
guàn cáng
  • canning
罐藏[guàn cáng]
  1. 黄肉桃引种及罐藏性能研究

    Introduction of yellow pulp peach and its canning storage properties

  2. 在用杂交手段选育罐藏黄桃品种的实践中,对果实经济性状的遗传倾向作了分析。

    The inheritance of some fruit traits in canning yellow peaches was studied in the crossbreeding process .

  3. 荔枝罐藏后在30℃下贮藏30d,果肉硬度明显下降。

    The hardness of canned litchi was significantly reduced after storage for a month at 30 ℃ .

  4. 将蘑菇在2℃的条件下作20~24h的冷藏处理后再预煮,并适当延长预煮时间可提高罐藏蘑菇的得率。

    Mushrooms treated at 2 ℃ for 20 ~ 24 h before blanching and the blanching time for mushrooms prolonged properly may increase the yield of canned mushrooms .

  5. 罐藏黄桃若干性状遗传倾向的分析

    An Analysis of Genetic Trend of Some Traits in Canning Yellow Peaches

  6. 番茄罐藏品种选育研究初报

    A preliminary study on the breeding of canning Tomato Cultivars

  7. 通过贮藏原料延长罐藏白桃制品加工期的可行性研究

    Feasibility study on prolonging throughput of canned white peach by fruit material storage

  8. 罐藏番茄新品种‘圆红’的选育

    Breeding of a new cultivar " round red " of tomato for canning

  9. 板栗罐藏关键技术的研究

    Study report of pot storage technology of Castanea mollissima

  10. 高产罐藏蘑菇新菌株&101的选育

    Breeding and appraisal of strain 101 for high yield and suitable tinned Agaricus bisporus

  11. 不同类型玉米笋营养成分在罐藏期间变化规律的研究

    Study on Change Regular Patten of Different Baby Corns Nutrient Composition in Canned Period

  12. 鲜食、罐藏兼用黄桃新品种红明星的选育

    Breeding of New Yellow Peach Variety Red Star Used for Fresh Eating and Canning Processing

  13. 罐藏蔬菜保绿的研究

    Studies on Green of Can Vegetable

  14. 罐藏黄桃品种筛选研究

    Selection of yellow peach for canning

  15. 蘑菇的预煮时间与预煮液中的柠檬酸浓度对罐藏蘑菇的得率也有较显著的影响。

    Blanching time and concentration of citric acid in blanching water considerably influenced the yield of canned mushrooms .

  16. 我可以教你们如何罐藏名声,酿造荣誉,甚至长生不死。

    I can tell you how to bottle fame brew glory and even put a stopper in death .

  17. 本文测定分析了三种野菜罐藏制品的氨基酸和无机元素。

    Canned products of three kinds of wild vegetable were subjected to analysis of amino acids and inorganic elements .

  18. 芦笋是我国主要出口创汇蔬菜之一,主要以罐藏及速冻产品形式出口。

    Asparagus is one of the important export vegetables , and mostly exported by potted and deepfreeze product in our country .

  19. 罐头食品是食品工业的一部分,罐藏食品是食品保藏的重要方法之一。

    Canned food is a part of food industries . The preservation by can pack is one of important methods for food preservation .

  20. 本试验研究了罐藏绿色蔬菜的保绿,筛选出了最佳保绿剂及保绿工艺条件。

    Green of can vegetable is studied so as to find the optimum compound protective green agent and technology condition of green preservation .

  21. 漂烫机是蔬菜干燥、冷冻、罐藏等蔬菜深加工的必行设备。

    Fulling and scalding machine is a necessary equipment used for vegetable deep processing as drying cold storage , canned storage and so on .

  22. 介绍了阿佩尔发明食品罐藏法的历史,并对罐头的发展历程和罐头文化的发展历程进行了评说。

    The invention history of airtight food preservation by Appert is introduced , and the development of canned food and cultural development of canning are discussed .

  23. 1988~1995年,先后从全国各地引进黄肉桃品种29个,种植于试验园,对各品种的物候期、生长结果习性、果实性状以及果实罐藏性能等进行了观察和研究。

    Yellow pulp peach varieties were introduced and planted in the experimental orchard from 1988 to 1995.Their phenological phase , growth and fruiting characters , fruit properties and canning storage properties were investigated .

  24. 通过对不同类群桃果实糖酸含量的特点研究表明:中国育成品种果实的蔗糖平均含量最高,且显著高于欧美罐藏品种,而中国野生种果实蔗糖含量则显著低于其他种质;

    Mean sucrose content was the highest in fruits from Chinese local cultivars for fresh market , significantly higher than those from European & American canned cultivars , while the lowest sucrose content was found in the wild species .

  25. 采用胃蛋白酶&胰酶复合处理法对原料鱼肉、蒸煮和罐藏处理的鱼肉产品,以及热塑挤压蒸煮的鱼肉制品进行蛋白质体外消化率的测定,分析比较各种鱼肉制品的蛋白质体外消化率的测试结果;

    Nutritive value of extrusion cooked fish protein was estimated by in vitro method and compared with raw fish and two kinds of fishery products prepared by normally processing methods including steaming and canning . Digestibility of fish protein products was assessed after two-step procedure using pepsin and pancreatin .