
  1. 从无性系平均看,三无性系MFA的大小次序为366<370<I&69。

    Of the three cottonwood clones , the order of MFA were : 366 < 370 < I-69 .

  2. 经446天继代培养后,在HC-0、HC-4和HC-5三个无性系再生植株中观察到广泛的形态变异,包括育性、株高、抽穗期、穗形和穗颈毛等。

    Extensive somaclonal morphological variation was observed in regenerants of HC-4 , HC-5 and HC-0 lines after 446 days ' subculture . Variant characters included fertility , height , heading date , spike shape , hairy neck .

  3. 经各项指标的检验和综合评定认为,7号、3号、2号三个无性系作为主栽系,1号、6号两个无性系作为配栽系较为合适。

    It is more suitable that the clones , No. 7 , 3 , and 2 , were used as major cultivated strains and the clones , No. 1 and 6 as associated cultivated strains , after examining and evaluating synthetically every index about them .

  4. 三种泡桐无性系木材材性及纤维形态的研究

    Wood Properties and Fiber Morphology of Paulownia Hybrid Clones

  5. 3三种禾草无性系叶种群具有相同生长和发展规律。

    The leaf population of the three grasses owns the same growth and development rule .

  6. 1三种禾草无性系扩展表现出相同规律,即以最大可能伸长主茎从而占据生态位空间。

    Results showed that : 1 Three species of clone taken on the similar type of extending . The main stolon elongated as long as possible to occupied the ecological niche .

  7. 主要研究结果如下:(1)解决了三倍体毛白杨无性系鉴别技术问题。

    The results show as follows : ( 1 ) Clone identification technique of Triploid Populus tomentosa was solved .

  8. 本文采用国家标准方法,通过测定和分析取自山东和廊坊两地的6个品系三倍体毛白杨无性系的化学组分,筛选出最适宜作为制浆造纸用材林的品系。

    In this paper , six strains of triploid clones from Lang fang and Shandong were measured and analyzed by using the national standard method in order to select regional suitable strains .

  9. 运用双因素随机区组设计方案,研究了稀土、赤霉素(GA3)和吲哚丁酸(IBA)三种植物生长调节剂对三个锥栗品种无性系产量增加的影响。

    The effect of GA 3 , IBA and rare earth elements on yield increase in 3 clones of Castanea henryi was studied , using double factor randomized block design .