
  • 网络Lee Lieh;Lieh Li;Jonathan Lillie;lieh
  1. “一直以来,年轻人题材的影片在当地都很受欢迎,”《囧男孩》和《艋舺》的监制李烈在接受YahooTaiwan采访时表示。

    Stories about youth have always been a favorite of local film makers , Lee Lieh , producer of ORZBoyz and Monga , told Yahoo Taiwan .

  2. 李烈在节目《康熙来了》上调侃道:我们在戛纳宣传电影的时候,海滩上的年轻靓女们总是盯着彭于晏惊呼道:‘哇,身材真好!’。

    When we were at Cannes to promote the movie , young girls on the beach would stare at Peng and go , ' Wow , beautiful body ', Li Lieh joked on Kangxi Comes .