
  • 网络constant current source circuit
  1. 在硬件方面,主要设计了升压电路、恒流源电路、信号调理电路、DSP最小系统、A/D模块及系统通信模块电路。

    In the aspect of hardware design , the paper mainly designs boost-up circuit , constant current source circuit , signal conditioning circuit , minimum system of DSP , the A / D module and communication module circuit .

  2. 一种恒流源电路的巧妙设计

    Artful design of a constant current source circuit

  3. 将集成功率级LED与集成恒流源电路进行一体化混合集成工艺设计,保证了3~10W的集成LED在低于100mA的驱动电流下正常工作。

    This hybrid microcircuit processing was designed with high power LED and constant current diode IC circuit , guaranteed the 3 ~ 10 W integrated LED operating normally at drive current lower than 100 mA .

  4. 接着根据各个参数的相关算法提出了实现测试的方案,方案中主要包括:H桥驱动电路模块、恒流源电路模块、采集信号放大电路模块、微处理器控制模块等。

    Then , according to the various parameters ' associated algorithm , the paper designed a test program . The program mainly includes : the H-bridge drive circuit module , the circuit module of the constant current source , the acquisition signal amplifying circuit module , the microprocessor control module .

  5. 在催化燃烧式气敏元件测试分选系统中,硬件电路以MSP430单片机为核心器件,设计多档恒流源电路和信号调理电路,利用单片机内部A/D实现数据采集。

    The testing and sorting for catalytic combustion type gas sensor system uses MSP430 MCU as the main device to design the multi-constant-current source and signal adjusting circuit , the A / D module of MCU is used to carry out data acquisition .

  6. 在信号采集部分为避免铂电阻温度传感器因电流流过而产生焦耳热,系统采用0.5mA恒流源电路。

    To avoid platinum generate heating because of large current , signal acquisition circuit adopted 0.5 mA constant-current source circuit .

  7. 关于蓄电池充电器中的恒流源电路设计

    The Circuit Design of CCS in the Charger of Storage Battery

  8. 神经功能保护治疗仪的压控恒流源电路的研制

    The Development of Voltage Controlled Current Source for Neuroprotective Treatment Instrument

  9. 一种新颖的全数字式双向恒流源电路的设计

    Design of a Novel Digital Bidirectional Constant Current Source

  10. 恒流源电路是非线性闭环控制系统,本文应用自动控制原理来讨论交流恒流源的电路设计。

    The AC current source circuit is a nonlinear closed loop control system .

  11. 一种高负载恒流源电路装置的设计方法

    A Design Method High Burden Constant Current Source Installations

  12. 提出了功放系统的整体设计思路,分别设计了恒流源电路与交流放大电路;

    The overall design method of the power supply is put forward , constant-current source circuit and AC source circuit are developed separately ;

  13. 硬件电路的设计上研究了适用于本系统的恒流源电路、电压基准电路等。

    This paper study and design some circuits which is fit for the system such as fixed current circuit , voltage reference circuit and so on .

  14. 其中电压比测量法不需恒流源电路,可以有效地减小环境温度变化所引起的磁场测量误差。

    The constant current source circuit is not necessary for the voltage proportional measurement method and the measurement error caused by the variety of environmental temperature can be reduced effectively .

  15. 文中提出了一种采用电流闭环反馈控制的交流恒流源电路,重点介绍了该电路的设计思想。

    A stable AC current power supply circuit based on current closed-loop feedback control is brought forward in this paper and how to design the circuit is also emphatically introduced .

  16. 通过多路模拟开关与比例放大器的组合设置了多个电压、电流量程,利用恒流源电路实现了电阻/电压归一化测量。

    Through the combination of multi-channel analogue switch and proportion amplifier , more voltage and current range was set up . Through constant current source circuit , the resistance / voltage measure was normalized .

