
  • 网络factor endowment structure
  1. 所以,经济发展的核心问题,不是产业结构升级,而是要素禀赋结构升级。

    Therefore what is crucial to economic development lies not in the upgrading of industrial structure , but that of factor endowment structure .

  2. 处于一定发展阶段的经济体其最优金融结构内生决定于该阶段的最优产业结构,而该阶段的最优产业结构内生决定于该阶段的要素禀赋结构。

    At a certain stage of development of the economies , the optimal financial structure is endogenously determined at the optimal industrial structure , and the optimal industrial structure depends endogenously on the factor endowment structure during that phase .

  3. Lin(19941996a,b,19992001)的技术选择假说认为一个国家的经济结构是由其要素禀赋结构内生决定的。

    Lin ( 1994,1996a , b , 1999,2001 ) hypothesizes that the economic structure of a country is endogenously determined by its endowment structure .

  4. 机理分析:将要素禀赋结构对产业结构的内在作用机制归纳为推动机制和拉动机制两方面,分别展开论述了其对产业结构升级的影响作用。

    Mechanism : Divided the mechanism into the pushing mechanism and the pulling mechanism , discussing its impact on the role of industrial upgrading .

  5. 新时期经济环境下,由于各地区间生产要素禀赋结构的变化,产业转移现象越来越普遍。

    Under new economic environment , because element of production structure across regions is changing , transfer of industrial cluster more popular than before .

  6. 然后具体分析了全球半导体产业分工发展及要素禀赋结构在产业中的演变以及由此带来的产业升级过程;

    Then it analyzes concretely the division development of the global semiconductor industry and the evolvement of the factor endowments in the semiconductor industry .

  7. 传统体制中的老工业基地,是国家在资本相对稀缺、劳动力相对丰富的要素禀赋结构下,优先发展资本密集的重工业而形成的。

    Old industrial bases in traditional institutions are formed by preferentially developing capital-intensive heavy industries in the context of capital scarcity and labor abundance .

  8. 而要素禀赋结构将随着经济的发展作动态变化,产业结构升级与要素禀赋结构的这种动态变化相适应才能得以实现。

    The factor endowments will change with the economic development . The industrial structure improvement is only matched with the change in the endowments .

  9. 首先,为本国挑选一个参照国,参照国应与本国有相似的要素禀赋结构,但人均实际收入为本国的两倍。

    First , choose a country to follow that has a roughly similar set of resources , but about double the real income per head .

  10. 在本文,我们认为一个国家的最适宜(优)的技术结构内生决定于这个国家的要素禀赋结构。

    In this paper , we argue that the most appropriate ( optimal ) technologies of an economy are endogenously determined by the economy'factor endowment structure ( skill level ) .

  11. 随着社会经济要素禀赋结构的演变,农业企业从资源推动型、资本推动型、技术推动型逐渐向管理推动型发展;

    With the evolvement of the gift structure of the social economic factors , they developed gradually from Resource-Driven , Capital-Driven to Technology-Driven , and now they are developing toward Management-Driven .

  12. 中国应该充分利用要素禀赋结构中的劳动力比较优势,在国际贸易中获取最大限度的贸易利益,快速积累资本,使真正决定产业结构的要素禀赋结构得到提升。

    China should make full use of the comparative advantage of labor in order to get more interest from international trade and accumulate capital quickly , upgrading the element structure which indeed determines the industrial structure .

  13. 村镇银行在中小企业融资中具有比较优势,并且与我国现阶段的要素禀赋结构所决定的实体经济结构相适应,所以是不可缺失的。

    Village bank in SME financing have a comparative advantage and factor endowments and the structure of our country at this stage determined the structure of the real economy adapt , so can not be missing the .

  14. 而世界新轮产业转移、国内消费结构升级和本省要素禀赋结构演进等,则为浙江省的产业结构升级创造了机遇。

    At the same time , the new round of world industrial transfer , the domestic consumption structure , and evolution of the province such as endowment structure , for the upgrading of industrial structure in Zhejiang Province has created opportunities .

