
  • 网络Bribe Payers Index;Bribe Perception Indicator;Bribe Payers Index BPI
  1. 如何定义和衡量贿赂:行贿指数(BPI)

    How to Define and Measure Bribes : The Bribe Payers Index ( BPI )

  2. 有些人可能对行贿指数更感兴趣。该指数根据人们感知的、相关国家企业在海外行贿的可能性,对22个经济影响力最大的国家进行排名。

    Some might find more interesting the Bribe Payers Index , which ranks 22 of the most economically influential countries according to the perceived likelihood of their companies to bribe abroad .

  3. 包含在行贿指数中的国家在全球外国直接投资流出和货物及服务出口中所占比例为四分之三左右。

    The countries ranked in the index account for about three-quarters of world foreign direct investment outflows and exports of goods and services .

  4. 透明国际的行贿指数把俄罗斯评为最后一位,该国获得了10分中的5.9分,印度和中国的得分都低于7。

    The Transparency International index ranked Russia in last place with a score of 5.9 out of 10 , with India and China also both scoring below 7 .