
  • 网络administrative approval items
  1. 清理和减少了行政审批事项。

    Administrative procedures for examination and approval were rectified and reduced .

  2. 通过明确标准来科学界定行政审批事项的范围;

    Through nail down the standard to bound the range of administrative approval ;

  3. 减少行政审批事项,转变工作方式。

    The government has reduced administrative examination and approval items and changed work methods .

  4. 今年要再取消和下放行政审批事项200项以上。

    This year , we will cancel or delegate to lower-level governments an additional 200 plus items requiring State Council review and approval .

  5. 一年多来,中央政府各部门取消和下放了600多项行政审批事项。

    For the past year and more , central government departments have removed or delegated to lower levels administrative approval on over 600 items .

  6. 所有行政审批事项都要简化程序,明确时限,用政府权力的减法,换取市场活力的乘法。

    Procedures and processes must be simplified and time frames must be clarified for all items requiring administrative review , and cuts to government power will be made to boost market vitality .

  7. 2004年7月1日实施至今,我们欣喜地看到,行政审批事项在数量上有了极大的削减,行政许可更加高效、廉洁、公开。

    On July 1 , 2004 , implementation , we see gladly , administrative examination and approval items in a great number of cut , the administrative licensing more efficient and honest and open .

  8. 江苏省人民政府令第22号,公布《江苏省省级行政审批事项第二批清理方案》

    Decree No.22 of the People 's Government of Jiangsu Province , Promulgating the Plan of Clearing up the Items Subject to Administrative Examination and Approval of Jiangsu Province on the Provincial Level ( Second Batch )

  9. 简政放权、取消和下放行政审批事项,激发市场活力,让企业、社会更有创造力,就可以带动更多的就业。

    With administration streamlined and power delegated , some powers of administrative approval will be cancelled or delegated , which will energize the market and make the businesses and society more creative , thus generating more jobs .

  10. 加快外商投资管理体制改革,认真清理吸引外资行政审批事项,提高招商引资效益。

    Efforts will be made to expedite the reform of the foreign investment management system , seriously check up administrative deliberation and approval items related to foreign capital utilization , and increase the efficiency of foreign capital introduction .

  11. 现在国务院各部门行政审批事项还有1700多项,本届政府下决心要再削减三分之一以上。

    Right now , we have over 1,700 items that still require the approve of the state council department . Within the term of this department , we are determined to cut that figure by at least one third .

  12. 本系统的成功应用,可有效的体现政务公开,增加行政审批事项的透明度,减少公众办事的难度,提高机关工作效率和公共服务质量。

    The successful application of this system can effectively reflect the administrative affairs , increase the transparency of administrative examination and approval items , reducing the difficulty of the public act to improve office work efficiency and quality of public services .

  13. 国务院提出,本届政府任期5年内,至少取消和下放1/3以上的行政审批事项,省级政府也应根据实际情况提出明确要求。

    The State Council has set the goal of canceling or delegating over a third of the items requiring administrative review and approval within the five-year term of this government . The provincial governments should also set clear goals according to local realities .

  14. 对于东北的政府改革,中央提出,进一步转变政府职能,切实实行政企分开,减少行政审批事项。

    As for the reform of government in Northeast China , the central government put forward as following : further convert the function of government , really detach enterprise from government , cut down the items on the list of administrative examination and approval .

  15. 改革开放有新的突破,全面深化改革系列重点任务启动实施,本届政府减少1/3行政审批事项的目标提前实现。

    New breakthroughs were made in reform and opening up . A series of key tasks for comprehensively deepening reform were launched , and the goal of the current administration to cut the number of items that require government review by one third was achieved ahead of schedule .

  16. 因此,要深入贯彻行政许可法,进一步减少和规范行政审批事项。

    Therefore , to thoroughly implement the administrative permit law , further reduce and standardize administrative procedures for examination and approval .

  17. 电子监察系统是指行政监察机关运用网络技术,对行政审批服务事项实施监控、监督的系统。

    Electronic monitoring system is refers to the administrative supervision organs by using the network technology , the administrative approval matters , monitor the implementation of supervision system .

  18. 近年来,随着政府职能向服务型政府转变步伐的加快和行政审批制度改革的推进,各地纷纷建立起了以集中办理行政审批服务事项为主要职能的政务服务中心。

    In recent years , with the acceleration of the pace of constructing service-oriented government and the promoting of administrative approval system reform , all regions have established government affairs service centers in succession in order to concentrate on handling administrative approval .