
biǎn dī
  • belittle;disparage;devalue;diminish;denigrate;depreciate;play down;minimize;reduce;detract;downplay;cheapen;downgrade;abase;talk down;humble
贬低 [biǎn dī]
  • [detract;belittle;abase;reduce] 故意降低应有的评价

  • 贬低同时代的人

贬低[biǎn dī]
  1. 不要贬低他的成就。

    Don 't belittle his achievements .

  2. 双方已经在使出浑身解数贬低对方了。

    Already , both sides are jockeying to belittle the other side .

  3. 我不会贬低自己的身份去为他工作。

    I wouldn 't lower myself by working for him .

  4. 她觉得她的丈夫时常贬低她的成就。

    She felt her husband constantly belittled her achievements .

  5. 有人指责这部电影贬低了人的生命价值。

    The movie was accused of cheapening human life .

  6. 她从不降低标准来贬低自己。

    She never cheapened herself by lowering her standards .

  7. 我不是想贬低她的成绩。

    I didn 't intend to denigrate her achievements .

  8. 我并不想贬低你的成就。

    I don 't mean to disparage your achievements .

  9. 我不想贬低他的成就,但是如果没有我的帮助,他是做不成的。

    I don 't want to take away from his achievements , but he couldn 't have done it without my help .

  10. 政客们贬低了“自由”一词的意义。

    Politicians have debased the meaning of the word ' freedom '

  11. 西方外交官刻意贬低这些报告的重要性。

    Western diplomats have played down the significance of the reports

  12. 她学会了不再自我贬低,拿自己与别人相比。

    She learned to stop putting herself down and comparing herself to others

  13. 商人厌烦政客们贬低经济的重要性。

    Businessmen are tired of politicians talking the economy down .

  14. 我认为他的评论有奚落贬低之意。

    I think he intended it as a put-down comment .

  15. 他们散布一些有关她的流言,企图贬低她的工作。

    They spread tales about her in an attempt to devalue her work

  16. 我认为这个词是对女性的贬低。

    I see the term as a put-down of women

  17. 他们甚至指责政府贬低该国的第四大产业。

    They even blame the government for talking down the nation 's fourth biggest industry

  18. 在争取更多平等的运动中,女性角色完全被贬低了。

    The female role has been downgraded altogether in the drive for greater equality .

  19. 他从未奚落或贬低过她。

    He never put her down or diminished her

  20. 我们常常贬低自身的技能。

    We often underplay the skills we have

  21. 据说这位部长发表了一些贬低其他内阁成员的言论。

    The Minister was alleged to have made disparaging remarks about the rest of the Cabinet .

  22. 他的评论就是为了贬低她的发现的重要性。

    His comments were only said to diminish the importance of her discoveries .

  23. 受官方控制的新闻界贬低了这次人民的重大胜利。

    The establishment-muzzled press has minimized this important people 's victory .

  24. 但愿他别贬低大伙儿。

    I wish he wouldn 't cry everyone down .

  25. 你不应该当着帕茜的面贬低知识的意义,她还没完成她的学业呢。

    You should not undervalue knowledge before pansy , who has not finished her education .

  26. 他常用抬高自己贬低对方的方法反对别人。

    He often magnifies himself against others .

  27. 很多时候,英国人都喜欢通过自我贬低来展示幽默感。

    A lot of the time , Britons use self-depreciating humor .

  28. 他不愿在他人面前被贬低。

    He refused to abase himself in the eyes of others .

  29. 坚持这一点就是贬低警方的办事能力。

    To assert this is to denigrate the effectiveness of the police .

  30. 不要贬低你自己或降低你的力量或能力。

    Never disparage yourself or minimize your strength or power .