
biǎn yì
  • derogatory sense;derogatory sence
贬义 [biǎn yì]
  • [derogatory sense] 词语和句子有贬低之义

贬义[biǎn yì]
  1. 我这里使用的“学术”一词是贬义的。

    I 'm using the word ‘ academic ’ here in a pejorative sense .

  2. 难道没有人提出“女诗人”有点儿贬义吗?

    Isn 't there a suggestion that ' poetess ' is slightly pejorative ?

  3. 我承认我有野心,但我不认为这是个贬义词。

    I agree I am ambitious , and I don 't see that as a pejorative term

  4. 这个词在英语中含有贬义。

    This word has a negative connotation in English .

  5. 这个词略带贬义。

    This word is slightly derogatory .

  6. NIMBY或Nimby是英文短语notinmybackyard(别在我家后院)的词首字母缩写,这个表达多以贬义的意味指那些因为某个社会建设项目要修在自家附近而对此表示反对的公众意见,即“邻避效应”。

    NIMBY or Nimby is an acronym by residents to a proposal for a new development close to them , developments that are generally needed in the society .

  7. Bimbo这个词是二十世纪初期出现的一个用法,用来描述身材诱人但是智商不高的女人,带有贬义。

    Bimbo is a derogatory term that emerged in popular English language usage in the early 20th century to describe an often physically attractive , unintelligent woman .

  8. 日常语言中关于该词的贬义内涵至少在1736年就已经产生了。

    This term is the environmental analogue sense of the term has been in the language since at least 1736 .

  9. “不友好建筑”一词带有贬义,因此多由对这一理念抱有怀疑态度(如果不是完全反对的话)的人使用。

    The expression hostile architecture has pejorative10 overtones , and is therefore mainly used by people who are skeptical11 about , if not completely opposed to , the idea .

  10. “特别雪花”或“特别雪花综合征”是一个具有贬义的说法,多用来指代那些莫名其妙就自以为与众不同、应享受特殊待遇的人。

    Special Snowflake ( syndrome ) is a derogatory term widely used to describe someone who often whines1 about deserving special treatment or sees oneself as exceptionally unique for no apparent reason .

  11. fat是用以指人肥胖的最常用、最直接的形容词,但含贬义

    Fat is the most usual and direct adjective to describe people with excess flesh , but it is not polite

  12. 如龙在中国文化中享有至尊的地位,而dragon在英文化中是一种大型凶猛动物;狗在中国文化中的比喻坏人坏事,而dog在英文化中并无贬义;

    For example , dragon has higher reputation in Chinese culture , while in English , it is a kind of fierce animal ;

  13. 下面这个说法中的kick也属于贬义:肖对新工作不太满意,他说那活计吃力不讨好。

    Shaw is not very pleased with his new job ; he says there are more kicks than halfpence .

  14. skinny和scrawny都是贬义词,表示无力

    Skinny and scrawny are negative and can suggest lack of strength

  15. 新闻语料库与T4和MEE相比较,中性转述动词、褒义转述动词及贬义转述动词的分布均有显著性差异;

    There is significant difference of the distribution of negative reporting verbs between four corpora ;

  16. 你是否认为brit是一个贬义的字眼?

    Do you think'brit'is a pejorative term ?

  17. skinny和scrawny都是贬义词,表示无力土著对澳大利亚土著人的贬义称呼。

    Skinny and scrawny are negative and can suggest lack of strength Used as a disparaging term for an australian aborigine .

  18. 半个世纪之前,英国社会学家迈克尔·扬(MichaelYoung)创造了贬义词“唯才是用”(meritocracy),用来形容未来社会通过标准化智力测验筛选来新的精英。

    Michael Young , a British sociologist , coined the pejorative term " meritocracy " over a half-century ago to describe a future in which standardized intelligence tests would crown a new elite .

  19. 他们在所谓的“巨魔农场”(trollfarm)工作,这个带有贬义的名称源于那些在网络上散播仇恨的人的绰号。

    They work in what have come to be known as " troll farms , " named after the derogatory nickname used for people who spread hate on the internet .

  20. 所谓tolosetheplot可以指变得很生气或愤怒到了缺乏逻辑了,或者用于贬义可能有些过时了的意思表示某人没有理智、表现极为荒谬。

    To lose the plot can mean either to become angry and / or exasperated to a fault , or in a derogatory if slightly outdated sense to mean someone who has become irrational and / or acting ridiculously .

  21. 由于林书豪的中国背景,这则题为“盔甲上的破绽(Chink在俚语中,贬义指中国佬)”的报道因带有种族主义色彩,很快招致人们炮轰。

    With Lin 's Chinese heritage , the " Chink in the armor " was soon bombarded for its racial implication .

  22. 如今,这个词演变成了“blamestorming”(批评风暴),有贬义色彩,意思是说每个人都怪别人把事情搞砸了。

    Now the word is " blamestorming ," a negative word , which means everyone is blaming everyone else for something that goes wrong .

  23. 源自罗马词汇plebs(平民)的Pleb在新的语境中,用于描述普通民众或是工人阶级,含有贬义。

    Pleb , taken from the Roman word plebs , has found a modern context in its derogatory usage to describe a member of the ordinary people or working classes .

  24. 而相比之下“姑娘们”就是贬义的,有辱人格。

    Girls ' , by contrast , is derogatory and demeaning .

  25. 进行这样的自动褒贬义评价计算需要有一个专业术语库支持。

    The automatic evaluation needs a terminology database to support .

  26. 试析法语中女性名词的贬义化

    Analysis on the Derogatory Sense of Female Nouns in French

  27. 预算这个词似乎在当今社会略带贬义。

    The word budget has such a negative connotation in todays society .

  28. 法语中用于称呼女性的名词被大量地贬义化了。

    Nouns used to address the female in French have been derogatory .

  29. 对啊,黑人是贬义的。

    That 's what I mean , black is bad .

  30. 现在,“极客”一词已不再含有贬义。

    The word " geek " has lost its former pejorative meaning .