
jìng jì
  • sports;athletics;rodeo
竞技 [jìng jì]
  • [sports;athletics] 比赛技艺,多指体育比赛

竞技[jìng jì]
  1. 在英文中,E-sports是电子竞技的简称。

    E-sports is short for electronic sports .

  2. 这样就实现了电子竞技游戏的Internet联机功能。

    And so the Internet online function of the electronic sports games has been realized .

  3. 我们决心要杜绝体育竞技活动中的种族歧视现象。

    We are determined to eradicate racism from our sport .

  4. 运动员都处于最佳竞技状态。

    The athletes are all on top form .

  5. 他并不特别想从事竞技体育运动。

    He did not particularly want to take up a competitive sport

  6. 毕尔巴鄂竞技队同意在皇家社会队主场打一场友谊赛。

    Athletic Bilbao agreed to play a friendly at Real Sociedad .

  7. 运动员必须锻炼以保持良好的竞技状态。

    Athletes must train to be in condition .

  8. 他是位竞技意识强的运动员。

    He is a competitive athlete .

  9. 他今天竞技状态肯定不佳,打得还不抵平时一半好呢。

    He must be off his game today ; he is not playing half as well as he used to .

  10. 在电子竞技中,玩家们在众多观众面前玩游戏并进行对抗。

    In e-sports , teams of gamers play electronic games in front of many people and compete .

  11. 就像足球、篮球和棒球一样,电子竞技在全世界都很流行。

    Just like soccer , basketball and baseball , e-sports has become very popular around the world .

  12. 图二显示了去年的一项调查,展示了中国大学生最喜欢的前三大电子竞技项目。

    Chart Ⅱ shows the top three most followed e-sports among Chinese college students from a survey last year .

  13. 凯蒂是世界上第一个依靠两条义肢参与跑步竞技的人。

    Katy was the first person in the world with two prosthetic legs to take up running as a competitive sport .

  14. 彩弹射击(真人CS)Paintballing彩弹射击是一项竞技性团体射击运动,玩家们用一种被称为彩弹的球形染色明胶胶囊击打对手,以此在比赛中淘汰对手。

    Paintballing is a competitive team shooting sport in which players eliminate opponents from play by hitting them with spherical dye-filled gelatin capsules called paintballs that break upon impact .

  15. 我的竞技状态不佳,我输就输在这一点上

    I wasn 't in form , that 's what ailed me . \\ "

  16. 牛仔竞技表演中一匹弓背跳跃的野马

    a bucking bronco in the rodeo

  17. 两支相互竞争的球队之间的足球比赛有时也叫做德比。足球比赛中的德比相当于北美体育比赛中的“同城竞技”。

    A soccer game between two rival teams is also sometimes referred to as a " derby . " A derby is the soccer equivalent of the sort of game that is called a " crosstown rivalry2 " in North American sports .

  18. 从运动训练学角度分析CUBA联赛的竞技水平

    Analyze the CUBA Athletics Level from the Movement Training Discipline

  19. 对于马而言Mu阿片受体基因与竞技马的竞技水平信息相关的、是很有研究意义的项目。

    The researching of horses ' Mu opioid receptor is significant for racing horse industry .

  20. 政府也参与其中,成立了韩国电子竞技协会(KoreanE-SportsAssociation,简称KeSPA),负责电子竞技体育的管理工作。

    The government also became involved , creating the Korean E-Sports Association to manage e-sports .

  21. EPO和竞技体育

    EPO and Competition Sports

  22. 竞技体操裁判员评判竞技体操的标准分两个部分:即难度价值和完成价值。在所有单项上,成套动作有两个单独的分数,A分和B分。

    The standard of that the judges judge Gymnastics is divided into two parts : namely , the difficulty value and presentation value . The exercises have a separate fraction at all singles , A and B point .

  23. 110m栏运动员的心理素质是影响其竞技状态的重要因素。

    Psychological quality is the main factor on competition states for 110m hurdle runner .

  24. 随着奥运会、世界杯、NBA、F1等赛事在全球的推广与发展,竞技体育以其独特的魅力受到越来越多人的关注。

    With the promotion and development of Olympics , World Cup , NBA , F1 and other events in the global , the charming of competitive sports is becoming more and more be focused .

  25. 文章运用文献资料法从历史的角度、现实的需要辩证地提出了2l世纪西方竞技体育文化将与中国武术保健体育文化融合,分析这二种不同文化融合的哲学原因和现实原因。

    Adopting documentation and from the angle of history and need of reality , this paper proposes that the 21st century western competitive sport culture will give way to the western health preservation sport culture and analyzes the reasons from aspects of philosophy and reality .

  26. 现代科学技术与中国竞技体育的可持续发展

    Modern Science and Technology and Sustainable Development of Chinese Competitive Sports

  27. 线粒体Ca~(2+)循环与竞技运动

    Mitochondria , Ca ~ ( 2 + ) Cycling and Sport

  28. 现代竞技排球运动教练员应具备的素质与能力

    On the Essential Accomplishments and Abilities of Modern Athletic Volleyball Coach

  29. 福建省竞技体育田径后备人才可持续发展对策研究

    Research of Sustainable Development Strategy About Athletic Supportive Talents in Fujian

  30. 印刷媒体恶化竞技体育发展不均的局面。

    Print media deteriorate the development uneven situation of competitive sports .