
  • 网络Cup;three cup
  1. 这是你第三杯咖啡了。

    This is your third cup of coffee .

  2. 没事,我今天是第三杯了。

    Don 't be . It 's my third cup today .

  3. 三杯酒入肚,他来了精神,话也多了。

    After downing three glasses , he became lively and talkative .

  4. 我以前早上常喝三杯凉水。

    I used to drink three glasses of cold water in the morning .

  5. 他渴极了,连气儿喝了三杯水。

    He was so thirsty that he drank three glasses of water at a stretch .

  6. "煮三杯水,加入混合物,慢火煮三分钟,熄火,静置五分钟。"

    " Bring three cups of water to boil , add mix , simmer three minutes , remove from heat , let stand five minutes . "

  7. 格雷格刚刚写了一本关于他自己的故事的书,名叫《三杯茶》,这本书很畅销。

    Greg has just written a best-selling book about his story called Three Cups of Tea .

  8. 按一生的平均水平来算,以下行为会导致一个微生命的丧失:吸两支烟,吃一个汉堡,超重11磅,喝下第二或第三杯酒饮,以及看两小时电视。

    Averaged over a lifetime , the following habits are linked to the loss of one microlife : smoking two cigarettes , eating a burger , being roughly 11 pounds overweight , chugging a second or third alcoholic , and watching two hours of television .

  9. 威斯康辛大学医学与公共卫生学院的综合医师DavidRakel说,选择含有绿茶成分的防晒霜和乳液,每天喝三杯绿茶,做饭时加入姜黄粉末,都可以为你提供防晒保护。

    In addition to choosing green-tea-infused sunblocks and lotions , drinking 3 cups of green tea daily and regularly including turmeric in your cooking may provide protection , says integrative physician David Rakel of the University of Wisconsin 's School of Medicine and Public Health .

  10. 他突然说道,三杯朗姆酒!

    He burst out . ' Three goes o ' rum !

  11. 三杯两盏,怎敌晚它来风急。

    Can two or three cups match the urge late wind ?

  12. 他高声叫来女招待,要了三杯三倍分量的白兰地。

    He shouted for the waitress and ordered three treble brandies .

  13. 劳驾,我们要三杯茶,一杯咖啡。

    We 'll have three teas and one coffee , please .

  14. 昨晚我带着这东西连续喝了三杯酒呢

    I get three drinks all night with this thing on .

  15. 我要三杯可乐和一杯柠檬苏打水。

    I 'd like three coca colas and a lemonade .

  16. 你每天要喝三杯的咖啡?

    Do you drink three cups or more of coffee a day ?

  17. 每周只喝两到三杯含酒精饮料

    Limit yourself to two or three alcoholic drinks a week

  18. 女士们我们要三杯朗姆酒加健怡可乐

    Ladies . We 'll take three rum and diets .

  19. 三杯酒下肚,他就感到恶心了。

    He felt seedy after only three cups of wine .

  20. 我们去喝一杯吧,两杯或者三杯。

    Let 's have a drink , or two , or three .

  21. 三杯冲泡的咖啡,之后加奶

    and three drip coffees with room for milk . Searing hot .

  22. 喝完后,他又要了三杯。

    And when he finishes he orders three more .

  23. 三杯冲泡的咖啡,之后加奶。

    And three drip coffees with room for milk .

  24. 我能看到桌上有三杯水和两杯茶。

    I can see three glasses of apples and pears under the table ?

  25. 除了一杯牛奶之外,他还喝了三杯咖啡。

    Besides a glass of milk , he drank three cups of coffee .

  26. 三杯啤酒下肚,加里便醉得不省人事了。

    After only three beers , Gary was four sheets in the wind .

  27. 喝了三杯威士忌之后,他烂醉如泥,路几乎都走不动了。

    After three whiskies he was so far-gone that he could hardly walk .

  28. 昨晚喝了三杯咖啡后,我觉得经理很充沛。

    After three cups of coffee last night , I felt totally wired .

  29. 要,再来三杯和一些别的东西。

    Yes , another three drinks and something else .

  30. 喝了三杯拿铁买了两份报纸以及…一张交友中心的申请表。

    Three lattes , two newspapers , and ... one dating service application .