
  1. 广西与广东资金技术密集型产业比较分析

    Analysis on the Comparison between Skill-Intensive Industries of Guangxi and of Guangdong

  2. 广西资金技术密集型产业发展的实证分析与对策

    Positive Analysis of the Development of Guangxi Capital and Technology Intensive Industry and Counter-Measures

  3. 走资金技术密集型产业与劳动密集型产业并举的新型工业化道路

    Taking the industrialization road of developing concurrently the capital and technology intensive industry and labor intensive industry

  4. 既要加快发展资金技术密集型产业,又要继续发展劳动密集型产业。

    We should not only speed up the development of technology-intensive industry , but also continue the development of labour-intensive industry .

  5. 资金技术密集型产业和劳动密集型产业、虚拟经济和实体经济的关系。

    We must correctly handle the relationships of development between capital-and-technology-intensive industries and labor-intensive industries and between virtual economy and real economy .

  6. 党的十六大提出我国走新型工业化道路,要正确处理发展资金技术密集型产业与发展劳动密集型产业的关系。

    Taking the new road of industrialization in our country should handle the relationship between the capital and technology intensive industry and labor intensive industry .

  7. 作为高耗能,高污染的资金技术密集型产业,钢铁工业面临着原材料高位运行,节能减排的巨大压力。

    As a high energy consumption , high pollution of the capital and technology intensive industries , iron and steel industry is facing high raw materials , energy-saving emission reduction of pressure .

  8. 在走资金技术密集型产业与劳动密集型产业并举的工业化道路过程中,要注意:正确处理发展劳动密集型产业与发展资金技术密集型产业的关系,并予以合理布局;

    In the process of taking the new road of industrialization , the rational distribution of ( capital ) and technology intensive industry and labor intensive industry should be particularly took into consideration .

  9. 然而航空航天等军工属于资金和技术密集型产业。

    However , aerospace and other military belongs to capital and technology-intensive industries .

  10. 装备制造业不仅是资金、技术密集型产业,而且具有产业关联度高、产业链较长的特征。

    The equipment manufacturing industry , as a capital and technology intensive industry , carries the feature of a high degree of industry relevancy and a much longer industry chain as well .

  11. 船舶制造业是为水上交通、海洋开发和海军建设等提供技术装备的现代综合性产业,也是劳动、资金、技术密集型产业。

    Shipbuilding industry is a modern comprehensive industry that can provide technical equipment for the development of water transport , marine development and naval construction , also it is labor , capital and technology-intensive industry .

  12. 汽车产业是资金密集和技术密集型产业,对于一个资产十几亿元的民营企业来说,要想进入并有所发展显然是困难重重。

    Automobile industry is intensive of fund and technology . As for the private capital enterprise of billions , it is obviously difficult to enter and develop .

  13. 船舶制造业属于劳动密集型、资金密集型、技术密集型产业。

    Shipbuilding industry is a labor-intensive , capital-intensive and also technology-intensive industry .

  14. 加快资金技术密集型的高新技术产业、耗能低污染的都市型工业和劳动密集型产业的发展。

    The development of the capital-and-technology-intensive high-tech industry , the urban industries featuring low energy consumption and low pollution , the labour-intensive industry should be quickened .

  15. 油田从发现至枯竭要经历几十年甚至更长的时间,这是一个人力密集、资金密集、技术密集型的产业。

    The life of oil field from finding to discarding can be tens of years or even more and it is an industry of manpower intensive , capital intensive and technique intensive .

  16. 结果表明,促进产业结构由劳动力和资源密集型向资金、技术、知识密集型产业的方向顺次演进是有利于节水的产业发展战略。

    It is found that the transition of industrial structure from labor-intensive and / or resources-intensive industries to skill-intensive and / or knowledge-intensive industries is a reasonable development way to reduce water consumption .

  17. 讨论了如何处理劳动密集型、资金密集型、技术密集型产业之间的关系;发展装备制造业与产业结构优化升级的关系以及经济全球化与发展民族工业的关系。

    The relations to be settled among the labour intensive , capital intensive and technology intensive industries , the relation of development of the equipment manufacturing industry and the industrial structure optimization and upgrading and the relation between the economic globalization and the development of national industry are also discussed .