
jìnɡ cāi
  • guessing competition
  • compete in guessing ability
  1. 我正式的成为了竞猜NCAA比赛最差的参赛者了。

    I am officially the worst at picking NCAA brackets .

  2. 但是中国足球彩票的最终受益者应该是中国职业足球,世界各国都是以本国联赛作为竞猜对象的。

    However , Chinese Football Lottery should benefit Chinese Professional Football .

  3. 竞猜类体育彩票具有良好的市场前景。

    The prospect of guessing sports lottery has a better market .

  4. 可通过短信一键发送竞猜问题。

    With one touch send a quiz question by text message .

  5. 对于打破砂锅问到底这个竞猜游戏,这将是一个很好的问题。

    IT WOULD be a good question for the quiz game Trivial Pursuit .

  6. 我并不热衷于竞猜节目。

    I 'm not really crazy about game shows .

  7. 足球竞猜选票问题的研究

    On the Problem of one Typical Football Vote

  8. 体育竞猜选票的统计算法研究

    Statistical Algorithms for One Typical Physical Vote

  9. 试论我国体彩业的发展趋势-竞猜型彩票

    Trend of Development of Sports Lottery-Guess Lottery

  10. 我国试点发行竞猜型赛马彩票的必要性与可行性

    Necessity and Feasibility of Making Experiments on Issuing Contestable-Surmise-Type Horse Racing Lottery Tickets in China

  11. 对中国足球彩票以中国足球职业联赛为竞猜对象的可行性研究

    The Feasibility Research of Chinese Football Lottery with Chinese Professional Football League Matches as Playing Object

  12. 其间的那几个小时里,人们一直在兴奋地相互竞猜要发布的消息内容。

    The intervening hours were spent in a fevered guessing game as to what the message would be .

  13. 无可否认有奖竞猜能够充分发挥人的积极性。

    There is no denying the fact that competitions with prizes can bring people 's initiative into full play .

  14. 在没有经验的前提下,国家体育彩票管理中心决定在发行足球彩票的初期,以国外联赛作为竞猜对象。

    Chinese Sport Lottery Managing Center decides to make foreign football league matches as playing object in the beginning .

  15. 他们以为我搞笑,聪明,唱歌竞猜,我也正是这么想他们的。

    They think that I am funny and clever and wonderful , which is exactly what I think about them .

  16. 这就像一道很好的酒吧竞猜题:2008年金融危机中,为哪家公司纾困所花的钱最多?

    It would make a good pub quiz question : what was the most costly bailout of the 2008 financial crisis ?

  17. 但是报道称,人们可以在有奖竞猜中赢得较小的奖励。

    But the reports say people will be able to win small prizes in a convoluted process described as a guessing game .

  18. 有些观众观看春晚只是为参与由搜狐网站(中国最大的因特网门户之一)举办的新年特别竞猜活动。

    Other websites offer no prizes , simply more of the noise that is such an essential part of Chinese New Year .

  19. 其实,即便没有世界杯竞猜,聪明的保罗也一直是奥博豪森水族馆的明星动物之一。

    Actually , if there were no World Cup predictions , Paul would still be one of the most popular stars of Oberhausen .

  20. 因此,当他们问你,觉得谁应该去参加这个智力竞猜节目,你们会说更有能力的人应该去。

    So , when they ask you questions about which person should be on the quiz show , people say the more competent person .

  21. 然而结果是,这三个认识都是错的我们一直和全世界的孩子们一起玩竞猜游戏。

    Well , it turns out all of the three beliefs are wrong . We have been playing guessing games with children all over the world .

  22. 介绍了一则有奖竞猜游戏,并对争论的焦点用概率方法进行分析和推证,然后讨论了更一般的形式。

    This article introduces a prize-giving guess contest game , analyses and reasons the bone of contention in the method of probability and then discusses its general form .

  23. 来自上海市多所中小学的学生代表参加了今天的推广活动,参与了现场交通安全知识竞猜,并在现场上网参加比赛。

    Students from different primary and middle schools in Shanghai participate in today ′ s event by joining the road safety awareness contest on the spot or online .

  24. 彩灯会节目包括大型综合表演、古装人物巡游、地区团体表演、掌相摊位、游戏摊位、灯谜竞猜及彩灯展览等。

    Carnival programmes include variety shows , roving entertainment , performance by district organization , palm reading , game booths , lantern riddle quiz , lantern displays and more .

  25. 菲比喝个大醉;乔伊误把拍卖当成了价格竞猜,结果拍回一艘2万美金的帆船。

    Phoebe drinks a lot ; Joey thinks the silent auction is just a contest to guess the right price , and he ends up buying a sailboat for $ 20,000 .

  26. 2005年下半年,中国推出足球单场竞猜彩池赔率型彩票(以下简称足球单场彩票),对此主要探讨发行的必要性,发行目的以及具体玩法等问题。

    During the next half of 2005 , China has planned the issue of the Jackpot Single Match Toto . This paper mainly discusses its issuing necessity , issuing purpose and rules .

  27. 有三张卡,其中两张银卡,一张黄金卡,放在把背面提供给竞猜者来猜,本节目存在三种选择方法。

    There are three cards , two of which Silver , a gold card , provided on the back of the quiz to guess who this program there are three selection methods .

  28. 谜语是一种传统的竞猜题,其答案往往出人意料,也可说是一种文字智力题,大多经口头流传,以展现出谜者的才智、挑战听者的智慧。

    Folk riddles are traditional questions with unexpected answers-verbal puzzles that circulate , mostly by word of mouth , to demonstrate the cleverness of the questioner and challenge the wit of his audience .

  29. 根据对我国竞猜型体育彩票发展特点和现阶段实际情况分析后,提出当前发展阶段所存在的问题:第一,尚未建立统一管理体系,难以完成独立运营。

    According to the features of the development of our sports betting and after the current stage of development of the issues and questions , we suggest some advice for future development : 1 .

  30. 目前,我国体育竞猜型彩票的发展正处于初级阶阶段,在市场营销理念及营销手段方面也处于借鉴与摸索阶段。

    At present , the sports lottery in china is in the initial stage of development stage , and the marketing concept and marketing tool is also in a draw with the exploratory stage .