
  • 网络word figure
  1. 阿拉伯数字与汉字大写数字认知的大脑功能一侧化实验研究

    An experimental study on functional hemispheric lateralization in cognitive processing Arabic numerals and numerals in capitals of Chinese characters

  2. 用半视野速示术检查阿拉伯数字和汉字大写数字在三种任务加工条件(认读、简单相加、奇偶概念异同判断)下进行认知的大脑两半球机能活动一侧化效应。

    Tachistoscopic visual half-field test was used to investigate functional hemispheric laterality for three kinds of cognitive processing task ( reading , simple addition and conceptual decision ) on Arabic numerals and numerals in capital of Chinese characters .

  3. 请确保金额的大写与其数字表示一致,否则银行将拒收支票。

    Please make sure that the amount in words must be consisted with that in figure , otherwise the bank will dishonor the check .

  4. 大写人民币金额数字的FoxPro自定义函数及其调用

    A FoxPro User-Defined Function and its Calling that Transform Amount-of-Money of RMB from Numerals into Capital Form of Chinese Words

  5. W3Eval的变量是不限长度的大写字母和数字序列,其首字符必须是字母。

    A variable in W3Eval is an unlimited-length sequence of uppercase letters and digits , the first of which must be a letter .

  6. pwgen可以生成一个或多个密码,可以指定不同的密码长度,可以指定必须包含大写字母或数字。

    Pwgen can generate one or multiple passwords , and you can specify different password lengths , which can include using a capital or numeric digit .

  7. 大写字母和数字最容易阅读。

    Capital letters and numbers are the most easily read .

  8. 这些字符进行编码,包括大写字母和数字。

    Characters available for encoding include uppercase letters and numbers .

  9. 可以在密码里加入大写字母、数字或特殊字符。

    This password could still be stronger by adding upper case letters , numbers or special characters .

  10. 并且我也不建议大家用大写字母和数字来命名,会造成不必要的麻烦,嘿嘿!

    As a rule , naming and calling functions using lowercase generally makes your M-files more portable from one operating system to another .

  11. 参与者的表现非常好,他们认识到密码中间加入大写字母、数字和符号会更安全,同时要避免使用名字。

    Participants did reasonably well - identifying the benefits of capitals , digits and symbols in the middle of apassword , and avoiding names .

  12. 确保您的密码具有某一长度(八个或更多字符),并包含大写字母、数字和特定的字符,如!

    Making sure your password is of a certain length ( eight or more characters ) and contains uppercase letters , numbers , and special characters & like !

  13. 在字符识别方面,本文将牌照上的字符分为两大类:汉字和符号(包括英文大写字母和数字)。

    In character recognition , the dissertation classifies the characters of vehicle license plate to two different regimentations : one is the Chinese characters , the other is the symbols including alphabetic and digital characters .

  14. 本文主要研究和实现了对背景图像中的印刷体大写英文字母和数字的自动识别。

    This article is mainly concerned about the auto-recognition of printed capital English letters and digits in background image .

  15. 如果在大写字母中添加数字和(或)符号,18天之内你的账户会安然无恙。

    Add numbers and / or symbols to your password and the hacker 's computer has to work for 18 days .

  16. 在该项目中,需要识别的字符比较多,包括英文大写字母、阿拉伯数字、一些专用符号、部分汉字,这些字符集可能发生变化,要求识别精度比较高。

    The characters which are to be recognized include the uppercase English letters , digits , some special symbols and some Chinese characters , and the character-set may be changed in the future . The required recognition rate is fairly high .