
sān jìn zhì
  • ternary
三进制[sān jìn zhì]
  1. 对称三进制逻辑CMOS电路的试制

    The Development of CMOS Symmetrical Ternary Logic Circuit

  2. 然后将二进制中的loop细分算法引入到三进制细分方法中,研究其细分矩阵,从而得到了三进制loop细分方法的细分规则。

    Then binary loop subdivision is imported to ternary subdivision scheme , subdivision rule of ternary loop subdivision scheme is obtained by the research of the subdivision matrix .

  3. 首先以二次B样条为例,通过对三进制细分的形成原理的分析,得到了二次B样条曲线的三进制细分方案。

    Firstly as example for quadratic B-spline , ternary subdivision scheme of quadratic B-spline curve is obtained by analyzing the elements of ternary subdivision .

  4. 试验结果表明三进制loop细分方法具有更快的收敛速度,且能保证细分曲面的光滑性。

    The experiment shows that ternary loop subdivision method is faster in the speed of convergence than binary loop subdivision , and can ensure the smooth of the subdivision surface .

  5. 对称三进制乘法算法给出了CMOS三进制乘法器及9进制7段字形译码器的设计方案。并分析、讨论了该系统的特点。

    A Multiplying Algorithm of Symmetric Ternary System The design of CMOS ternary multi-plier and 9 & carry corry code to 7-segment decoder is presented .

  6. 2002年,Hassan提出了一类三进制四点法。

    In 2002 , Dr. Hassan presented a novel approach named for 4-point ternary stationary subdivision scheme .

  7. 根据有关对称三进制逻辑的资料,结合CMOS电路生产工艺特点,设计并试制了对称三值逻辑CMOS系列电路。

    A CMOS symmetrical three-valued ternary logic circuit was designed and fabricated , based on the information associated with symmetrical ternary logic combined with CMOS circuit processing features .

  8. 文章首先建立了多用户通信传输的系统模型,分析了三进制互补集及其递归构造方法,进而提出了一种利用Rake接收的三进制互补集多用户通信性能评估结构。

    First the system model of multiple access communications was founded , then ternary complementary set and its recursive construction method were analyzed , and then the performance evaluation structure of multiple access communications based the ternary complementary sets by use of the Rake receiver was put forward .

  9. 三进制对称和反对称半正交小波的构造

    Construction of symmetric and anti-symmetric semi-orthogonal wavelets with dilation factor 3

  10. 一种基于三进制小波变换的纹理分割方法

    An Approach to Texture Segmentation Based on 3-band Wavelet Transformation

  11. 本文提出了一种新的模式表示法:三进制表示法。

    A new representation method of schema called ternary representation is proposed .

  12. 三进制四点细分算法及其性质

    Four - point Ternary Stationary Subdivision Scheme and Its Properties

  13. 三进制四点法的连续性与误差估计

    Continuity and Error Estimate of 4-Point Ternary Stationary Subdivision Scheme

  14. 对称三进制除法算法研究

    The Study of Division Algorithm of Symmetric Ternary System

  15. 应用三进制方法完整地研究了帐篷映射的动力学特性。

    The dynamic properties of tent map are discussed completely using ternary notation .

  16. 新型三进制多电平功率放大器的研究

    The Research on a new Triple Multilevel Amplifier

  17. 用游程长度受限码存储三进制数初析m元格雷码

    Primary Analysis of Storing Ternary Numbers by Using Run-Length-Limited Coding * m-Ary Gray Codes

  18. 基于三进制表示的新模式定理

    Schema theorem based on ternary representation

  19. 扬雄的三进制理论

    Yang Xiong 's Ternary Theory

  20. 本文给出了一种三进制双正交对称小波的设计方法。

    In this paper , a design method of triadic bi - orthogonal symmetric wavelets is proposed .

  21. 利用预处理,对称三进制算法比二进制预计算算法效率有18%的提升。

    Using pretreatment , symmetrical ternary algorithm is expected to be18 % of ascension than binary algorithm efficiency .

  22. 简介了三进制加、减、乘、除的运算法。

    Generally introduces the operation methods of addition , subtraction , multiplication , and division in trinary system .

  23. 本文从负数表示的研究引入对称三进制系统与对称三值逻辑。

    Symmetric ternary systems and symmetric ternary logic are introduced from the research on the expression of negative numbers .

  24. 实验结果验证了这个结论。另外,实验结果表明三进制比二进制矩阵嵌入的嵌入效率高。

    Moreover , experimental results show that the embedding efficiency of ternary matrix encoding is larger than that of binary matrix encoding .

  25. 以对称三进制光学半加器为基础,提出了一个对称三进制光学全加器方案。

    Based on the principle of balanced ternary optical half-adder , a design of balanced ternary optical adder is proposed in this paper .

  26. 仿真结果表明,在SV/IEEE802.15.3a信道模型下三进制互补集相对于其它随机序列而言具有更好的性能。

    Simulation results show that ternary MO complementary sets have better performances compared with other random sequences in the SV / IEEE 802.15.3a channel model .

  27. 通过对扬雄三进制由来的揭示,继而论证了各数难以确认的原因;

    The essay introduces the source of " Yang Xiong 's Trinary System ", and analyses the reasons why it is difficult to ascertain each number .

  28. 本课题的研究是基于泛布尔代数上对逻辑控制器进行仿真研究和对四位三进制运算器的设计。

    This research , basing on the Pan-Boolean Algebra , introduces the following two works : simulation work of the logic controller and design operators of two four-digit numbers in ternary system .

  29. 基于三进制表示法,深入研究了均匀杂交对模式的存活能力和新建能力的影响,然后研究了在存活和新建共同作用下均匀杂交对模式的影响。

    In this dissertation , the effects of the schema survival and the schema construction of uniform crossover are analyzed based on ternary representation . Subsequently , the united action of schema survival and construction of uniform crossover is discussed too .

  30. 本文根据JK触发器的翻转功能,通过对异步三位五进制计数器的分析,指出计数器翻转的充分条件和必要的条件。

    Based on the roll function of JK flip flops and by the analysis on a 3 bit asynchronous modulo 5 counter , this paper points out the necessary and sufficient condition that make a counter changes .