
guàn zhuāng
  • canning
罐装[guàn zhuāng]
  1. 洛十分精通食品保存,园艺和罐装。

    Loe is a master food preserver , gardener and canning expert .

  2. 基于Web服务的饮料罐装企业管控一体化系统的实现

    Design of Control and Management Integration System of Canning Industry Based on Web Services

  3. 避免食用过多的甜食和罐装饮料。

    Avoid excessive indulgence in sweets and canned drinks .

  4. 厨房的橱柜里堆满了罐装汤。

    The kitchen cupboard was stocked with tins of soup .

  5. 也有罐装豆芽出售。

    Bean sprouts are also sold in cans .

  6. 罐装的甜饮料会腐蚀牙齿。

    Sugary canned drinks rot your teeth .

  7. 冷冻的农产品仍然是农产品;罐装的西红柿也仍然是西红柿。

    Frozen produce is still produce ; canned tomatoes are still tomatoes .

  8. 售货员回复:“是要负责罐装的还是负责冷冻的副主管呢?”

    The clerk replies . " Canned or frozen ? "

  9. 事实上我更喜欢罐装的梅果酱。

    Actually I prefer canned cranberry sauce .

  10. 当它被从塑料中经沥滤而入婴儿配方奶粉、水或罐装食品当中的时候,人们将其摄入

    People consume it when it leaches from plastic into baby formula , water or food in container .

  11. 但在疫情之前,可口可乐和它的竞争对手百事可乐一直在推出更小的罐装和瓶装饮料,这些包装通常对消费者来说单价更高,对制造商来说更有利可图。

    But before the pandemic , Coke and its rival PepsiCo had been pushing smaller cans and bottles , which usually carry a higher price per ounce for the consumer and are more profitable for the manufacturer .

  12. 但据罐装有机茶公司HonestTea共同创始人赛斯•戈德曼表示,饮料公司(走到这一步之后),要想继续发展壮大会很艰难。

    Growing beyond there may be difficult , according to honest tea co-founder Seth Goldman .

  13. 检测结果显示,非商业无菌和罐装容器有关,而与pH测定结果关系不大。

    The results showed that uncommercial sterilization effect was in close relation to cans , but less relation to pH.

  14. 罐装牛奶加工过程中pH值的变化对于系统的稳定性和产品货架期的稳定性有很大的影响;

    The changing of pH had much influence to the stabilities of the system and the shelf life during milk production ;

  15. 欧盟(EU)和泰国昨日进入最后摊牌时刻。此前,欧盟委员会建议对从泰国进口的罐装玉米征收反倾销关税。

    The European Union and Thailand were yesterday heading for a showdown after Brussels recommended anti-dumping duties on tinned sweetcorn .

  16. HACCP体系在罐装牛乳生产线中的实践

    Application of HACCP to a tin milk proceeding line

  17. 对于大多数人,PAM是一种罐装的烹调油。

    For most people , PAM is a cooking oil that comes from a can .

  18. 简要介绍了屋顶纸盒装热罐装桑果汁的HACCP体系的建立过程。

    The paper introduces the process of setting up the HACCP system of roof-paper packaging hot-filled mulberry juice in brief .

  19. 拥有全自动CO2焊机、自动分子筛罐装机等国际领先的生产设备和电动试压泵、多工位测试仪等检测设备。

    We have internationally high advanced equipments , like highly Automatic CO2 Brazing Machine , Automatic Molecular Staffing Machine and Electrical Pressure Testing Pump , Multi-Testing equipment etc.

  20. 利用远红外加温萎凋及调整pH值和充氮技术提高乌龙茶与乌龙茶罐装茶水质量。(3)添加天然植物芳香物质提高茶叶香气。

    By using far-infrared heating withering and regulating pH value to improve the quality of Wulong tea and canned tea ( 3 ) By adding plant essential oil to improve aroma of tea .

  21. 此次宴请是陈光标的又一次另类的慈善和环保行动。之前,他还试图收购《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes),在北京充满雾霾的街头免费派发罐装新鲜空气,以及在街上撒钱。

    All this added to his bizarre track record , which now includes trying to buy The New York Times , handing out ' Fresh Air ' containers on the streets of polluted Beijing and giving out cash on the streets .

  22. “罐装空气”绝非河南独有。以爱造噱头闻名、一度想收购《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)的中国巨富陈光标早在2012年就卖过这种罐头。

    The canned-air idea is hardly unique to Henan : Rags-to-riches Chinese tycoon Chen Guangbiao , known for his splashy publicity stunts , including his past efforts to woo the owners of the New York Times , began selling such cans in 2012 .

  23. 去年12月,在欧洲和泰国的罐装玉米行业出现分歧后,欧盟采取了临时措施。欧盟贸易专员彼得•曼德尔森(PeterMandelson)昨日裁定,这些措施应继续执行下去。

    Peter Mandelson , the trade commissioner , has ruled that provisional measures imposed in December after a row between the European and Thai industries should continue .

  24. 食材变得更柔软,如果烹饪时间过长,就会损失质感,最近她在为《旧金山纪事报》(TheSanFranciscoChronicle)撰写的关于罐装保存食品的专栏里提到这一点。

    It is softer and tends to lose its texture when cooked too long , a point she made in a recent column on canning she wrote for The San Francisco Chronicle .

  25. 这两位化学家发现空调和罐装发胶中的CFCs,即氯氟烃可以破坏臭氧层。

    The two chemists discovered that chlorofluorocarbons , or CFCs , from air conditioners and canisters of hair spray could destroy the ozone layer .

  26. 在周六Castleberry主动召回的范围扩大到罐装肉制品。

    On Saturday , Castleberry 's expanded its voluntary recall of canned meat products .

  27. 但是MSNBC报道说一些追随者被冒犯了,因为可口可乐改变了其原有的红色罐装,甚至一些痴迷的饮者认为白罐中的碳酸水味道与以前不同。

    However MSNBC says some purists are offended that Coca-Cola is veering from its traditional red cans , and some deluded sippers feel that the soda tastes different in white cans .

  28. 每份K-Cups咖啡价格要比购买相同品牌罐装咖啡贵。

    The coffee K-Cups are more expensive per serving than buying a tin of coffee of a comparable brand .

  29. 本文简述了XL-6型氧化铝粉高效回收设备的工作原理、结构特点,以及在全国电解铝厂综合回收罐装氧化铝粉剩余料的推广前景。

    This paper describes briefly the working principle and structural features of the collector and look forward to its application prospect .

  30. 添加单宁酶/果胶酶/木瓜蛋白酶复合酶,45℃水浴60min,采用UHT超高温瞬时灭菌方式在135℃条件下灭菌5s,无菌热罐装,即得品质优良的绿茶鲜汁。

    Applying the tannase / pectinase / papain compound enzyme to the centrifuged juice under 45 @ bathing for 60 minutes . Finally , sterilizing the juice with UHT under 135 @ for 5 seconds . A fresh green tea juice with excellent quality is made .