
  • 网络competitive edge
  1. 事实告诉我们:我国酒店企业在激烈的竞争中不缺乏人才优势,也不缺乏技术优势,而是缺乏品牌竞争力优势。

    The fact tells us that Chinese hotels don 't lack the manpower advantage or the technical advantage but competitive edge of brand in the intense competition .

  2. 金砖四国FDI对贸易竞争力优势影响比较分析

    Comparative Study of FDI Effect on International Trade Competitiveness in BRIC Countries

  3. RBV理论&券商的竞争力优势

    Theory of RBV-Competitive Advantage of the Stock Company

  4. 有鉴于此,通过分析基于资源的公司观(RBV)理论,研究其对中国券商的适用性,针对性地提出改革措施以提高国内券商的竞争力优势。

    As a result , the stock companies should have a thorough analysis of the RBV theory at present , and evaluate its applicability to China 's stock companies , Then they should come up with some reformational measures , aiming at improving the competition advantages of domestic stock companies .

  5. 关于企业集群竞争力优势的理论探讨

    Research On Theories Of Competitive Advantages Of Enterprises Cluster

  6. 价值链是一个检视竞争力优势的系统研究法。

    The value chain is a systematic approach to examining the development of competitive advantage .

  7. 动漫品牌的竞争力优势是动漫企业兼并与重组的关键要素。

    The competitive advantage of animation brand is the fatal chips of corporate mergers and restructuring .

  8. 文章认为,南京服务业的结构和竞争力优势不明显。

    The conclusion is made that the competitiveness of Nanjing service industry is not strong as a whole .

  9. 通过分析研究可看到,兰州电信具有一定的竞争力优势。

    Through the research , it appears that Lanzhou Telecom has some predominance in the competition of corporations .

  10. 文章重点分析了湖南发展产业集群的现状,提出了以新型工业化为导向,发展具有竞争力优势的产业集群,使之成为区域经济发展的新亮点。

    This paper mainly analyses the status quo of industries in Hunan , and proposes developing the competitive industries .

  11. 传统海洋强省在海洋第二、三产业的发展上兼具有结构优势和竞争力优势。

    Traditional strong marine economy province has a structural advantage and competitive advantage in the secondary and tertiary marine industry development .

  12. 以知识形态存在的智力资本成为组织创造价值和获得持续竞争力优势的重要资源。

    The intellectual capital in knowledge form has been an important resource for organizations to create value and achieve sustainable competitive advantages .

  13. 但随着全球金融危机的爆发,日本不得不把之前所获的竞争力优势部分拱手让出。

    But with the onset of the global financial crisis , Japan had to give back some of its gains in competitiveness .

  14. 结果表明,中国大米与印度、巴基斯坦、泰国和越南4国相比,不具有国际竞争力优势。

    The result shows that Chinese rice does not have the international competitive advantage , compared with India , Pakistan , Thailand and Vietnam .

  15. 我看到了他的名字,我想,他能给任何一家公司带来巨大的竞争力优势,不管他们经营什么。

    I saw his name , and I thought , he would give any company a huge competitive advantage no matter what they do .

  16. 相应地,他们作为企业人力资本的核心,是企业开拓创新、核心竞争力优势及持续发展的所在。

    Correspondingly , as the core of human capital , they are impelling innovation , the core competitive advantage , and sustainable development of enterprises .

  17. 随着运营效率日益成为企业竞争力优势的关键,如何实现成熟运作企业与新兴企业之间全面控制与迅捷响应的有效整合便成为了企业运营今天所要追逐的梦想。

    With speed increasingly seen as the key to competitive advantage , the dream is to marry the control of an established company with the responsiveness of a start-up .

  18. 认为战略网络化经营可以有效制衡竞争对手、获得市场竞争中更大的自主权以及获得企业核心专长,并最终构建企业的竞争力优势。

    It is held that management of strategic network can restrain their competitors , gain more initiative in the competition , develop its core competence and finally build up enterprises ' competitiveness .

