
  • 网络gyroscope;gyro;Three-axis gyro;three-axis gyroscope
  1. 更绝妙的是有些感应器可以完全超越我们对自身状态的认知:例如全球卫星定位系统和此次被植入的三轴陀螺仪。

    What is even more exciting is that some sensors now can work far beyond our sensation , such as the GPS and the gyro .

  2. 用三轴转台辨识陀螺仪误差模型系数时的速率试验设计

    Angular Velocity Test Plan Design for Identifying the Error Model Coefficients of Gyro Using Three-Axis Turntable

  3. 该器件由两个结构完全相同的单轴水平陀螺仪和一个单轴垂直陀螺仪组合而成,三只单轴陀螺仪均采用静电驱动、电容检测的结构形式。

    The de - vice was a monolithic integration of two uniaxial in-plane ( x - and y-axis ) gyroscopes and one uniaxial out-of-plane ( z-ax - is ) gyroscope and the three individual gyroscopes were all actuated by electrostatic force and detected by capacitors .