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  • 网络Derogatory term;pejorative;pejorative term;derogatory words
贬义词 [biǎn yì cí]
  • [derogratory term] 见贬词

  1. 我承认我有野心,但我不认为这是个贬义词。

    I agree I am ambitious , and I don 't see that as a pejorative term

  2. 半个世纪之前,英国社会学家迈克尔·扬(MichaelYoung)创造了贬义词“唯才是用”(meritocracy),用来形容未来社会通过标准化智力测验筛选来新的精英。

    Michael Young , a British sociologist , coined the pejorative term " meritocracy " over a half-century ago to describe a future in which standardized intelligence tests would crown a new elite .

  3. skinny和scrawny都是贬义词,表示无力

    Skinny and scrawny are negative and can suggest lack of strength

  4. skinny和scrawny都是贬义词,表示无力土著对澳大利亚土著人的贬义称呼。

    Skinny and scrawny are negative and can suggest lack of strength Used as a disparaging term for an australian aborigine .

  5. “黑鬼”是一个贬义词,用来侮辱我们的祖先的。

    ' 'nigger ''is a derogatory term used to insult our ancestors .

  6. 英语中”刻板印象“这个词,通常都是一个贬义词。

    Now ," stereotypes " in English often just is a bad word .

  7. 用来指美洲印第安人和男性黑人的贬义词。

    Used as a disparaging term for a Native American or black man .

  8. 虽然听上去对一个女孩有点像贬义词,

    which by the way is a terrible thing to call a girl .

  9. 希望你别使用这种贬义词。

    I would prefer not to use pejoratives .

  10. 法律形式主义已经成了法律理论中一个确定无疑的贬义词。

    In legal theories , legal formalism has always been used as a certain pejorative .

  11. 于是,一夜之间,“内向”就成了一个彻底的贬义词。

    As a result , the word " introvert " became a negative word overnight .

  12. 这是一个贬义词。

    It 's a derogatory word .

  13. 1.其实你并不懒“懒”是个贬义词。

    Step 1 : You 're Not Lazy The word " lazy " is a condemnation .

  14. 此后,“自由主义”一词虽得到广泛传播,但在俄国主要是作为贬义词来使用。

    Widely spread , though , liberalism was mainly used as a derogatory term by the Russians .

  15. “懒”是个贬义词。懒是可耻的。但这个词不是用来形容你的。

    The word " lazy " is a condemnation . It 's shameful . It 's not you .

  16. 举个例子,我们来解释犹太复国运动这个名词,这个名词本身已经变成贬义词了,可对我来说,犹太复国运动就是指犹太人有权回到中东的祖国去,很简单。

    To me , Zionism simply means that Jews have a right to their homeland and the Middle East .

  17. 褒义词和贬义词的研究涉及语言学及其相关的诸多领域。

    The study on approving words and derogatory words deals with a wide range of linguistics and other subjects concerned .

  18. 在当前这个即时信息时代,“煎饼人”这个词很大程度上被看作是一个贬义词。

    The term " pancake people " is largely seen as a negative commentary on the current age of instantaneous information .

  19. 原来是这样。难怪这个表达听起来像个贬义词,因为指的是在背后批评别人,而且是非常强烈地批评。

    John : But it has a more negative element , because it usually means to criticise someone behind their back strongly .

  20. 农民被一些人认为是贬义词,这是时代的悲哀。

    The term " farmer " is considered as derogatory by certain people , which is a sad thing of the age .

  21. 有些词用于指男性时词义是好的,但当它们用于指女性时,却变成了贬义词。

    It means that some words are fine when referring to males , but their meanings become pejorative when referring to females .

  22. 他掌控的爱丽舍宫里,“盎格鲁-撒克逊资本主义”已经不再是贬义词,也不再是“你的乞丐邻居”的同义词了。

    In the Elys é e under its new management ," Anglo-Saxon capitalism " is no longer a term of abuse or a synonym for beggar-thy-neighbour .

  23. 在不同的言语行为中我们发现,使用褒义词和贬义词时,英语中有时更倾向于使用中性词。

    In different speech acts , we find that Chinese tends to use appreciative words and derogatory words , while English tends to use neutral words .

  24. 贬义词,指那些获得了一名聪明拷贝作家、一些漂亮图片以及一点点广告预算的公司。

    A pejorative term for what companies can pull off with a clever copy writer , some nice graphics , and a bit of an advertising budget .

  25. 他们调查了819名男性和873名女性,数据显示,在18岁到24岁的英国男性中,有42%的人认为纯爷们是贬义词。

    According to the statistics , which surveyed 819 men and 873 women , 42 percent of British men aged 18-24 have a negative association with masculinity .

  26. 有些贬义词以及中性词,逐渐演变为褒义词。三、有些褒义词以及贬义词缓慢成为中性词。

    Second , the evolution from derogatory terms and neuter terms into commendatory terms : third , some commendatory terms and derogatory terms slowly develop into neuter terms ;

  27. 如果是黑人,不好的词,或贬义词,你们就大叫喊”右“,这边,”右

    If it 's an African American or a bad word , a negative word , I want you to shout out " right ," this side ," right . "

  28. 在现代中国,大众文化的发展一直遭受挤压,经常与庸俗、市侩、粗鄙、低劣等贬义词连结在一起。

    In modern China , the development of mass culture has always been repressed and people always associate it with derogative adjectives such as vulgar , Babbitt , philistine and rough .

  29. 同时,高频的贬义词、强烈的感情表达和鲜明的情感倾向可以使主题帖热度攀升,也能够激起网民强烈感情和鲜明倾向的回应,同时也容易引起争议。

    Meanwhile , high frequency derogatory words , emotional expression and sharp emotional inclinations can make the subject get more hits and strong emotional response , but also become easy controversial .

  30. (剩女是一个贬义词,其中剩和剩饭里的剩是一个意思,而这个词已经在2007年被中国教育部收录为新词。)

    ( This derogatory term whose prefix sheng is the same word used in leftover food was listed as a new word in 2007 by the Chinese Ministry of Education ) .