
zī ɡé sài
  • qualifying contest;qualifier
  1. 在今天的资格赛中,他必须排名靠前才能进入决赛。

    He needs a high placing in today 's qualifier to reach the final .

  2. 他在首场资格赛中很快便跑出最快速度,击败了所有对手。

    He soon hit top speed to outgun all his rivals in the opening qualifying session .

  3. 加德纳在资格赛中创下了最快圈速的纪录,赢得了今天美国大奖赛的杆位。

    Gardner recorded the fastest lap in qualifying to earn pole position for today 's US Grand Prix .

  4. B小组则包括西班牙,阿根廷,立陶宛,东道主巴西,尼日利亚以及一只7月份决定的资格赛球队。

    Group B includes Spain , Argentina , Lithuania , host Brazil , Nigeria and the remaining July qualifier .

  5. BMW杯国际高尔夫赛包括分区资格赛、中国区决赛和世界总决赛三个阶段。

    The BMW Golf Cup International includes three stages : regional qualifying , China final , and world final .

  6. 在关天朗之前,14岁的中国选手张华创(AndyZhang)于今年6月通过资格赛,成为史上最年轻的美国公开赛参赛者。

    Guan 's success follows that of compatriot Andy Zhang , who in June came through qualifying to become the youngest-ever U.S. Open competitor at the age of 14 .

  7. 这些资格赛大多在冬季或传统的篮球赛季期间进行,这就意味着许多国家最好的球员无法参赛,更别说NBA球员了!

    Most of these qualifying games were played during the winter months and traditional basketball season , which often meant countries ' best players couldn 't participate . Certainly no NBA players did .

  8. 世界杯如此备受瞩目,以至于NBA暂停其赛程,让杰出的美国球员们飞往乌拉圭或巴西参与激烈的赛季中期资格赛。

    The World Cup will be so highly thought of that the NBA will halt its schedule and the great American players of the day will fly off to Uruguay or Brazil for intense midseason qualification games .

  9. 阿森纳将再一次近距离考察安德莱赫的文森特孔帕尼。这个天才横溢的年轻球员在星期三傍晚的冠军杯资格赛对阵SlaviaPrague出场。

    Arsenal will once again take a close look at Anderlecht 's Vincent Kompany , whilst the talented youngster plays in the UEFA Champions League qualifier against Slavia Prague on Wednesday evening .

  10. 资格赛可以使用纸质靶纸或电子靶,决赛必须使用国际射联(ISSF)指定的电子靶。

    Qualifying competition may use paper target or electronic target , while electronic target specified by ISSF must be used in finals .

  11. 虽然参加世界杯的32支球队都必须经过为期两年、艰难痛苦的资格赛才能出线,但国际足联(FIFA)仍要从40多个国家中选拔裁判,以示对所有成员联盟的公平。

    While the World Cup 's 32 teams must play their way into the tournament through a grueling two-year qualifying process , FIFA , the sport 's governing body , pulls referees from more than 40 countries out of a sense of fairness to all of its member associations .

  12. 瑞士当局周四晚上表示,它们已经拘捕了两名FIFA官员阿维特和纳波特,他们被指控收受与世界杯资格赛和拉丁美洲两项足球锦标赛的市场开发权有关的数以百万美元计的贿赂。

    Swiss authorities said on Thursday morning that they had taken two FIFA officials , Mr. Hawit and Mr. Napout , into custody and that they were accused of accepting millions of dollars in bribes related to the sale of marketing rights for World Cup qualifying matches and soccer tournaments in Latin America .

  13. 他们必须赢得这场资格赛才能进入决赛。

    They must win the qualifying game to enter the competition .

  14. 在安道尔举行的有东道国参加的预选资格赛

    a preliminary qualifying tournament in Andorra involving the host country .

  15. 我现在伦敦大学学院的创建和欧罗巴联赛资格赛。

    I am now creating UCL and Europa League qualifying rounds .

  16. 你们没有赢过一场地区资格赛。

    You didn 't win a regional qualifying match .

  17. 欧足联批准利物浦参加冠军联赛资格赛第一轮。

    UEFA elect Liverpool to the first qualifying round of the Champions League .

  18. 全国锦标赛的资格赛。

    The qualifying rounds of the national championships .

  19. 等奎罗斯回来的时候冠军杯的资格赛目标应该已经梦碎了。

    By the time Queiroz comes back , the qualifying campaign could be in tatters .

  20. 他们在资格赛中保持不败并力压瑞典、加利亚和匈牙利位列小组第一。

    They were unbeaten and finished top of a group that contained Sweden , Bulgaria and Hungary .

  21. 在下周的英格兰对战黑山的欧洲杯资格赛中,杰拉德并未出现在国家队大名单里。

    Steven Gerrard has been omitted from the England squad for next week 's game with Montenegro .

  22. 美国队本就期望在星期二的决赛中取得比资格赛更好的成绩。

    The United States team was hoping to perform better in the finals Tuesday than it had in qualifying .

  23. 五个小组资格赛的冠、亚军将参加决赛。

    The winner and second fastest runner from each of the five qualifying heats will run in the finals .

  24. 在基辅,舍瓦对乌克兰击败苏格兰的做出了重要贡献,(苏格兰在资格赛中首次失利)。

    In Kiev , Andriy Shevchenko was much involved in Ukraine inflicting Scotland 's first defeat in the qualifiers .

  25. 我们想避免过早的进入冠军杯资格赛,我们做到了。

    We wanted to avoid coming back early for a qualification match in Europe and we 've done that .

  26. 当晏紫以5:4领先的时候有机会参加资格赛,她也在全心全意地备战第二轮的比赛。

    Yan had her chances of leveling the match when she was 5-4 ahead and serving for the second set .

  27. 因为当其它31支球队在残酷的资格赛中磨练了他们的技术时,东道主德国队则自动取得世界杯参赛资格。

    While the other thirty-one teams honed their skills during the rigorous qualifying process the host country has automatic admission .

  28. 经过八轮资格赛和两轮半决赛之后,160名选手中有15名进入了上周五的最终决赛。

    After eight qualifying rounds and two semifinals , 160 entrants were winnowed down to 15 for Friday night 's final .

  29. 中国男排雅典奥运会资格赛成败因素分析

    Analysis of the Results of Chinese Men 's Volleyball Team in Men 's Qualification Tournament for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games

  30. 他的队友西维利亚希望他能赶上冠军杯资格赛,目前他正在恢复中。

    Teammate Sebastiano Siviglia also hopes to be available for the Champions League fixture , as he is recovering from a knee injury .