
  • 网络Rio Centre
  1. 根据蚂蜂窝旅游网的数据统计显示,里约中心的一些五星级酒店早已被预订一空,而四星酒店的价格也在飙升。

    Statistics from Mafengwo showed that some five-star hotels in the center of Rio have long been booked out , while prices at four-star hotels surged .

  2. 8月12日晚上,在里约中心体育馆,外国游客和运动员们对巴西观众的关注程度不亚于对奥运会本身,并且颇有微词。

    At the Riocentro sports complex on Friday night ( Aug. 12 ) , the fans were as much the talk of foreign tourists and athletes as the Games themselves .

  3. 此前仅在网上对巴西居民出售的门票如今也在里约两个购物中心的销售点销售了。

    Tickets , previously only available to Brazilian residents online , are now on sale at two shopping mall outlets in Rio .