  19. 企业文化是一门新兴的管理科学,也是企业管理哲学的应用和具体化,良好的企业文化是营造企业核心竞争力优势必不可少的要素;

    The enterprise culture is an emerging management science , also is the application of business management philosophy . The good enterprise culture is an essential factor to build the enterprise core competitiveness .

  20. 尽可能获取降低产品成本的途径,在具有核心竞争力优势的环节发挥最大功效,稳定地实现增值收益。

    To find the way that low the cost of products possible , and play the greatest effect in the preponderant link that has core competitiveness , and realize the rising profit stably .

  21. 企业重组是企业实现快速发展、保持竞争力优势的一种重要手段,也是当今世界经济发展的一个重要趋势。

    Corporations ' restructuring plays an important role in Corporations ' prompt developments and keeping competitiveness ; in the meanwhile it is also an important trend of economic development of the contemporary world .

  22. 本文应用价值链理论分析了销售企业的价值链构成及其特点,并为某地矿物资公司建立了价值链模型,从竞争力优势分析出发,明确了能给公司带来最大价值的重点业务活动。

    This paper apply value chain theory to analysed value chain component part and it characteristics of sales channels enterprises , and set up value chain model for a geology minerals material company .

  23. 探讨网络结构对产业集群竞争力优势的正面和负面影响,并设计产业集群竞争力评价指标体系,采用模糊综合评判方法进行定量描述。

    Positive and negative effects of network structure on the competitive advantages are proposed . In the same time , cluster competitiveness evaluation index system and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation methods are described . 4 .

  24. 民营企业集群的国际竞争优势主要来自创新优势、结构竞争力优势、差异化优势、区位品牌优势和网络效应优势等五个要素。

    The international competitive advantage of nongovernmental enterprises cluster stems from five factors such as innovative advantage , competitive advantage of the industrial structure , differential advantage , position brand advantage and network effects advantage .

  25. 随着人才价值与地位的日益凸显和国际人才竞争的日益激烈,有效地人才资源管理在我国取得国际竞争力优势方面的作用越来越重要,也是我国由人力资源大国向人才强国转变的重要因素。

    With the growing importance of human value and position , and the increasing competition of intentional , winning international competitiveness of our country depends on the effective human resources management , which becomes increasingly important .

  26. 与此同时,在当今媒体竞争异常激烈、新媒体冲击的媒介环境下,安徽卫视的电视剧品牌营销战略也有很多不足之处,自身竞争力优势日趋下滑,亟待对自身品牌经营方向进行变革和升级。

    At the same time , under the circumstances of fierce media competition and the impact of new media , Anhui TV needs immediately Changes and upgrades to get rid of its disadvantages of brand positioning strategy .

  27. 根据是否提高竞争力优势为标准,在物流资源整合转化为能力的过程中,寻求企业竞争力的强化和保护,并提出了相应的整合方式。

    ; It is a standard according to improving the competitiveness advantage , while the integration of the resources of logistics is turned into ability , seek strengthening and protection of enterprise 's competitiveness , has put forward the corresponding merger way .

  28. 其次,结合当前河北省蔬菜生产的现状,在阐述其所具有的蔬菜竞争力优势和存在着劣势的同时,再分析挖掘出不利于河北省蔬菜产品竞争力发挥的潜在制约因素及其原因;

    Secondly , combined the current situation of Hebei province vegetables produce , to explain that , in the present stage , what kinds of competitiveness advantage and inferior strength existing in vegetables products , and excavate the factors that do bad influence on improving competitiveness of Hebei products ;

  29. 越来越多的机构已逐步发现了视频会议具有竞争力的优势和影响。

    Organizations are discovering the competitive advantages and the power of videoconferencing .

  30. 与其他公司相比旨在寻找有竞争力的优势。

    Comparison with other companies is just in search of competitive advantage .