasing temperature and purge gas flux in the experiment range .

  22. 用雷诺应力模型模拟了含有三根滤管的过滤器内过滤和反吹的整个过程的流场。

    The Reynolds stress model was used to simulate the flow field during the filtration and back pulse process in the ceramic filter vessel containing three filters .

  23. 实验结果得出重钢转炉在整个役期内合理的底吹供气强度为006~011m3min·t;

    The test results showed that the reasonable bottom blown strength was 0.06 ~ 0.11 m 3 / min · t for the converter at Chongqing Steel ;