
  • 网络Tertiary network;ncre-3;spinet-3;M-W-R-J-C
  1. 对生产线的PLC控制系统进行了设计,建立了控制系统三级网络结构图。

    The PLC controlling system is studied and designed , the three level network structure of controlling system is established .

  2. 控制系统采用三级网络架构,整合了前期的GE、西门子品牌PLC和新建的AB品牌PLC三大平台,功能齐全,组态灵活,界面友好,兼容性好,宜于扩展,而且技术成熟,性价比高。

    Control system uses a three-tier network architecture . The whole control platform integrates early GE , Siemens PLC and new built AB PLC . The platform is fully functional , configuration flexibility , friendly interface , good compatibility , suitable for expansion , and mature technology , cost-effective .

  3. 医院如何发挥医院感染管理三级网络的作用

    How to Exert Three-level Network Function of Infection Management in Hosptial

  4. 我公司将对本工程的工期采用三级网络进行管理。

    My company will manage this project construction by three levels network .

  5. 三级网络结构的铁路集装箱一体化服务体系设计

    Design in Integrated Service System of Three-tier Network Structure for the Railway Container

  6. 三级网络的最低费用

    Minimal cost of a three & level network

  7. 三级网络连通后,构成乌海市电子政务内网。

    Three level network connectivity , form the city of Wuhai electronic government affair intranet .

  8. 以三级网络为组织基础,积极构建学校心理安全保障机制。

    Colleges and universities should also construct their psychological safety control systems based on three-level network .

  9. 基于Java/XML的三级网络教学平台下网络考试系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implement of Network Examination System under Three-level Network Teaching Platform Based on JAVA / XML

  10. 在计划经济年代,传统的预防三级网络能够满足儿童保健服务的需要。

    In the planned economy era , the traditional three-tier network prevention services system could meet the needs of children health care service .

  11. 目的探讨医院感染管理三级网络如何在医院感染管理工作中发挥作用。

    OBJECTIVE Exerting the three level network function of infection management makes it play an important role in infection management in the hospital .

  12. 潍坊市安全生产综合监管与应急救援系统是一个从市、县(市、区)到重点监控企业的三级网络系统。

    Work Safety Supervision and Administration System is a three level network system from the city and county ( city , district ) to the monitored company .

  13. 由于行政区划的变更及房地产开发等多方面因素的影响,原有三级网络功能削弱,高血压管理失访率达15.32%。

    Due to various factors such as administrative delimit and development of real estate , the weakness of former three-grade network , non-investigation rate of hypertension is15.32 % .

  14. 模型采用三级网络结构:设备现场故障监控系统;车间或企业局域网故障监控中心;

    The system is divided into three parts : the field equipment fault monitoring system , the workshop or enterprise local fault monitoring center and the remote monitoring center .

  15. 研究显示,依托县、乡、村三级网络,整合当地卫生资源,建立多部门合作的艾滋病健康教育和行为干预模式是效果明显的。

    The studies indicated that , relying on the county-town-village three-level net , integrating the local health resources and founding a multi-sectoral cooperative AIDS health education and behavioral intervention mode is very effective .

  16. 完善农村卫生服务体系,农村卫生服务体系的建设和完善,要坚持以政府为主导,按照县、乡、村三级网络建设。

    To improve the rural health system , rural health service system and the construction and improvement , we must adhere to government-led , according to the county , township and village levels network construction .

  17. 在这方面,上海市从20世纪50年代就进行了有益的探索,开创出具有上海特点的精神病防治三级网络工作模式,对中国社区精神卫生发展做出了很大的贡献。

    In this aspect , Shanghai began its pursuit long before 1950s , and explored a three-level network model in prevention of mental diseases with a Shanghai characteristic , which proved to be a great contribution to China 's mental health course .

  18. 通过三级网络,即设备网、控制网和信息网将整个系统集成为一体,完成工艺设备的控制、各种参数的集中监控和生产信息管理。

    Through the three networks the equipment network , the control network and the information network , the whole system is integrated as one to complete the control of craft equipments , the centralized monitoring of various parameters and the production information management .

  19. 结论在充分发挥医院感染管理三级网络的基础上带动全院人员全面、全程地做好医院感染管理工作医疗质量三级监控网络的构筑与运行

    CONCLUSIONS To fulfill the function of three level network function of infection management could encourage the hospital staff to participate in the project of infection management . The Establishment and Implementation of the Three level Supervising Network on the Quality of Medical Treatment

  20. 通过改革探索,健全了农村卫生三级网络,提高了乡镇卫生院的运行效率,加强了医护人员的素质教育,满足了广大农村群众的医疗服务需求。

    As a result , the three level network of rural healthcare was perfected , the operating efficiency of township health centers was improved , the quality of rural health personnel was raised , and the demands of the broad masses of rural people for medical services were satisfied .

  21. 一种基于匹配理论的FPGA三级互连网络测试方法

    A Novel Testing Method Based on Matching Theory for Three Stage Interconnect Network in FPGA

  22. 分布式调度三级CLOS网络中交换机制的选择

    Choice of Switching Scheme in Distributed Scheduling Three-stage Clos Networks

  23. 当前大型交换网络的连接网络拓扑主要采用多级网络,其中以三级Clos网络(C3)最为常用。

    Currently , three stage Clos networks ( C3 ) are the most popular network topology .

  24. 本文通过对包钢棒材连轧线的工业控制网络的由分体到整体的介绍,将西门子公司的三级控制网络(Profibus-DP网络、MPI网络、工业以太网)思想做了一个全面的说明。

    The three-class control network ( profibus-DP , MPI , industrial Ethernet ) is explained generally with its application on assembling bar .

  25. 分析了三级Clos网络分布式调度保证性能的资源需求。

    The resource requirements of guaranteeing performance in the distributed scheduling in three-stage Clos networks are analyzed .

  26. 介绍了三级Clos网络拓扑,在此基础上设计了基于Clos网络的大容量光纤通道交换机体系结构。

    In this paper , the three-stage Clos-network is introduced to design the architecture of a large-scale Fiber Channel Switch .

  27. 特别是发达国家健全的三级保健网络,使其在HIE的流行病学研究方面具有得天独厚的优势,在防治HIE的发生和后遗症方面发挥重要作用。

    Especially sound three-level health care web of developed countries makes them greatly advantaged in HIE epidemiologic study and plays an important role in preventing incidence and sequelae of HIE .

  28. 在两级交换网络中实现了在分布式调度思想下和三级Clos网络的统一,使得三级Clos网络分布式调度算法得到进一步简化。

    The distributed scheduling algorithms in three-stage Clos networks are further simplified due to the unification of two-stage networks and three-stage Clos networks under distributed scheduling scheme .

  29. 本文在一种实现简单的分布式调度算法&RRBSA算法下,对三级Clos网络分布式调度的交换机制进行了研究。

    Based on a simple distributed scheduling algorithm called RRBSA ( Round-Robin Balanced Scheduling Algorithm ), switching mechanisms of distributed scheduling in three-stage Clos networks have been studied .

  30. 同时,根据采油五厂地理位置特点,灵活运用光纤、微波、WLAN等通信技术构成有线/无线混合的三级Ethernet网络,实现多业务综合接入。

    At the same time , according to geographic features of No. 5 oil refinery , the communication technologies such as optical fiber , microwave , WLAN , etc. are used to form wired / wireless mixture three-level Ethernet network , achieve multi-service access .