
  • 网络Integrated machine;AIO;All-in-one PC;kiosk;imac
  1. 麻烦的是,展示这款一体机的一名年轻女子的臀部也出现在这张图片上。

    So does the new Transformer AIO . Trouble was , the photo also highlighted the backside of a young woman who was showcasing the Transformer .

  2. 基于ARM的非接触式指纹IC卡一体机的设计

    Design of Contactless Fingerprint IC Card System Based on ARM

  3. 新型IPC回馈变频一体机在油田抽油机中的应用

    Application of IPC Feedback Frequency Integrated Machine in Oilfield Pumping Unit

  4. 这一新趋势最切实的一个例子就是戴尔的XPSOne台式电脑&一款别致、漂亮、精心设计的一体机。

    The most tangible example of this new approach is Dell 's XPS One desktop & an elegant , handsome , cleverly designed one-piece computer .

  5. 在开发中使用了理光公司提供的底层API接口,完成网络连接、建立显示元素和控制多功能一体机等功能。

    Basic API provided by Ricoh is used to connect network , create display items and control multi-function printer .

  6. 联想(Lenovo)近日发布了两款新的一体机。

    Rounding up the new line-up are a pair of all-in-ones .

  7. SBR工艺用滗水器的研究介绍了离心式污泥浓缩脱水一体机在水厂产水污泥中的浓缩脱水处理。

    This is an integral device of centrifugal sludge thickening and water decanter designed for waterworks .

  8. 在今年一月举行的消费电子展(ConsumerElectronicsShow)上,Vizio推出了一系列电脑,包括两款一体机和三款笔记本电脑。

    At the annual consumer electronics show in January Vizio introduced a line of computers , including two all-in-one desktops and three notebooks .

  9. AH系列一体机是一种新颖的高频、高效、低功耗、符合环保要求的超声清洗设备。

    AH serie integrative machine is original high frequency and high efficiency and low consumption equipment which can match environment protecting requirement .

  10. 程序运行稳定,用户已经能够通过控制多功能一体机上的面板,直接浏览Internet上的网页,并利用自定义的JavaScript对象,通过网页控制多功能一体机进行扫描。

    The program is running steadily . Users can browse the Internet websites through the panel of multi-function printers and use JavaScript self-definition object to scan through web pages .

  11. 以剧本导引法开发SOHO族用多功能一体机之研究

    Develop All-in-One for SOHO with the Scenario-oriented Design

  12. 在模拟信号电视向高清晰度数字信号电视的转换过程中,电视机顶盒、数字电视一体机以及USB密钥棒的需求量日益剧增。

    The demand for Set-Top Box , HDTV receiver and USB dongle is increasing day by day , in the process that the analog TV transits into the digital TV .

  13. 并将模糊逻辑系统与PLC控制系统相结合,设计了一个空调热水一体机模糊控制器,与常规的控制器相比,节能效果显著。

    In addition , combining the fuzzy logic system with the PLC control system , it designed a fuzzy controller for Air Conditioner with Domestic Hot Water Supply , and this article taken an experiment to test it .

  14. 实现了一体机与RSU、费额显示屏、双基色点阵屏之间的通信。(3)完成了嵌入式ETC系统软件设计。

    The communication protocols for the embedded integrated machine , RSU , the toll information display screen and double color dot-matrix LED were implemented . ( 3 ) The embedded ETC system software was designed .

  15. 其中联想C540是一款入门级的一体机,配备了一块23英寸的1080p显示屏、酷睿(Core)i3处理器、8GB的RAM、英伟达精视(NvidiaGeForce)615显卡。

    The Lenovo c540 is an entry-level all-in-one with a 23-inch multitouch 1080p display , core I3 processor , 8GB of ram and NVIDIA geforce 615 graphics .

  16. 所谓数字电视一体机(iDTV)是一种能够进行数字视频信号和模拟视频信号处理,同时进行高清晰度显示,具有友好的人机交互界面的消费电子产品。

    IDTV is a kind of electronic product that can process digital and analog video signal , with high definition display and friendly man-machine interface .

  17. 42V电器系统是国际上研究的热点,起动/发电一体机(ISG)是42V电器系统的核心部件。

    42V electric system is the state of the art research topic in the world . Integrated Starter / Generator ( ISG ) is the key part in 42V electric system .

  18. 同时结合目前设计现状,总结了SOHO数码办公产品的五大发展趋势,即多功能一体机,便携移动性,智能小型化,易用性和通用性更强,以及强调人文关怀。

    At the same time , combining with present design condition , we sum up five SOHO digital office products ' development trends which are multi-function product , portable mobility , smart small , humanization and more easy and interchangeability .

  19. ALF4系列灌装封口一体机,具有结构紧凑自动化程度高的优点,灌装、扣内塞、上盖、旋盖流水作业一机完成。

    ALF4 series piston-type filling-sealing machines have compact structures and high automation , which can ensure Volume-produce in limited space .

  20. 这种Swash产品是洗衣机和熨斗一体机,可对衣服进行清新和去除异味,并且按下按钮后还能熨烫——所需要的时间相当于洗一次澡。

    The Swash is a washing machine and iron inone that refreshes clothes , removes odours and flattens out wrinkles at thepress of a button - and does so all in the time it takes to have a shower .

  21. 分析了皮卫星测控应答一体机应具有的整体功能,对一体机的系统电源部分、射频部分、BPSK解调部分、指令识别部分做了相应的设计及整合。

    The works in this thesis are following : 1 . Based on analyzing the entire functions of integrated Pico-satellite TT & C transponder 's system , the components of system power , RF signal processing , BPSK demodulation and command recognition are improved and integrated .

  22. 增程器总成控制系统主要由上层控制其网络VCU、发动机控制单元EMS、发动机、发电启动一体机、发电机控制器IPU、及高低压线束、进排气系统组成。

    Extender assembly control system is mainly composed of the upper control the EMS network VCU , engine control unit , engine , generator , generator controller IPU , start machine and high and low voltage wiring harness , into the exhaust system .

  23. 通过论文工作,成功地改进了川于卫星的S波段测控通信一体机,跟踪和捕获接收灵敏度都能达到一92dBm,动态范围55dB以上,接收机的捕捉带宽大于500KHz,捕捉时问减小到22ms。

    Based on research and experiments , we effectively improved the S-band TT & C transponder for satellite in such dimensions : with sensitivity up to - 92dBm ; dynamic range wider than 55dB ; capture bandwidth of the receiver wider than 500KHz ;

  24. 一种微粉碎新设备&离心碎磨一体机

    A New Micro-pulverizing Machine & Centrifugal Crushing and grinding in one

  25. 印刷一体机用版纸&热敏蜡纸

    Heat-Sensitive Stencil Paper for Duplicating Plate of the Integrative Printing Machine

  26. 纺牵卷一体机牵伸辊上丝路调节方法的分析

    Adjustment of yarn path on drawing roller of spin-draw-winding machine

  27. 使得一体机的扩展性和使用灵活性大大增强。

    This mechanism makes all-in-one extensibility and the flexibility is greatly enhanced .

  28. 单片机ISP/IAP技术在复印制版一体机中的应用

    Application of ISP / IAP in Copying & Plate-making Machine

  29. 混炼成型一体机计算机模拟及实验研究

    The Computer Simulation and Experiment Research of Mixer & Extruder Incorporate Machine

  30. 纱线摇黑板/缕纱测长一体机的设计

    The Design of Sample Yarn Winder / Measuring Reel Instrument