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biǎn zhé
  • relegate;relegation;banish from the court
贬谪 [biǎn zhé]
  • [relegation] 官吏降职并调往远方就任

贬谪[biǎn zhé]
  1. 通过对这几个意象的研究,可以了解到词人身处贬谪时期的内心世界和人格理想。

    Through the image of these studies can be seen that the word relegate people in the inner world and the period of the ideal personality .

  2. 柳宗元遭遇贬谪后则仍然执着于人生理想、执着于现实,寄情于山水的短暂自我调节始终没有使他超越感伤的心理障碍。

    Liu Zongyuan was still encountered relegate life with dedication to the ideals and reality , short self-regulation through landscape gardening was not enable him to go beyond the obstacles .

  3. 晚唐贬谪诗人和贬谪文学

    The Demoted Poets of the Late Tang and Demotion Literature

  4. 李光在海南岛贬谪文化中的贡献和地位

    Li Guang 's Contribution and Position in Relegation Culture of Hainan Island

  5. 他在贬谪期间仍积极传播儒学、力行实践,为捍卫儒学的统治地位以及儒家思想的南传作出了巨大贡献。

    He makes great contribution to the circulation of Confucianism .

  6. 论柳宗元贬谪期间的悲剧情结

    On Liu Zongyuan 's Tragic Complex in the Course of His Exile

  7. 东坡贬谪诗的意趣及表现特征

    The Interest of Dongpo 's Relegation Poems and Their Characteristics of Expression

  8. 我们就像被贬谪的天使,我们的翅膀失去了闪亮的色彩。

    We are Like Fallen Angels , Our wings have lost their shine .

  9. 海南岛贬谪文化中的精神遗产分析

    An Analysis of the Spiritual Legacies in the Relegated Culture on Hainan Island

  10. 唐宋贬谪诗的发展嬗变与特点

    The Evolution and Characteristics of the Relegating Poems in Tang and Song Dynasties

  11. 第二大类移民是罪徙移民,即贬谪安置或充军人口,终明一代都有大量的这类移民进入云南。

    The second kind of immigration was the exile of criminals to Yunnan .

  12. 他被当众贬谪,流放他乡。

    He was publicly disgraced and sent into exile .

  13. 韩愈贬谪潮州的人生体验与诗文创作

    HAN Yus Experience of Life and Poetry Writing after Being Banished to Chaozhou

  14. 贬谪与贬谪文学是中国历史上一个独特而重要的文化现象。

    Relegation and relegated literature is special and important cultural phenomenon in Chinese history .

  15. 在贬谪文学史中杨慎是一个重要的存在。

    In the history of Relegated literature of Yang Shen is an important presence .

  16. 本文论述海南岛贬谪文学多方面的文化学价值。

    This article talks about many-sided cultural value of relegation literature on Hainan Island .

  17. 贬谪的遭遇使“苏门四学士”词的创作发生了很大的变化。

    The experience of relegation changes the aspects of Ci by Su-Shi four disciples .

  18. 海南岛贬谪文学的文化学价值

    Cultural Value of Relegation Literature on Hainan Island

  19. 在唐代开明专制之下,有一个特殊的文人群体,即在参与朝政中受到贬谪的官员。

    Under this political background , there was a special group of literati , the relegated officers .

  20. 论刘禹锡、柳宗元贬谪创作中禽鸟意象的情感意蕴

    Emotional Implications of Bird Images in the Works of Liu Yuxi and Liu Zhongyuan Created in Their Demotion

  21. 屈原孤独情结缘于屈原遭贬并在长期的贬谪中生成。

    The loneliness complex formed in QU Yuans heart because he had been exiled for a long time .

  22. 毫无疑问,贬谪时期所取得的经学成就,是苏轼平生功业的重要组成部分。

    No doubt , achievement that he made in classics during his relegation is one component of his lifelong exploits .

  23. “噢,是吗?我亲爱的菲奥娜,你是被贬谪到这个世界上来的对吗?”

    " Oh , really ? My dear fiona , you 've come down in the world , haven 't you ?"

  24. 贬谪文学是探讨文学活动过程和主体审美心理之间关系的一个独特视角。

    Relegating literature is a special angle which researches the relationship between literature Creating activity and the subject 's aesthetic psychology .

  25. 第一次的贬谪,无论是自我认知还是人际交往,对于前途的渺茫,都使苏轼陷入了精神危机。

    Relegated first , whether interpersonal or self-awareness , for the uncertain future of all the Sushi into a spiritual crisis .

  26. 三次贬谪是王禹偁的孤独心灵之旅,他贬谪后的诗歌创作,流露出一种把生命和情感对象化于国家的骚人情结。

    His poem creation after being banished showed a kind of poet complex which associating closely his life and feelings with nation .

  27. 迁客离忧楚地颜&略说贬谪文学与荆湘地域之关系及其特点

    Cultural Supplement in Chu by Sorrowful Exiles & Brief Analysis on the Relationship Between Relegation Literature and Jin Xiang Region and the Characteristics

  28. 二湖诗中虽然都存在大量的送别诗、怀古诗,但其中蕴含的情感有别;而二湖诗中的交游唱和诗、贬谪诗则明显呈不对等发展。

    There are a lot of farewell poems , nostalgic poems in two lake poetry , but emotion contained in them is different .

  29. 贬谪文学不仅反映贬谪文人生活体验和思想感情,它更是一种历史精神的言说与延展。

    Relegation literature not only reflects the living experience , thought and sentiment , but also is the description and extension of historical spirits .

  30. 沈亻全期之贬谪岭南,是一次痛苦的生命体验,也是一个诗歌艺术的拓展时期。

    The banishment to Lingnan of Shen Quanqi was one painful & complicated life experience , it was also one new development of poetry art .