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  1. 仅仅是她且行且歌的所在。

    Was merely a place by which she walked to sing .

  2. 待意识到为时已晚,他们且行且怨

    And learn , too late , they grieved it on its way

  3. 另一些则且行且驻,艰难地向着遥远的目的地挺进。

    Other make the trip in stages laboring to reach their distant destination .

  4. 小说提醒人们生命短暂,且行且珍惜。

    The novel succeeds as a reminder of the transient nature of human existence .

  5. 我且行且息地在街上踱着。

    With halting steps I paced the streets .

  6. 亲戚们说,她的视力好到可以看到视力表的最下面一行且从来不用眼镜。

    Her eyesight was good up to the end and she never needed glasses , they said .

  7. 我且行且息地在街上踱着,走过那块“十字标枪”的招牌…

    With halting steps I paced the streets , and passed the sign of " The Crossed Harpoons "

  8. 微微一笑,转身离开,而后朝梦的方向且行且吟。

    Smiled and turned to leave , and then towards the direction of the dream and the rows and Yin .

  9. 我伴着我心中的春天,一路上且行且歌,播撒我的春天。

    I am accompanied by the spring of my heart , and lines and songs along the way , I am the spring sowing .

  10. “梦至一处,不辨是何地方。忽见那厢来了一僧一道,且行且谈。”

    " In dream he travelled to an unknown place , where he suddenly noticed a monk and a Taoist approaching , talking together . "

  11. 她称她姐姐的朋友为剑桥帮&他们都干电脑一行,且相互介绍工作。

    She calls her sister 's friends the Cambridge mafia & they are all in computing and find work for each other .

  12. 余下未造模的8只大鼠拟为对照组(C组),行假手术且不予任何液体灌注。

    The other 8 rats undergone sham operation without any solution were injected as control group ( C group ) .

  13. C组行TACE+PVI,且PVI采用电脑控制的微量泵缓慢灌注给药;

    C group was treated by TACE and PVI with slow infusion controlled by computer ;

  14. 良性前列腺增生(Benignprostatichyperplasia,BPH)是一种好发于移行带,且与年龄相关的多发性男性疾病。

    Benign prostatic hyperplasia ( BPH ) is a kind of multifocal male disease that usually onset at the transitional zone , and correlated with the age .

  15. 结论黏附分子CD11b与ICAM-1的表达影响着中性粒细胞的跨内皮移行作用,且这两种分子有协同作用。

    Conclusion The expression of adhesion molecules CD11b and ICAM-1 had an effect on PMN transmigrating across endothelium in a synergic fashion .

  16. customernum为106的行没有显示且查询中止,原因是该行包含数据“Watsonson,”,其中分隔符“”是数据的一部分。

    The row with customer_num106 is not displayed and the query aborted because this row contains data " Watson son ," where the delimiter " " is part of the data .

  17. 术前均行超声检查且均未行放、化疗治疗。

    All passed preoperative ultrasound , no radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment .

  18. 法官是国家审判权的行使者,且往往是公平、正义的象征。

    Judge , who exercises the national jurisdiction , is also the symbol of equity and justice .

  19. 从报道可以看出,凶手郑民生当天出来,就是要行凶杀人且不针对特定对象。

    According to the report , the murderer Zheng Mingsheng went out right from home to kill any student he saw without a specific target .

  20. 域可以有多个项目(类似于行),且项目可以有多个属性(类似于关系型表中的列)。

    Domains can have many items ( which are similar to rows ) and items can have many attributes ( which are like columns in the relational world ) .

  21. “公司名称”现在与第一个明细记录位于同一行中,且“隐藏重复控件”属性防止了“公司名称”值重复出现在每一行中。

    The company name value is now on the same line as the first detail record , and the Hide Duplicates property prevents the company name value from repeating on every line .

  22. 他重建他父亲希西家所毁坏的邱坛,又为巴力立坛,造亚舍拉像,就如以色列王亚哈所行的,且敬拜事奉天上的万象。

    And he rebuilt the high places that Hezekiah his father had destroyed , and he raised up altars to Baal and made an asherah , as Ahab the king of Israel had done ; and he worshipped all the host of heaven and served them .

  23. 在处理那些可用行和列表示且通过命令(比如select和jion)操作的数据时,传统的分析和数据库方法表现非常优秀。

    Traditional analytics and database methods are excellent at handling data that can easily be represented in rows and columns and manipulated by commands such as select and join .

  24. 益肾化瘀方和桂枝茯苓丸都能缓解患者经行腹痛程度,且两者效果相当。

    Benefiting kidney blood and cassia twig tuckahoe pills can alleviate patients in abdominal pain , and the effect .

  25. 但上述两种方法由于劳动强度大、时间长,在经济上是很难行得通;且贝类从生长区移入暂养区后,存在着污染暂养区水质的可能。

    Considering the great labour intensity and consuming time , the two methods were difficult to carry out , and it may pollute the water in temporary zone when the shellfish moved the temporary zone from growth zone .

  26. 前者既指政行功能分离,也指政行领域分离,且领域分离先于功能分离;

    The former means not only the functional separation but also the separation in field between politics and administration , besides the separation in field is prior to the functional separation ;

  27. 结果:所有皮神经均有营养血管伴行,所有穿支血管均有1~2条伴行静脉,且在穿出深筋膜部位上有一定的规律性。

    Results : All the nerves have nutrient vessels , all perforators have 1 ~ 2 accompany veins , which have some regularity at the location perforating from underlying fascia .

  28. 然而我国关于慢行系统的学术研究主要针对的是城市慢行系统,且大部分是由交通规划部门展开的,由旅游相关专业部门进行的研究很少。

    Nowadays academic research on non-motorized system in China mainly focus on city non-motorized system and majority is launches by the transportation Planning department , conducts the research by the traveling related specialized department are very few .