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  1. 小儿痰热壅肺证的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Children with Syndrome of Accumulation of Phlegm and Heat in the Lung

  2. 清肺化痰散治疗小儿痰热壅肺型咳嗽的临床观察

    Clinical Study on Qing Fei Hua Tan Granule in Treating Children Cough of PHL EGM-Heat in the Lung

  3. 初步发现小儿哮喘痰热壅肺型症候变化与外周血EOS呈一定的相关性。

    Initial findings of asthma in children phlegm obstruct changes in the lung and peripheral blood EOS-type symptoms was a certain correlation .

  4. 初步探讨小儿哮喘痰热壅肺型之症候变化与血清总IgE变化无明显相关性。

    Preliminary study of asthma in children phlegm obstruct pulmonary type of symptom change and changes in serum total IgE was not related . 5 .

  5. 小儿肺炎痰细菌培养的检测及意义

    Bacterial Culture of Sputum in Children with Pneumonia

  6. 疏肺理脾蠲痰法治疗小儿风痰互结型慢性咳嗽疗效观察

    Clinical Effect Observation of Wind-phlegm Type Children 's Chronic Cough with the Method to Dredge Lung , Regulate Spleen and Remove Phlegm

  7. 运用中西医结合治疗方法能明显改善小儿哮喘痰热壅肺型的症状及体征。

    The use of Integrated Traditional and Western treatment methods can improve the phlegm obstruct children with asthma symptoms and signs of pulmonary type . 3 .

  8. 小儿哮喘应从痰瘀论治,以化痰通瘀为治则。

    It is indicated that childhood asthma should be treated through phlegm and blood-stasis .

  9. 咳清灵对小儿急性支气管炎痰热壅肺证有较好的治疗作用,且临床应用比较安全。

    Keqingling possesses better effects and clinical reliability in treating lung phlegm heat syndrome in children with acute bronchitis .

  10. 开肺化痰解毒法治疗小儿病毒性肺炎痰热壅肺证临床观察

    Method of Relieving Lung Stagnation , Resolving Phlegm and Removing Toxin Used in Treating Viral Pneumonia in Children

  11. 结论:清肺口服液方治疗小儿病毒性肺炎痰热壅肺证具有肯定的疗效。

    CONCLUSION : Qingfei Oral Liquid is effective for viral pneumonia in children with the syndrome of phlegm-heat accumulated in the lung .

  12. 目的:评价清肺口服液(南京中医药大学附属医院院内制剂)治疗小儿病毒性肺炎痰热闭肺证的有效性。

    Objective : To assess the efficacy of Qingfei oral liquid ( produced by the affiliated hospital of Nanjing University of TCM ) in treating accumulation of phlegm heat syndrome of children ′ s virus pneumonia .

  13. 以治痰法为主控制小儿哮喘发作53例,有效率83%,从而证实了小儿哮喘发作从痰辩治的必要性和有效性。

    The effective rate is 83 % by using method of cure phlegm to control acute attack of childhood asthma . It is proved effective and essential to treat childhood asthma attack with phlegm theory of Chinese traditional medicine .