
guàn chē
  • tanker;tank car;tank truck;tank car truck
罐车 [guàn chē]
  • (1) [tank car truck]∶用于运输大量液体或气体的铁路车辆

  • (2) [tanker]∶装有一个箱柜或罐子用以装载液体(如水、汽油、牛奶、化学品等)的运输车

  • (3) [tank truck]∶装备好并当油(或水)槽车使用的载重汽车

罐车[guàn chē]
  1. 采用U(60)立式罐车输送白土

    Adapting u_ ( 60 ) vertical rail tank car for transporting clay

  2. FTA在铁路危险货物罐车运输中的应用

    Application of FTA on Railway Dangerous Goods Tank Car Transport

  3. 利用PLC控制连铸区中间罐车

    Controlling the tundish car of the continuous casting zone by PLC

  4. U(70)型散装水泥罐车的研制

    Development of U_ ( 70 ) Tank Cars for Bulk Cement

  5. 铁路罐车CAD系统

    Railway Cars Computer Aided Design System

  6. LPG罐车气相余压对装车计量的影响

    Influencing of Vapor-phase Residual Pressure of LPG Tanker on Loading Metering

  7. LPG罐车罐体应力分析与结构设计评价

    Integration Stress Analysis and Structure Assessment of Large LPG TankTrailer

  8. 基于ATP协议的恒温液态食品罐车热工性能测试研究

    Study on liquid foodstuff tanks in thermal performance test compliance with ATP agreement

  9. 利用PLC自身抗干扰的优点,本文给出一种设计方案,改进了中间罐车的控制。

    By the inference-resisting advantage of PLC , this paper gives a design which can improve the control of the tundish car .

  10. GF4型氧化铝粉罐车流化吹送装置的改进设计

    Design Improvement of Fluidized Blower for GF_4 Alumina Powder Tank Vehicle

  11. GF3型氧化铝罐车改进设计介绍

    Introduction of the Improved Design of the GF_3 Type Aluminum Oxide Tank Car

  12. GF(18)型水泥罐车简介

    Brief Introduction of Cement Tank Car Type GF 18

  13. G(17B)型粘油罐车的开发研制

    Development of the G_ ( 17B ) Type Heavy Oil Tank Car

  14. 鱼雷形罐车车轮采用LM型踏面试验简介

    Brief Introduction of Test on Treads Type LM Adopted on Torpedo Form Tank Car Wheels

  15. 该系统能够完成罐车图像的预处理、PCA特征提取、BP神经网络训练以及基于BP神经网络的识别等功能。

    This system can complete the function of picture pretreatment , PCA characteristic pick-up and BP nerve network training as well as recognize and so on .

  16. Nisin在巴氏消毒乳中的应用中华人民共和国国家标准奶罐车

    Application of nisin in pasteurized milk preparation

  17. 应用VB和MATLAB编写了计算机程序,形成了基于罐车PCA特征和BP神经网络算法的识别系统。

    Computer program is written via VB and MATLAB and the recognize system of tanker car is accomplished based on PCA characteristic pick-up and BP nerve network arithmetic .

  18. GF(70)(GF(70H))型氧化铝粉罐车的研制

    Development of GF_ ( 70 )( GF_ ( 70H )) Alundum Powder Tank Cars

  19. 西班牙产35t级渣罐车存在的问题及措施

    Problems with the Spanish Made 35t Slag Tank Vehicle and Their Solutions

  20. GF(18K)型水泥罐车的研制

    Development of GF_ ( 18K ) Cement Tank Cars

  21. 运用事故树(FTA)分析方法[1]分析了液氯汽车罐车罐体安全附件泄漏事故的原因,最后提出了防止此类事故发生的措施。

    The causes of leaks are analyzed by using FTA and finally some prevention measures for this kind of accidents are put forward .

  22. GY(48K)型低温液态气体罐车

    The GY_ ( 48K ) Type Tank Car for Liquefied Gas with Low Temperature

  23. GQ(70)(GQ(70H))型轻油罐车的研制

    Development of GQ_ ( 70 )( GQ_ ( 70H )) Light Oil Tank Car

  24. 介绍了在美国铁路罐车上采用的无损伤技术(DT),以及为了确保安全所采用的运行环境监控系统。

    Described are the non destructive flaw detection technology ( NDT ) applied on railway tank cars in U.S.A. , as well as the operation environment monitoring system to ensure safety .

  25. G(60)、G(70B)型轻油罐车罐体的简谐响应分析,分析罐体受到竖直方向和横向简谐激励下,不同贮液比的罐体的响应。

    5 ) The harmonic response of G_ ( 60 ) 's and G_ ( 70b ) 's tankers with different and free surface of fluid are analyzed in the vertical and cross direction .

  26. GHA(70A)型对二甲苯罐车研制

    Development of GHA_ ( 70A ) Tank Cars for Paraxylene

  27. 通过建立计算机分析模型,对某大型LPG半挂罐车的罐体进行了整体应力分析,用有限元方法对罐体进行了应力分布计算,得到了罐体关键部位的应力结果。

    Though establishing computer simulation model in this paper , integration stress analysis of large LPG tank trailer is carried out with finite element method and the stress distribution of main structure members in critical range is gained .

  28. 以50t标准铁路罐车为例,求解表达液位与充满系数间关系的近似公式。

    Approximate formula of relation between liquid level and full coefficient has been solved taking a standard 50 t railway tanker as example .

  29. BCD-100型自动定量包装秤称量机构的分析液体罐车的动态称量

    The Analysis on Weighing Mechanics of BCD-100 Automatic Packing Weigher Liquid Tank Carriage Scaled in Motion

  30. 最后结合实验所得S-N曲线和有限元分析结果,采用AAR标准载荷谱对罐体疲劳损伤和疲劳寿命进行了估算,结果表明该层合板材满足70t罐车使用寿命要求。

    Finally , combining with AAR standard load spectrum of fatigue damage , the fatigue life of the tanker were estimated . The results showed that the laminate plate material meet the requirements of 70t tanker .