  15. 但国际资本流入的经济增长效应不会自动产生,它需要东道国具备相应的对国际资本吸收、消化和利用的能力。而这种能力通常会受经济发展阶段要素禀赋结构、阶段任务和发展目标的制约。

    The necessary conditions causing the growth effects include the abilities of absorbing and utilizing international capital , but these abilities are influenced and constrained by the input factor ' structure and current growth target which are varying with the stages of economic development .

  16. 在长时期内,欠发达地区推行可持续发展要根据十六大提出的科学发展观为指导方针,根据各自特殊的要素禀赋结构制定合理的发展战略,对产业进行合理布局和优化升级。

    In a long period to come , with the scientific development outlook of the 16th Party Congress serving as the guideline and according to the respective special factor endowment structures , underdeveloped areas shall formulate reasonable development strategy for rational industrial deployment , optimization and upgrading .

  17. 所以,环境规制、要素禀赋与产业结构的变迁总是存在着紧密的内在联系。

    Therefore , environmental regulation , factor endowments and change of industrial structure are closely related .

  18. 影响区域产业结构升级的因素有很多,如区域要素禀赋、需求结构、区域贸易结构、区域政策等,但技术进步是其中最关键的因素。

    There are many factors which affect the promotion of the region industrial structure , and the technology advancement is most essential factor .

  19. 通过对长三角产业发展现状的评价,总结出了引起长三角产业转移的诱导因素,包括要素禀赋、产业结构、产业集聚和政策驱动四个方面。

    First , it estimates the economy status of Yangtze River Delta and concludes factors arousing industry transfer , including factor proportions , industry structure , industrial cluster and government policy .

  20. 许多学者基于传统的新古典经济增长理论的分析框架,从要素禀赋、经济结构、政策因素和技术水平差距等方面对我国地区差距的产生机制给予了解释。

    Based on neoclassical economic growth framework , many scholars gave explanations to the mechanism of regional disparity in China from the views of factor endowments , economy structure , policy , and technology difference .

  21. 另一方面,入世意味着减少关税和非关税壁垒,从而使WTO成员国之间资源配置更大程度体现它们各自要素禀赋和比较优势结构。

    On the other hand entry into WTO means reduce tariff and tariff wall . This will make the resources scheme incarnate embody the factor gift and the frame of compare advantage .

  22. 要素禀赋决定了产业结构和比较优势的形成,要素的有效配置和合理化利用的共同推动决定了经济增长。

    Factor endowments decide the formation of industrial structure and comparative advantage . The effective distribution and rationalized utilization of elements jointly decide the economic growth .

  23. 而随着浙江省国际贸易的发展、国际要素的流入以及本地经济水平的提升,要素禀赋结构正朝着有利于产业结构升级的方向变化。

    With the development of international trade in Zhejiang Province , the international factor flows and increase the level of the local economy , factor endowment structure is change , toward the direction of conducive to upgrading .

  24. 过去,浙江省最具竞争力的,只能是劳动要素密集的制造业,这是在特定的要素禀赋结构下所难以逾越的阶段。

    In the past , the most competitiveness in Zhejiang Province is the labor-intensive manufacturing , which is a particular insurmountable stage in the factor endowment structure of that time .

  25. 要素的流动与重新配置使得世界各国原有的要素禀赋结构及贸易比较优势发生改变,也引起了全球外贸结构的变化,使得各国的外贸结构出现了许多新的特征。

    The flowing and reconfiguring of factors changed the world original factor endowment structure and comparative advantage in trade . Therefore it changed the global trade structure , and made the foreign trade structure evolve many new features .

  26. 纺织服装业属于典型的劳动密集型产业,由于其要素密集度的特性与中国和东盟各主要国家现阶段要素禀赋结构相吻合,因而近年来得到了飞速的发展;

    China 's textile and clothes industry has seen its rapid growth due to its optimistic trade with the ASEAN and great competition as well .

  27. 而推动区域经济一体化的主要因素是要素的区域内流动及产业的区域内转移,由此形成了基于各自要素禀赋的的产业结构。

    And promote regional economic integration elements of the main factors and the industries within the region flow of transfer region , thus forming their own factor endowments based on the industrial structure .