
háng jù
  • space;row spacing;leading;array pitch;row pitch
行距 [háng jù]
  • [row spacing] 邻近两行植株间的差距

行距[háng jù]
  1. 试验结果表明,行距为60cm,株距不小于15cm的栽植密度,是育苗的最适密度。

    The result showed the planting density of row pitch 60 cm and row space more than 15 cm were the suitable density .

  2. 本研究通过扩大行距的超稀植栽培试验,探讨了其对水稻的生育动态及产量性状的影响,提出了水稻再高产一≥10500.0kg/hm2的插秧规格。

    The experiment of ultra-thin planting by enlarging row spacing was conducted and its effect on the dynamic of growth and development and yield characters of rice was discussed in the paper . A transplanting standard for high yield-10 500kg / hm2-was established .

  3. 请用A4纸、以双倍行距单面打印或誊抄,字迹务必清晰。

    Please type or write clearly in double spacing on one side of A4 paper only .

  4. 推导出了刀位轨迹算法和切削行距算法,建立了面向新型并联机床的CAM系统框架模型。

    Algorithms for tool path calculation and cutter path interval calculation are derived . Frame model for CAM system of PMTs is established .

  5. 在土层深厚肥沃、地势平缓、立地条件好的造林地,造林株行距可采用2m×4m。

    Incipient planting space of 2 m × 4 m is preferable in deep , fertile and flat sites .

  6. 研究结果表明,1.5m×1.5m株行距单株栽植是适宜的造林密度。

    The results showed that 1.5m × 1.5m rowing space was suitable planting density for Tilia amurensis .

  7. 研究还说明,合理的间作年限和合理的间作行距,可以有效地提高作物的产量,如行距18m时,作物总产量在间作的第3~6年间,比对照提高80%;

    It also demonstrated that proper intercropping years and tree spacing between-rows would effectively increase crop yield .

  8. 结论:远志的合理栽培密度为亩留苗11.1万株,株行距20cm×3cm。

    Conclusion : The proper planted density is 20 cm × 3 cm , i. e. 111 thousand plants per mu .

  9. 实验选取株行距1m×10m的毛白杨和花生间作田,研究修枝对间作田不同水平位置的光照及花生产量和生物量的影响。

    In order to study the effect of pruning on light density , yield and biomass of peanut in poplar-crop intercropping system , experiments were done in poplar-peanut intercropping field .

  10. 利用青石山区梯田堰边栽植1~2a生核桃实生苗,株距4~5m,行距不等,每公顷平均375株。

    Walnut seedlings were planted on the edge of the terrace in limestone mountain area with distance between plants 4 ~ 5 meters and averaging 375 seedlings per hectare .

  11. 查明了采用大小垄双行覆膜(大行距70cm,小行距30cm)是适宜的种植方式。

    The suitable planting pattern is covered with film of size furrow of double rows ( 70cm and 30cm ) .

  12. 通过拉丁方试验设计,沙葱丰产栽培的适宜播种密度为株行距5cm×15cm。

    Through the 5 × 5 Latin square experiment , the suitable planting density of Allium mongolicum was line-interval 15 cm and row-interval 5 cm .

  13. 但不同密度的间作系统中PAR值不同,表现为明显的株行距效应和树冠开张、枝组结构、林间郁闭度等因素对树冠受光的影响。

    PAR values were different in different density intercropping system , showing the obvious spacing effect , and showing the canopy opened , branch group structure , canopy density and other factors affected canopy to accept light .

  14. 为保证间作的稳定性和长期性,建议实行大行距(30m以上)间作方式。

    It is suggested that the poplar spacing be-tween rows should be over 30m and its branches should be pruned regularly to ensure the stability and long-term of the intercropping system .

  15. 同一品种(北丰11号)三个密度二个行距比较,以44.4株/m2,行距15cm的产量最高。

    Three densities and 2 row spacings of the same variety ( Beifeng 11 ) were compared . The highest yield was from the density of 44.4 plants / m 2 and 15cm row spacing .