  17. 本文以催化燃烧式气敏元件为研究对象,完成了由多档恒流源电路、元件选择模块、信号调理和采集以及数据传输等部分组成的催化燃烧式气敏元件测试分选系统的研发。

    The paper accomplishes the design of catalytic combustion gas sensor testing system made up of multi-constant-current source circuit , component selection module , signal adjusting and data acquisition module , and data transmission module .

  18. 系统采用基于循环工况的电池组剩余电量神经模糊预测方法,并为了实现对电池单体电压的精确采集,设计出具有特色的压控恒流源电路。

    The method estimating SOC was proposed by established model and algorithm based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system at the operating condition of vehicle drive cycle . The voltage-controlled constant current source was designed to realize battery voltage acquisition precisely .

  19. 首先,介绍了高频激振器驱动电源的特点,提出了驱动电源的整体设计思路,分别设计了直流恒流源电路与电流反馈型功率放大电路;

    At first , the characteristics of the driving power amplifier were introduced , and the overall design method of the driving power amplifier was put forward , and then constant-current source circuit and power amplifier circuit of current feed-back were developed separately .

  20. 介绍了确定CMOS运算放大器各级工作点的恒流源偏置电路随辐照总剂量变化的响应特征及其辐照敏感性对运放整体性能参数的影响规律。

    The total dose radiation responses of the bias circuits of CMOS operational amplifier 's constant current sources and its influence on the integral circuit performance have been discussed .

  21. 为了将FPGA输出的电压信号转换为电流信号,设计了外围电压/电流转换电路,外围转换电路由多个压控双向恒流源单元电路构成。

    Then the FPGA converts image signals to electrical pulse . In order to convert the output voltage signals to current signals , we designed peripheral conversion circuit . The peripheral conversion circuit contains some voltage-controlled bidirectional constant current source units .

  22. 精密恒流源集成电路及其在固态传感器测量电路中的应用

    Precision Constant Current Source IC and Its Applications in Solid State Transducer Measurement Circuits

  23. 它包括数字化恒流源驱动电路,光电检测电路和温控电路等。

    It includes Digital constant-current source driver circuit 、 Photoelectric detection circuit and temperature control circuit .

  24. 探讨了恒流源测量电路、反馈电压补偿电路、可变电压源供电电路和有源网络差分电路等四种线性化处理电路;

    These linearity circuits include constant current source circuit , feedback voltage compensate circuit , alterable voltage source circuit and active network difference circuit .

  25. 对恒流源驱动电路的工作原理和稳定性进行了分析,采用电路补偿的方法,提高了电流的稳定性。

    The working principle and the stability of constant current circuit are analysed . It improves the current stability by applying the method of circuit compensation . 3 .

  26. 振荡器采用由迟滞比较器和恒流源充放电电路组成的张弛振荡器(设计频率为1MHZ,占空比为94%)。

    We designed a relaxation oscillator with1MHZ frequency and94 % duty cycle , which is composed of hysteresis comparator and charge and discharge circuit with constant current .

  27. 对半导体激光器的驱动恒流源及其保护电路的设计进行了细致的描述。

    Described meticulously driving constant current source and its protecting circuit of semiconductor laser .

  28. 研究设计了一种白光光源的驱动与控制系统,该系统包括可控恒流源、保护电路、光功率自动控制和温度监控等部分。

    Proposed an overall design project of visible light communication system based on white LED array source , had developed a prototype that can run actually .

  29. 主要介绍以可编程门阵列器件构成恒流源核心控制电路的设计思路,通过机电自控装置驱动可调变压器实现新的稳流方法,实验证明这一方法是可行的。

    A design method of using GAL to make a constant current source is introduced , proving a new method of current stabilization by means of driving regulated transformer by a controlling device .

  30. 该电路采用恒流源供电的输入电路,提高了信号电压Vt与温度T的线性度。

    The constant current supply for the input circuit is adopted , improving the linear relation between the signal voltage V , and temperature T.