
  • 网络A thousand feet;Chitari
  1. 在同样情况下,其他种类的千足虫可能会蜷缩成较为松散的螺旋形圆盘,或者形成溜圆的圆球

    Other types of millipedes may curl into a looser , sloppier spiral or form a neat ball .

  2. 卷尾猴经常擦用某种类型的千足虫的身体。

    Capuchin monkeys often rub their bodies with a certain type of millipede .

  3. 而千足虫就以植物的根部作食物。

    And the millipedes feed on the roots .

  4. 小蛇在遇到千足虫之前是有上百只脚的只是没有眼睛。

    Snake has hundreds and hundreds of legs , but no eyes , until he meets Millipede .

  5. 一般对由多节相似的分段组成瘦长身体的陆栖节肢动物的叫法;如蜈蚣或千足虫。

    General term for any terrestrial arthropod having an elongated body composed of many similar segments : e.g. centipedes and millipedes .

  6. 一些科学家推测,这些猴子摩擦与千足虫的身体,因为这样做有助于防止蚊子他们。

    Some scientists hypothesize that the monkeys rub their bodies with the millipedes because doing so helps protect them from mosquitoes .

  7. 丙卷尾猴与摩擦很少,除非在雨季时,蚊子数量达到最高峰,是千足虫的身体。

    C.The capuchins rarely rub their bodies with the millipedes except during the rainy season , when mosquito populations are at their peak .

  8. 洞穴底部有三个足球场大小,布满了千足虫、昆虫、蛇类和蝎子。

    The cave floor which is the size of three football pitches , is covered in millipedes , insects , snakes , and scorpions .

  9. 通过对千足虫所造成的混乱进行研究,贝克博士希望更多地了解它们对自然生态系统所造成的影响,以及应该如何对它们实施最有效地控制。

    With the results of this'Millipede Mayhem'experiment , Dr Baker hopes to learn more about the effect they are having on our natural ecosystems and how best to control them .

  10. 化验结果显示,从这些千足虫的尸体分泌物富含这两种化学物质有强大的蚊怕水,和蚊子携带寄生虫,减弱卷尾猴。

    Laboratory tests show that secretions from the bodies of these millipedes are rich in two chemicals that are potent mosquito repellents , and mosquitoes carry parasites that debilitate capuchins .

  11. 其中一些猴面包树的寿命可长达千年,足令人瞠目的是,其树高可达80英尺(即25米),直径则可达40英尺(即12米)。

    Some species of baobab trees can live for a thousand years & potentially reaching a stunning height of80 feet ( 25 meters ) and a diameter of40 feet ( 12 meters ) .