  16. 在间作系统透光性上,不同株行距叶面积指数(LAI)均表现为随杏物候期(花期到果实成熟期)的推移呈上升的趋势,到果实成熟期后略有下降。

    Transmittance in the intercropping system , different spacing of leaf area index ( LAI ) are expressed as with the apricot phenology ( flowering to fruit maturity ) goes upward trend , to fruit maturity , decreased slightly .

  17. 40+80cm大小垄与40、60、70cm等行距种植产量无显著差异。

    There was no significant difference among row spacing of 40 cm , 40 + 80 cm , 60 cm and 70 cm .

  18. 其他小气候因子行间变化较小,且与间作行距(10~56m)和间作年限(4~14年)关系不密切。

    The other factors , however , have smaller variance among rows and have little relation with intercropping spacing ( 10-56m ) and years ( 4-14 year ) .

  19. 高密度夏玉米最佳种植样式应为50cm左右等行距,最优行株比约为1.821∶。

    The optimum planting pattern was 50 cm row spacing with ratio of row space to plant space of 1.82 ∶ 1 for highly-densed summer maize .

  20. 行距0.30m和0.50m下,两个品种都达到46和60DAS;

    In both cultivars , this condition was attained at 46 and 60 DAS in rows 0.30m and 0.50m apart respectively ;

  21. 在您喜欢的文本编辑器中输入这个程序(要保持相同的行距),保存为'eg1.c',使用'gcc-geg1.c-oeg1'进行编译,并用'gdbeg1'启动gdb。

    Enter it into your favorite text editor with the same line spacings , save as'eg1 . c ' , compile with'gcc-g eg1.c-o eg1'and start gdb with'gdb eg1 ' .

  22. 选用40~80cm高的苗木,株行距规格可为4m×4m,在抚育期内应注意清除藻类及残次林木等。

    The seedlings should be 40 - 80 cm high , and the space of plantation should be 4 m x 4 m. During the tending period , alga and unnecessary woods should be cleared away .

  23. 在60cm和30cm两种行距种植方式下,随着种植密度的增加,最大叶面积指数均会增大,但增大的幅度不一样。

    Under the 60 cm and 30 cm row spaces , as the seeding rate increased the maximum LAI also would increase , but the range of increment was different between two row spaces .

  24. 选择株行距为3.5m×15m的枣豆间作田,研究其光照和土壤水分空间变化及其对大豆生长发育的影响。

    The effects of variations of light intensity and soil water content on soybean growth and development was carried out in jujube-soybean intercropping system , in which tree row spacings were 3.5 m × 15 m.

  25. 据此阐明目前生产上广泛采用67~70cm的垄作,已超过大豆的有效株行距,造成了土壤资源等的浪费。

    In the present production , the ridge width usually was 67 ~ 70cm , and longer than effective row width of soybean , which would waste soil resources .

  26. 在3种种植密度下,60cm行距种植的大豆群体,鼓粒期叶片衰减速率均比30cm行距的小。

    Under 3 different seeding rates , as soybeans Planted in 60 cm row space , the leaf area decrease rates at the grain filling stage were slower than those of planted in 30 cm .

  27. 不同密度有其适宜的株行距配置,在60.0万株/hm2密度下,20cm行距较30,40cm行距有利于优化大豆群体结构,实现高产。

    Different density has its fitting row spacing . Under the density of 60.0 × 104 plants per ha , row spacing ( 20 cm ) vails group structure is superior to row spacing ( 30 cm , 40 cm ), which is conductive to achieving high yield .

  28. 为使间套的两种作物都能高产稳产,应避免叶面积密集区间重叠,即株距应保持在29.6cm左右,大行距应大干90cm。

    In order to get high and stable yield for the two interplanting crops , the seed spacing should be 29.6 cm and the large row spacing should surpass 90 cm to aviod overlap of the condensed space intervals of maize leaf areas .

  29. 不同行距对一年生黑麦草产草量的影响

    Effect of Different Planting Row Space on Yield of Annual Ryegrass

  30. 桉树幼林不同株行距配置抗台风效果

    Effect of Different Spacing on Typhoon Resistance of Young Eucalyptus Plantation