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  1. 第四章研究了基于WEB的三维虚拟实验室的体系结构并分析了三维建模语言VllldL的技术特性和交互设计的方法。

    In the forth section , we discussed the structure of a 3-D virtual laboratory based on WEB , and analyzed the technique characters and the methodology of VRML .

  2. 地点和对象:在德国Erlangen-Nuremberg大学骨科医院三维运动分析实验室完成,选择5例正常人作足三维运动分析,男3例,女2例;

    SETTING and PARTICIPANTS : The experiment was completed in the 3D Motion Analysis Laboratory , Orthopaedic Hospital , Erlangen Nuremberg University , Germany .

  3. 三维虚拟原子吸收实验室建模研究

    Research on modeling three dimensional virtual atomic absorption laboratory