
  • 网络Big Sur
  1. 600多名消防人员正在加州大苏尔地区进行森林大火的紧急消防工作。

    More than 600 firefighters are battling a wildfire in California 's Big Sur area .

  2. 从那以后,他“曾受到卡普里岛、怀俄明州和大苏尔景区的启发”,但从不只拿某种地方特色做文章。

    He 's since " played with Capri , Wyoming and Big Sur , " but not with any sort of specificity .

  3. 从俄勒冈到大苏尔市的海岸丘陵地带的一种高大常绿红木。

    Lofty evergreen of United States coastal foothills from Oregon to big sur .

  4. 在圣地亚哥,正是埃尔卡洪我住在我的朋友娜塔莎和菲利普的家里我是谁在大苏尔会见了!

    In San Diego , exactly El Cajon I stayed at my friends Natasha and Philip 's house who I met in Big Sur !

  5. 然而,1939年,人们在大苏尔海岸再次发现了这种标志性的哺乳动物,从那以后,加州海獭在渐渐的复出。

    But the iconic mammal was rediscovered on the Big Sur coast in1939 , and has been making a gradual comeback ever since & or had been .

  6. 据报道,这场婚礼耗资9百万美金,举办地点位于美国加利福尼亚大苏尔海岸寓所,有300位嘉宾共同见证这一美妙时刻。

    The nuptials , which reportedly cost $ 9 million , took place in the coastal retreat of Big Sur , California in front of 300 guests .

  7. 2012年8月4日:奥斯卡影后娜塔莉·波特曼和未婚夫本杰明·米派德在加州大苏尔举行了低调的婚礼仪式。

    August 4 , 2012 : Actress Natalie Portman married her longtime fiance , Benjamin Millepied , in a private ceremony at a home in Big Sur , California .

  8. 2012年9月29日:女神安妮·海瑟薇和交往多年的男友亚当·舒尔曼在加州大苏尔一处私人庄园举行了盛大的结婚仪式。

    September 29 , 2012 : Actress Anne Hathaway and her longtime boyfriend , Adam Shulman , were married in a gorgeous ceremony at a private estate in Big Sur , California .

  9. 此外,据《Vogue》杂志报道,自从电视剧《大小谎言》播出后,去加州蒙特利的游客数量大增(不过游客要是知道该剧大部分都是在马里布和大苏尔拍摄的,恐怕会感到失望);

    In addition , Vogue reported that Monterey , California had seen a bump in tourism since Big Little Lies premiered ( those visitors might be disappointed to learn that much of it was filmed in Malibu and Big Sur ) ;