
  • Stellar density;star density
  1. 为使密度波得以长期维持,星系中气体密度与恒星密度之比η应小于某一值。

    The ratio η between the densities of gas and stars in galaxies should be less than a certain value to maintain the density waves for a long time ;

  2. 星际气体激波与恒星线性密度波的总合自洽解

    The consistent solution for both the Galactic gaseous shock and linear stellar density wave

  3. 另一颗是白矮星—一种小型,昏暗,比地球稍大点的恒星,但密度极高,一汤匙的物质就有几吨重。

    The other is a white dwarf - a small , dim star a little larger than Earth , but so dense that a spoonful weighs tons .

  4. 孕育恒星的星云的密度和环绕地球的太空的密度是一样的。

    1 the clouds from which stars are born are as dense as the space around earth .