
xíng shū
  • cursive script;running hand;running hand (in Chinese calligraphy);cursive handwriting
行书 [xíng shū]
  • [running hand (in Chinese calligraphy);cursive suript] 汉字字体,形体和笔势介于草书和楷书之间

行书[xíng shū]
  1. 程序预设了行书、草书、王羲之、怀素、徽宗、苏轼等十来种风格。

    Procedures drawn a running hand , scribbles , Wang wrote , Transmutation of HUI Zong , such as Sushi to 10 species of style .

  2. 从行书训练入手的教学法研究

    Study on Teaching Method Starting with Running Hand Training

  3. 原来是用行书写的呀!

    Oh , it was written in the cursive style !

  4. 通俗书法类型与行书同步发展,互为补充。

    The demotic scripts and the Semi-cursive script developed in parallel complementarily .

  5. 论行书的形成与风格演变中国古代山水画的风格演变

    Essentials of the Development of Chinese Ancient Landscape Paintings

  6. 李邕的行书艺术及其对后世的影响

    On Li yong ' art of calligraphy and the influence upon later generations

  7. 另一方面是探讨魏碑入行书之难。

    The other aspect probes the difficulty of Wei stele style into running script .

  8. 中国书法史上,行书是应用最广泛,最具艺术表现力的字体。

    Xing Shu is one of the most widely used Style in Chinese calligraphy history .

  9. 行书是我国书写文字的一种方法。他写的字斜向左方。

    Cursive scripts is one kind of Chinese calligraphic writing . His handwriting slants to the left .

  10. 同样,根据里程表,又能考核邮人行书的速度是否中程。

    Similarly , the odometer , and whether the speed of checking people for posting '" medium-range " .

  11. 里程表是秦汉时期国家以及主管邮传行书部门必须掌握的基本数据。

    Odometer is head of State and post during the Qin and Han ' must grasp of basic data .

  12. 论文依据《行书律》中的一些条文,论证了邮行活动管理者的职责。

    Papers based on some of the provisions of the ' law , demonstration of philatelic activity Manager duties .

  13. 王羲之的《兰亭序》有“天下第一行书”之称,历来被视为书法中的极品。

    The preface in wang 's " book ", which is a has been regarded as the best calligraphy .

  14. 他的行书是一种寓矩寓规、寓情寓理的一种艺术存在,在他所处的时代有重要的现实意义。

    His is an art-being containing rules and senses , which played an important and practical meaning in his times .

  15. 中国人民银行昨日在全国范围内发行5000万枚5元黄铜硬币,背面主景图案为和字的行书书法。

    The PBOC issued 50 million 5-yuan brass coins nationwide yesterday that has the Chinese character Harmony on the back .

  16. 该思路可类推地移植到汉字行书、正楷与其他字体,也可移植到英文或其他少数民族文字,但显然具体处理方法不同。

    The way can be transplanted to the other languages such as English , China minority characters , with different concrete methods .

  17. 他的行书作品&《兰亭集序》被认为是天下第一行书。

    His work the preface of LanTing Poems Collectionwritten in running hand is esteemed as the best running hand work inthe world .

  18. 中国人民银行昨日在全国范围内发行5000万枚5元黄铜硬币,背面主景图案为“和”字的行书书法。

    The PBOC issued 50 million 5-yuan brass coins nationwide yesterday that has the Chinese character " Harmony " on the back .

  19. 若是变量的声明和赋值不在同一行书写的话,编译器将不允许我们使用类型推断。

    Type inference is not allowed in cases where the variable is not assigned a value on the same line it is declared .

  20. 此作为行书,代表了康熙皇帝书法艺术成熟时期的水平。此轴当为康熙皇帝46至49岁的作品。

    The reel was the representation of the ripe level of emperor Kangxi 's calligraphy and created in the period at the age of46 to49 .

  21. 魏碑与行书之间存在着多层次的矛盾,魏碑入行书具有较高的难度。

    There are multi-level contradictions between Wei stele style and running script , so the degree of difficulty is high on Wei stele style into running script .

  22. 第二部分,行书字体的基本成熟:描摹了行书初步形成以及基本成熟时期的情况。

    Part 2 . Basic maturity of running script : This part describes the situation of running script in the period of initial formation and basic maturity .

  23. 在《数码系列》作品中,中国书法以行书的形式写在手制的宣纸上,其上覆有被烧烫过的文字。

    In the former calligraphic inscriptions executed in running script are glimpsed through Chinese hand-made paper , the surface of which is inscribed with abstract forms burnt into the material .

  24. 汉字在其漫长的发展史中演化出不同的书写形式,例如篆书,隶书,楷书和行书。

    During their long history of development , chinese characters have evolved into many different script forms , such as seal character , official script , regular script and running script .

  25. 首先分析传统理论对行书产生的看法,重视一些非主流的却符合实际的观点;

    First , this part analyzes the opinions of traditional theories on running script , with sufficient attentions paid to the correct opinions that are not the mainstream but in conformity with the facts ;

  26. 晋代书法以楷书和行书的成就最大,对后世的影响也最大,除了在校获得的学业成就,迄今为止你最大的成就是什么?

    The kai and xing calligraphy types made quick progress in the Jin Dynasty and had a big influence on later calligraphers . Other than academic success , what has been your greatest achievement so far ?

  27. 其书法史观散见于其对各书家的评述上;第五部分,主要从篆书、隶书、楷书、行书四方面对其书法风格进行评价。

    The calligraphy of its view of history are scattered throughout the various comments on the book at home ; The fifth part comments , mainly from Zhuan shu , Li shu , Kai shu , Xing shu , four areas evaluated .

  28. 其书法创作成就主要在行书和草书两个方面,行书中内收外放的结构,狂草中动静相间的章法,体现了作者旷达而深沉的文人性格。

    Meanwhile , his achievements in calligraphy mostly appear in two aspects , running handwriting and cursive handwriting . The structure of running handwriting 's frapping inside and loosening outside and the orderly ways of connecting dynamic with static embody the author 's broad-minded and deep character .

  29. 接下来从早期遗迹的证据谈行书的萌生,概括行书的成熟特征,并且分析行书的特殊特征是对实际生活中记录要求和交际要求的适应。

    Then , this part analyzes the origin of running script on the basis of historical remains , summarizes the mature characteristics of running script and concludes that the special characteristics of running script originated in the adaptation to the requirements of records and social intercourses in daily life .