
  • 网络Binary System
  1. 本文从余数系统的相关理论出发,深入理解了余数系统和十进制系统以及二进制系统之间的关系和它们之间相互转换的算法。

    In this dissertation , we carry out a comprehensive introduction for the relevant theories of the residue number system and the relationship between the residue number system and the binary system .

  2. 另一个假说认则为这种不寻常的射电源源于二进制系统,包含热白矮星、中子星或黑洞,瀑布只是能量系统在释放而已。

    Another hypothesis is that the unusual radio source originates from a binary system containing a hot white dwarf , neutron star , or black hole , and that the waterfall is just a jet from this energetic system .

  3. 神经网络是一种非线性动力学系统,在二进制系统信道均衡实现方面得到非常成功的应用。

    The neural network , which is a nonlinear dynamic system , has been successfully applied in the channel equalization of binary digital communication systems .

  4. 以此为依据,完成了余数系统和二进制系统之间的前向转换电路设计,并基于中国剩余定理完成了后向转换电路设计。

    And on this basis , we completed the circuit design of the binary-to-residue converter and the residue-to-binary converter based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem ( CRT ) .

  5. 纯二进制记数系统中使用的数字1或0。同bit。

    Either of the digits 0 or 1 when used in the pure binary numeration system .

  6. 研究内容主要包括:整个动态二进制翻译系统的软硬件划分、软件与硬件之间如何实现高效的通信、以及硬件如何高效地收集profile信息。

    The main contents of this thesis include : the hardware-software partition of the whole CrossBit , how to communicate efficiently between hardware and software , and how to collect efficiently profile information .

  7. WebSphere概要同WebSphere产品的二进制或者系统文件在物理上是分离的,其仅仅被终端用户流程所读取并且不能修改。

    The WebSphere profile is physically separate from the WebSphere product binaries , or system files , which are only read by the end user processes and never modified by them .

  8. 然后介绍了我们设计并实现的二进制翻译系统ITA及其关键技术。

    Then the binary translation system ITA , which is developed by us , is introduced .

  9. 介绍了静态二进制翻译系统ITA中基于控制流和数据流分析的函数返回类型恢复技术,并给出相应的实现算法。

    The technology of recover function return type in ITA binary translator , which is based on the control-flow and data-flow , was introduced , and the corresponding algorithm was also proposed .

  10. 实现了静态二进制翻译系统ITA,对静态二进制翻译方法进行了深入地探索,为进一步研究二进制翻译技术搭建了有用的实验平台。

    We design and implement a static binary translator : ITA , with which we do our research on static binary translation , it can be used as the experimental platform for the deeper research on binary translation technique .

  11. 通过矩阵乘法实验表明,静态二进制翻译系统SBTG翻译生成的并行程序不仅能正确执行传统串行程序的功能,而且执行速度比传统串行程序要快。

    Through the matrix multiplication results show that the parallel program which is generated by the static binary translation system SBTG not only properly perform the function of traditional serial program , but also its execution speed faster than the implementation of traditional serial procedures .

  12. 数字计算机都使用二进制数字系统。

    The binary system of numbers is used in digital computers .

  13. 500MW机组二进制控制系统分析

    An analysis of the binary control system in boiler - turbine unit

  14. 一个用户级动态二进制翻译系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Dynamic User-Level Binary Translation System

  15. 纯二进制记数系统中的基数补码。

    The radix complement in the pure binary numeration system .

  16. 用于航空电子系统升级的二进制翻译系统

    A Binary - Translation System for Avionics System Upgrade

  17. 基于差别矩阵的二进制信息系统的约简方法

    A Reducing Method for Information Systems with Binary Data Base on Contrast Matrix

  18. 翻译单元的构造对动态二进制翻译系统的性能有着重要影响。

    Construction of translation units deeply affects the performance of binary translation systems .

  19. 伪随机二进制操舵系统

    Rudder steering system controled by pseudo-random binary signs

  20. 面向瘦客户端的分布式动态二进制翻译系统

    Distributed Dynamic Binary Translation System for Thin Client

  21. 计算机使用二进制数字系统。一个二进制数字称为一位。

    Computers use the binary number system . A binary digit is called a bit .

  22. 光双二进制传输系统的性能研究

    Transmission Performance of Optical Duobinary Transmission System

  23. 表示非二进制计数系统的基数数字所需要的二进制数字的平均个数。

    The average number of binary digits required to express one redix digit in a non-binary numeration system .

  24. 传统的二进制计数系统具有链式进位,往往限制了计算机的运算速度。

    The conventional binary number system has a carry chain which often limits the efficiency of computer arithmetic .

  25. 在二进制增益系统中,用4位或更多数码来确定各个样的振幅范围。

    In binary-gain system 4 more bits are used to specify the amplitude range within which the samples fall .

  26. 要制造任何类型的二进制存贮系统,首先需要有一个存贮媒体。

    To construct a binary memory system of any type , it is first necessary to have a storage medium .

  27. 在动态二进制翻译系统中,浮点运算单元是用来翻译和执行浮点运算指令的一个重要组成部分。

    In dynamic binary translation system , floating point unit is an important component to translate and execute floating point instructions .

  28. 二进制翻译系统是不同平台之间代码移植的桥梁,而系统的性能是制约着其应用的一个主要因素。

    Binary translation system is a bridge between codes of different platforms , while the performance of the system restricts its application .

  29. 计算该模型的误字率和通信效率、并与门限型判决模型和二进制传输系统作了比较。

    The detection characteristics of this system are made clear by comparing it with a threshold type decision model and ordinary systems .

  30. 而动态库支持技术是可重定向动态二进制翻译系统能够支持实际应用程序的关键技术。

    And the dynamic library support technique is the key way that makes dynamic binary translation system capable of running the practical program .