
  • 网络reed college
  1. 乔布斯后来从俄勒冈州里德学院(ReedCollege)辍学。1974年,他为了寻求开悟远赴印度。

    Jobs later dropped out of Reed College , Oregon , and in 1974 went to India in search of spiritual enlightenment .

  2. 高中毕业后,他进入里德学院(ReedCollege)学习,但第二学期就被迫辍学,因为他妈妈之前忘了帮他填写拿奖学金所必需的财力证明表!

    After high school he attended Reed College , but had to drop out in the second semester because his mother had failed to fill out scholarship forms .

  3. 俄勒冈里德学院的MarkBedau说文特尔先生的工作相对传统的针对单个基因的基因工程迈出了具有标志性的重要的一步。

    Mark Bedau of Reed College in Oregon says Mister Venter 's work marks an important step over traditional genetic engineering of individual genes .

  4. 就读于俄勒冈里德学院生物专业的学生MorganVague,称如果进展加速的话,就能够解决世界上“大部分”的塑料问题,因为每年都有百万吨的塑料垃圾掩埋或者投入海中。

    Morgan Vague , who is studying biology at Reed College in Oregon , said the process , if sped up , could play a " big part " of solutions to the planet 's plastic problem , which sees millions of tonnesdumped in landfill and oceans every year .

  5. 5年前,迷幻启蒙运动的领袖蒂莫西·利里(TimothyLeary)在他的“精神探索联盟”高校之旅中,曾经盘腿坐在里德学院的草地上,大声呼喊:

    Five years earlier Timothy Leary , the guru of psychedelic enlightenment , had sat cross-legged at the Reed College commons while on his League for Spiritual Discovery ( LSD ) college tour , during which he exhorted his listeners ,

  6. 史蒂夫刚刚来到里德学院的时候则恰恰相反。

    Steve was the absolute opposite when he came to Reed .

  7. 当时,里德学院的书法课大概是全国最好的。

    ReedCollegeat that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction inthe country .

  8. 他喜欢待在里德学院,只是不想去上那些必修课。

    He liked being at Reed , just not taking the required classes .

  9. 在里德学院入读一小段时间后

    After a short time at Reed College ,

  10. 如果他不能去里德学院的话,那么他就哪儿都不去。

    If he couldn 't go to Reed , he wouldn 't go anywhere .

  11. 1972年下半年,乔布斯来到里德学院的时候,美国的校园生活发生了根本性的转变。

    In late 1972 , there was a fundamental shift happening in American campus life .

  12. 卡尔霍恩和乔布斯、弗里德兰、科特基以及霍姆斯一起就读于里德学院。

    Calhoun had been at Reed with Jobs , Friedland , Kottke , and Holmes .

  13. 在此期间,乔布斯在里德学院作为一名边缘人物,过着放荡不羁的生活。

    In the meantime Jobs eked out a bohemian existence on the fringes of Reed .

  14. 俄勒岗州的里德学院

    to Reed College in Oregon

  15. 那年秋天他来到了里德学院,立刻开始竞选学生会主席,

    That fall he headed off to Reed , where he immediately ran for student body president ,

  16. 而负责管理的正是乔布斯在里德学院的精神导师罗伯特·弗里德兰,他的团结农场就在附近。

    that was managed by Jobs 's Reed College guru Robert Friedland , whose All One Farm commune was nearby .

  17. 尽管入学六个月以后就离开了里德学院,他仍获邀在斯坦福大学发表2005年度毕业演讲。

    Despite leaving Reed College after six months , he was asked to give the 2005 commencement speech at Stanford .

  18. 俄勒冈里德学院两名数学专业的学生显然从来没有计算过一个失控的大雪球会造成多严重的损坏。

    In Oregon , two math majors in Reed college apparently never calculated just how much damage a massive runaway snowball could do .

  19. 从里德学院辍学后,他就去参加了一个美术字班,从此痴迷于各种字体和书法。

    After dropping out of his classes at Reed , he sat in on a calligraphy class and became fascinated with fonts and penmanship .

  20. 实际上,他惊讶地发现,尽管里德学院有着嬉皮士的氛围,但也有非常严格的课程要求,

    In fact he was surprised when he found out that , for all of its hippie aura , there were strict course requirements .

  21. 许多里德学院的学生把这三条吿诫奉为座右铭,学校在20世纪70年代的退学率超过了1/3。

    Many of Reed 's students took all three of those injunctions seriously ; the dropout rate during the 1970s was more than one-third .

  22. 他并不是真的想离开里德学院,他只是不想再付学费,也不想再去上那些提不起他兴趣的课程了。

    He didn 't actually want to leave Reed ; he just wanted to quit paying tuition and taking classes that didn 't interest him .

  23. 我在里德学院待了六个月就办理休学了。后来我又回到学校呆了大概十八个月就彻底退学了。

    I dropped out of Reed College after the first six months but then stayed around as a drop-in for another eighteen months or so before I really quit .

  24. 我在里德学院读了六个月之后就退学了,但是在十八个月以后&我真正的作出退学决定之前,我还经常去学校。

    I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months , but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit .

  25. 他坚持唯一的一个选项是里德学院,位于俄勒冈州波特兰市的一所私立文理学院,也是全美最贵的大学之一。

    Instead he insisted on applying only to Reed College , a private liberal arts school in Portland , Oregon , that was one of the most expensive in the nation .

  26. 雅达利1974年2月,在里德学院晃荡了18个月之后,乔布斯决定搬回父母在洛斯阿尔托斯的住处,然后找一份工作。

    Atari In February 1974 , after eighteen months of hanging around Reed , Jobs decided to move back to his parents ' home in Los Altos and look for a job .

  27. 他在伯克利看望沃兹的时候接到了父亲的电话,被告知里德学院的录取通知书到了,同时父亲还试图劝说史蒂夫不要去那里,母亲也劝他。

    He was visiting Woz at Berkeley when his father called to say an acceptance letter had arrived from Reed , and he tried to talk Steve out of going there . So did his mother .

  28. 追寻好奇与直觉的我所驻足的大部分事物,这些在我看来都成了无价之宝。举例来说,当时里德学院书法课大概是全国最好的。

    And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on.Let me give you one example.Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country.Throughout the campus every poster ,