
sān lún chē
  • tricycle;pedicab;three-wheeler;pedicel
三轮车 [sān lún chē]
  • [tricycle]脚踏、手摇或机动的有三个轮子的车辆

  1. 我们的儿子刚刚从骑三轮车过渡到骑普通自行车了。

    Our son has just graduated from a tricycle to a proper bicycle .

  2. 对处于产品设计阶段的某新型太阳能农用三轮车车架结构进行了静动态特性仿真分析。首先在Pro/e软件中建立了车架CAD模型,然后在MSC。

    In order to perform the dynamic analysis for a new type farm tricycle frame construction , a CAD model was built with by Pro / e software .

  3. 在片中他没有什么台词,主要是身穿一件半像“疯狂马克斯”(MadMax),半像中国工作服的衣服,蹬着一辆三轮车。

    He doesn 't say much more than that in the film , in which he mainly drives a tuk-tuk while wearing a costume that 's part Mad Max , part Chinese laborer 's uniform .

  4. 但在昨日,总部位于昌迪加尔(Chandigarh)、利用技术平台在摩托三轮车与乘客之间牵线搭桥的Jugnoo公司也对Ola提出指控。

    But yesterday Jugnoo , a Chandigarh-based company whose tech platform matches autorickshaws with passengers , made allegations against Ola .

  5. 印度喀拉拉邦(Kerala)的三轮车车夫,反对的是一条要求他们安装里程表以防宰客的新规。

    The Indian rickshaw drivers , based in Kerala , were objecting to a rule requiring them to install meters to prevent them overcharging .

  6. Ola已是印度最大叫车公司,每日通过出租车、租赁汽车和机动三轮车提供75万次的用车服务,占据印度80%的市场份额。

    Ola is already India 's biggest taxi-hailing business , with 750000 journeys a day in taxis , leased cars and motorised rickshaws giving it an 80 per cent market share .

  7. Bajaj是家生产三轮车的公司,对他们来讲,从“三轮”到“四轮”是一种提高,因为“四轮”汽车是高端产品。

    Bajaj is a maker of three-wheelers , and for them , moving from three wheel to four wheel is moving up for them because it 's high-end .

  8. 因此,在12月2日考试结束后,他们就飞往尼泊尔小镇Simara,在那里坐出租车赶到比尔根杰,然后乘三轮车进入了印度境内。

    So , after taking the test on Dec.2 , they flew to the Nepalese town of Simara , went from there to Birganj by taxi , and then by auto-rickshaw across the border .

  9. 他自己每天仍然亲自蹬三轮车挣钱。

    Bai still drove a tricycle to make money every day .

  10. 本装置也可用于摩托车、三轮车,有广阔的市场前景。

    The device can also be used for motorcycles and tricycles .

  11. 有个侧挂在三轮车上的的标志坏了。

    One of the side signs got destroyed on the pedicab .

  12. 你看,我喜欢喝酒,喜欢骑三轮车。

    Look , I like drinking and I love riding tricycles .

  13. 但多数孩子更愿意推或是拉着三轮车。

    But most of them prefer to push or drag them .

  14. 看看他们想不想在三轮车后打广告。

    And see if they wanna buy advertisement on the rickshaw .

  15. 三轮车齿轮配置为改善地勤和能见度;

    Tricycle gear configuration for improved ground handling and visibility ;

  16. 我失业的时候就去拉三轮车。

    When unemployed , I went to drive a tricycle .

  17. 支架其中两个是需要对每一个三轮车。

    Two of these bracket are required for each trike .

  18. 其实我可以自己坐三轮车回家的。

    In fact I could go home by wheels car .

  19. 低速大扭矩,特别适应三轮车低速重载的特点。

    Low speed with high torque adapts the characteristics of the tricycles .

  20. 你在外面骑三轮车,却什么都没赚到。

    You were out riding the rickshaw not making anything .

  21. 用三轮车把他送到了医院。

    He was taken to the hospital with a tricycle .

  22. 您要不要使用电池的小三轮车?

    Would you like a kiddie car operated on batteries ?

  23. 基于闭环系统的农用三轮车虚拟样机技术

    Virtual Prototype Technology of Agricultural Tricycle Based on Closed-loop System

  24. 这是我们早期设计的小三轮车

    This is an early design for this little three-wheel ,

  25. 摩托车:由内燃机驱动的两轮或三轮车。

    Motorcycle : Bicycle or tricycle propelled by an internal combustion engine .

  26. 简析我国农用三轮车产业现状

    Analysis on Industry Development Situation of Tricycle for Agricultures in Our Country

  27. 农用三轮车车架静动态特性仿真分析

    Statics and Dynamic Emulational Analysis of Farm Tricycle Frame

  28. 车架是电动三轮车的主要承载部件。

    The frame was the main load bearing components of the electric tricycle .

  29. 这台127岁高龄的水力三轮车以超过50万美元开始竞拍后快速上涨。

    The127-year-old water powered tricycle quickly rose above its $ 500,000 starting bid .

  30. 因为那车太沉了是啊骑着三轮车

    Because the weighs is more enough.No.Riding the tricycle .