
  1. 全球第四大钢铁制造商浦项制铁(Posco)昨日就钢铁产品需求下降发出警告。目前,市场日益担心,随着中国需求放缓以及全球钢铁价格下跌,钢铁行业周期已经见顶。

    Posco , the world 's fourth-largest steelmaker , yesterday warned of falling demand for steel products , amid growing concern that the steel industry cycle has peaked as demand from China slows and global steel prices fall .

  2. 行业周期性波动中的企业对策

    How can enterprises answer periodical fluctuations of an industry

  3. 中国房地产行业周期波动特征研究及预测

    An Empirical Study and a Prediction of the Cyclic Fluctuation of the Real Estate Industry in China

  4. 大公司拥有更多和供应商谈判的能力,以及更好抵抗行业周期的能力。

    Big companies have more power to negotiate with suppliers and are better able to withstand the industry 's cycle .

  5. 世界石油化工行业周期性、波动性变化明显,化工市场与宏观经济发展密切相关。

    World petrochemical industry changes in a periodic and fluctuating way , petrochemical market is bound up with the macroeconomy closely .

  6. 借鉴企业战略的思想,本章从行业周期变化的角度入手,研究财务战略设计问题。

    We study the design of the financial strategies from the perspective of the periodic alteration of the industry referring to the enterprises strategies theories .

  7. 但由于公司业绩还受到宏观经济、行业周期等因素影响,仅从公司绩效角度考虑独立董事制度有效性略显单薄。

    But the company performance is also affected by other factors such as macroeconomic , profession cycle , so only taking independent director factor into consideration is limited .

  8. 迄今为止,美联储的声明始终暗示,建筑业正接近行业周期的底部,该行业将趋于稳定,不会过分影响消费者信心。

    Statements from the Fed to date have consistently suggested the construction industry is nearing the bottom of the trough and is set to stabilise , without unduly undermining consumer confidence .

  9. 嘉诚受证券行业周期影响较大,而且由于地域问题,以及与摩根大通所签股东协议中关于产品的非竞争条款的约束,其增长也受到了限制。

    Cazenove is much more subject to the securities cycle , as well as being restricted in its growth due to the geographical and product non-compete clauses in its shareholder agreement with JPMorgan .

  10. 这家中国汽车厂商在这桩交易上只花费了大约四分之一的现金储备,如果它已经在欧洲汽车行业周期的低点加强了与欧洲的联系,则是明智之举。

    The Chinese auto maker , which is only spending about a quarter of its cash hoard on the deal , could look smart if it has strengthened its European ties at the low-point in the continent 's car cycle .

  11. 新加坡安本资产管理公司(AberdeenAssetManagement)的高级投资经理ChristopherWong说,由于三星年度资本开支的规模和科技行业的周期性质,三星持有大量现金不是坏事。

    Christopher Wong , a Singapore-based senior investment manager at Aberdeen Asset Management , said it is ' not a bad thing ' for Samsung to maintain a large cash balance because of the size of Samsung 's annual capital expenditures and the cyclical nature of the technology industry .

  12. 新兴市场的增长并不能降低该行业的周期性。

    Emerging market growth does not make the sector less cyclical .

  13. 私募行业没有周期可言(8%)

    There are no cycles in private equity ( 8 % )

  14. 创新性地运用行业生命周期理论来分析市场。

    Using the profession life cycle theory innovatively to analyze the market .

  15. 炼铝业等行业是周期较长的资本密集型行业,不可能说迁移就能迁移的。

    These are long-cycle , capital-intensive industries that cannot move on a whim .

  16. 摘要在经济全球化条件下,很多企业都面临着行业的周期性波动。

    Under the condition of economic globalization , many enterprises have to confront periodical fluctuations of an industry .

  17. 这种行业的周期性波动不断调整、规范企业行为,同时也对之实行优胜劣汰。

    The periodical fluctuations continuously adjust and regulate enterprises behaviors ; at the same time , do their selections .

  18. 第三章基于行业生命周期变化的财务战略设计。

    The third chapter : The design of the financial strategies based on the periodic alteration of the industrial life .

  19. 本文将风险投资行业生命周期分为种子期、导入期、成长期、成熟期四个周期。

    The paper classify the venture capital industry into four phases . seed phase , introduction phase , development phase and mature phase .

  20. 这表明随着所属行业生命周期的不同,企业的并购绩效也会受到影响。

    This shows that with their different life cycle of the industry and the performance of corporate M & A will be affected .

  21. 作者提出了劳动力市场维度的概念,并以此分析行业生命周期、劳动力市场与离职率之间的关系。

    By the concept of dimensions of labor market presented by authors , this paper analyzed the relations between industry life circle , labor market and turnover rate .

  22. 文章在企业集团财务公司行业生命周期分析、行业规模分析、行业业务结构分析和行业监管分析的基础上,提出了企业集团财务公司的行业发展趋势。

    By analyzing the industry lifecycle , industry scale , industry regulation and business of financial companies , this paper presents the trend of financial companies ' development .

  23. 随着全球石油和化学工业进入成熟期,行业景气周期将延长并趋向平缓,行业营利水平趋向收敛。

    With the global oil and chemical industry entering a mature stage , the cycle of industry prosperity will be extended and the growing speed will becoming slower .

  24. 去年煤炭企业不顾以往本行业的周期性特征,仍指望价格的大幅上涨盖过成本的上升,所以扩大生产。

    Coal companies were caught flat-footed after ramping up production last year with the expectation that steep prices would cover their rising costs , despite coal 's past cyclicality .

  25. 问题银行产生的理论有金融脆弱性理论、行业生命周期理论和信息不对称理论。

    There are three theories to explain how problem banks emerge : the theory of financial fragility , the theory of industry life cycle and the theory of asymmetric information .

  26. 首先根据行业生命周期理论、市场结构及竞争策略理论对营销环境进行分析;

    Firstly , I will research into the marketing environment according to the life cycle theory of the calling , the theory of the market structure and the tactics of competition .

  27. 这些因素加上视频游戏行业的周期因素(新的游戏机发布之前销售减弱)削弱了新的游戏、游戏机和配件的销售。

    Those factors combined with the videogame industry 's cycles ─ where sales taper off before a new game console is released ─ have hurt sales of new games , consoles and accessories .

  28. 论文从定性分析的角度,给出了行业生命周期各阶段企业的不同特征,并初步进行了行业生命周期不同阶段不同企业的财务战略模式设计。

    We show different characteristics of the enterprises in each stage from the perspective of qualitative analysis and design the financial strategy models of different enterprises in different stages of the industrial life cycle .

  29. 运用行业生命周期理论和大战略评价模型提出公司的发展战略,同时文中还提出了战略实施中的一些管理问题以保证战略的有效实施。

    Makes use of the product life cycle theories and Grant strategy matrix to put forward the enterprise strategy , in addition , put forward some management problem to guarantee the strategy effectively implementation .

  30. 业内人士认为,从长远来看,这些公司可以受益于从行业的周期性调整,扩大市场份额,甚至“市场垄断”的特权。

    The industry believes that in the long term , these companies can benefit from a cyclical adjustment from the industry , expanding market share , and even made the " market monopoly " privileges .