
  • 网络Resources gift Theory
  1. 资源禀赋理论对开发海外铁矿资源的启示

    Revelations of Resources Gift Theory on Development of Overseas Iron Resources

  2. 基于资源禀赋理论的粤港专业化经济模型实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Specialization Economic Model of Yue-Kong Based on Resource Endowment Theory

  3. 根据资源禀赋理论以及比较优势的原理,绿色食品恰好迎合了林区特有的资源优势。

    According to the principles of the theory and comparative advantage of " resource natural endowment ", Green food is fit for the advantages of environment and resources in forestry zone .

  4. 应用资源禀赋理论和局部均衡理论,论证了利用境外农业资源对保障国内粮食安全和农产品有效供应的重要作用。

    By the application of " H-O Theory " and " Partial equilibrium theory ", this paper has demonstrated the important role of the overseas agricultural resources input on the security of food safety and effective supply of agricultural products .

  5. 创业企业家资源禀赋的理论探讨

    Discussion on the Theory of Start-up Enterprises ' Resources Natural Quality

  6. 通过对影响风险承受能力因素分析,结合粮食规模生产者初始资源禀赋和相关风险理论,笔者认为我国粮食规模生产者是风险规避者,对价格风险进行有效管理十分必要。

    By analyzing the factor influence the risk endure capability , and combining the provision scale producer original endowment theory and other related theory , the author think that provision scale producer is risk evader , so it 's quite important to conduct effective price risk .