
  • triplexing
  1. 我国现行的现行三部外资法有关外商投资企业的超国民待遇和次国民待遇的规定与WTO的国民待遇原则不一致。

    The super and secondary national treatment in three current present Foreign Investment Laws in China cannot conform to the WTO national treatment principle .

  2. 三部推拿法对心脾两虚型不寐的疗效和SAS的影响

    Clinical Observation and SAS on the Therapy of Three Parts Massage for Treatment of Insomnia

  3. 三部婚姻法内容增删比较

    Comparison of Changes in Contents of Three Versions of Marriage Laws

  4. 结论:三部推拿法治疗心脾两虚型不寐的疗效确切,方法安全,具有可操作性和推广价值。

    Conclusion : The therapy of three parts massage can increases the clinical therapeutic effect on insomnia as well .

  5. 1998年南非国会通过了新的竞争法,该法于1999年1月1日正式生效,这是南非历史上的第三部竞争法。

    The new Competition Law is the third competition law in the South Africa , passed by the South Africa Congress in 1998 and on January 1st 1999 , it came into formal effective .

  6. 目的:对三部推拿法治疗心脾两虚型不寐进行多中心临床评价,系统整理和规范化研究,并探讨其治疗机理。

    Objective : To carry on multicentric clinical evaluation , systemic unscrambling and normalization study of three parts massage treating insomnia with type of deficiency of both the heart and spleen , and explore its therapeutic mechanism .

  7. 首先对我国合同法统一之前的三部合同法澎示检讨,《经济合同法》对合同解除缺乏应有的限制,忽视合同法鼓励交易的功能;

    First the paper self-criticisms three contract laws before the Contract Law of China came into force . The Economical Contract Law lacks restrictions on the rescission of contract and neglects function of the contract law as promoting transactions .

  8. 与其它三部现存合同法相比,合同法草案规定的适用范围有了适当扩大。

    Compared with that of the three existing contract laws , the scope of application of the Draft Contract Law is appropriately enlarged .

  9. 作为《婚姻法》的一项重要内容,夫妻财产制在新中国的三部《婚姻法》中所占的地位呈逐步提高的趋势。

    As an important content of law of marriage , the status of marital property system has been , showing on-the-rise tendency in three codes of law of marriage since the foundation of PRC in1949 .

  10. 三部九候脉诊法,是我国中医自古以来脉诊所使用的一套方法。

    Three portions & nine pulse-takings is a pulse diagnostic method of Chinese medicine since ancient times .

  11. 日本于1929年,1938年和1947年颁布三部有关农业保险法,即《家畜保险法》、《农业保险法》和《农业灾害补偿法》。

    Japan in 1929 , 1938 and 1947 promulgated three related agricultural laws of insurance , namely " Domestic Animal Law of Insurance ", " Agricultural Law of Insurance " and " Agricultural Disaster Compensation Laws " .

  12. 共同纲领是建国初期前三部检察机构组织法的法律渊源,宪法是第四部检察机构组织法的法律渊源。

    Common Program is the sources of law for the first three Ministry of procuratorial Law on the Organization of the early days , The Constitution is the sources of law for the fourth procuratorial Law on the Organization .