
  • 网络Shrimp
  1. 幻想我在大海里漫游,和小鱼小虾一起玩耍;

    Fantasy I roam in the ocean , and small fish to play with shrimp ;

  2. 对于这样一家大公司来说,我们这样的人不过是小鱼小虾。

    People like us are small fry to such a large business .

  3. 而那些眼中只有小鱼小虾的人,要想钓着大鱼就难了。

    It is difficult for those who only have small fish and shrimp1 in their minds to catch a big fish .

  4. 微软、Verizon等大型科技和电信集团凭借它们年金式的业务,肯定拥有吃掉小鱼小虾的现金流和实力。

    Giant tech and telecom vendors like Microsoft and Verizon , with their annuity-like businesses , certainly have the cash flow and capacity to swallow the minnows .

  5. 同那些跨国公司比,这些当地的公司不过是小鱼小虾。

    These local companies are only small fry compared with the huge multinationals .

  6. 或许霍尔德的话是个警告,意思是说也许可以更多地抓些小鱼小虾。

    Perhaps his statements are a warning shot : maybe more small guys will fry .

  7. 尽管本次的目标人选定位于小鱼小虾,但相当多的业内巨蛟也颇有获奖可能。

    Though aimed at small fry , plenty of sophisticated investors would be in with a chance .

  8. 尽管巨型皇带鱼很像这种水蛇,但事实证明它们只是海洋中最大的硬骨鱼。巨型皇带鱼头冠为鲜红色,全身布满银色光泽,以牙齿并不多的嘴巴过滤小鱼小虾及其他无脊椎生物。

    It turns out , however , that the real-life creature that resembles them most closely , the giant oarfish , actually isn 't a snake but rather the largest bony fish in the sea .

  9. 拿着它对着污染严重的小河和湖泊打一枪,河水马上变得清澈,小鱼小虾们在水里玩耍。

    So long as it took to the serious pollution of the river and lake a shot , the river become immediately clear , we can see the little fish and shrimps to play in the water .

  10. 浮游生物、小鱼、小虾等就是为了鲸鱼、鲨鱼等大型鱼类的胃而预备的食物。

    Plankton , small fish and shrimp are ready food for shark and whale .

  11. 夜晚小鱼,水母和小虾等都会到海面上寻找食物。

    Tiny fish , jellies and shrimpy things feed at the water 's surface by night .