
  • 网络First-Order Predicate Logic;first order predicate logic;fol
  1. 目前时空本体的构造都是基于一阶谓词逻辑,不能直接应用最新的OWL本体语言描述,不利于其在语义Web上的表示和应用。

    Currently , the construction of spatio-temporal ontology is based on FOL , and can not utilize the Web ontology language OWL ; this bans its applications on the semantic Web .

  2. 利用谓词/变迁网证明的一阶谓词逻辑命题

    First-order Predicate Logic Proposition Proved by Using Predicate / Transition Net

  3. 使用XML的一阶谓词逻辑归结原理

    Resolution Method Using XML in First-order Predicate Logic

  4. Z语言是基于一阶谓词逻辑和集合论的形式规格说明语言,采用了严格的数学理论,可产生简明、精确、无歧义且可证明的规格说明。

    Z is a formal specification language based on the first order predicate logic and set theory . It can generate concise , accurate and conformable specifications .

  5. 归纳逻辑编程(ILP)借助一阶谓词逻辑的强大描述能力,可以自然地表述各种特征,将其整合到一个逻辑框架下,从中学习目标关系。

    Inductive logic programming based on first-order logic has great expressivity , with which features can be represented in an integrated framework .

  6. PAR方法及其平台使用一阶谓词逻辑表示功能规约,分划与递推来进行算法形式推导,各种转换系统来自动生成算法程序。

    The PAR approach and its platform expresses function specification by first prediction logic , formally derives algorithm by partition and recurrence , and automatic generate algorithmic program by diversified transformation systems .

  7. 基于一阶谓词逻辑的PROLOG语言不允许量词作用于谓词,这限制了它的表达和处理范围。

    PROLOG , a kind of first-order logic-based language , doesn 't permit quantification over predicates in grammer sense , hence the expressive range suitable for this language is decreased .

  8. 本文在一阶谓词逻辑的基础上,为每个定性的Horn子句规则赋予一个蕴涵强度f,从而得到定量的f-Horn子句规则及其Herbrand解释。

    Based on the first order predicate logic each qualitative Horn clause rule in this paper is associated with an implication strength f , therefore quantitative f-Horn clause rules and their Herbrand interpretation are obtained .

  9. 该系统选用基于一阶谓词逻辑的TurboProlog2.0版本作为程序设计语言,在UCDOS支持下,在LEO286微机上实现。

    The system was implemented on a LEO 286 personal computer running under a UCDOS operating system . The programming language is Turbo PROLOG 2.0 , which is primarily based on the first order predicate calculus , but permits imperative coding .

  10. 针对一些规则性的知识通过一阶谓词逻辑进行形式化;

    For that regularization knowledge we use first order predicate logic ;

  11. 一阶谓词逻辑是现代逻辑中最为经典的演算系统。

    Predicate logic of first order is the most classical calculation system in modern logic .

  12. 结合一阶谓词逻辑,采用面向对象的方法,表述了其需求信息。

    Combination of first order predicate logic , with object-oriented method , expressed demand for information .

  13. 采用一阶谓词逻辑知识表示方法对需求元进行形式化描述;

    The representation of first order predicate logic is adopted to describe the requirement unit in formalization .

  14. 文中采用一阶谓词逻辑描述主体的访问权限,具有更强的表达能力和灵活性。

    This dissertation uses the First-Order Logic to describe the access authority of the agent , which is more flexible and expressive .

  15. 马尔科夫逻辑网络是将一阶谓词逻辑与概率图模型相结合,以获取关系数据中的似然模型。

    Markov Logic Networks combines First Order Logic and Probability Graphic Model in order to obtain model of likelihood in relational databases .

  16. 逻辑推理是人工智能的基础,而逻辑中的一阶谓词逻辑是使用较为广泛的知识表示方法,因此研究一阶谓词逻辑的推理问题是一项很有意义的工作。

    At first , this paper introduces presenting knowledge based on semantic network , and transfers expression knowledge of SNetL into the form of predication logic for inference .

  17. 人工智能原理中熏基于一阶谓词逻辑下的归结推理方法可以在机器上实现自动定理证明以及问题的求解。

    In artificial intelligence principle , auto-theorem and finding out the answer to questions in machine by applying the method of sum-up principle can be proved , based on the logic of one-step-predication .

  18. 基于一阶谓词逻辑的归纳逻辑编程技术可以自然地描述和学习复杂的关系,非常适合于信息抽取规则中的知识表示和自动生成。

    Inductive logic programming ( ILP ) technique based on first-order predicate logic can describe and learn complex relations naturally , thus is quite suitable for the knowledge representation and automatic acquisition of rules in information extraction .

  19. 文本谓词表示是一种一阶谓词逻辑表示方法,不同的单词对应不同的逻辑谓词,谓词参数的位置信息表示句法语义信息。

    Text predicate representation is a first order predicate logic . In this method , different words have different definitions of logical predicates , and the position of their parameters indicates the syntax and semantic information .

  20. 在本知识库系统模型中,知识表示采用一阶谓词(SDSS)逻辑和案例两者相结合的方式。

    In this knowledge base system model , we adopt both first order predicate logic ( FOPL ) and case knowledge representation modes to represent the knowledge .

  21. 一种基于一阶谓词逻辑的模型表示方法

    A model representation method based on first order predicate logic

  22. 讨论了三种时间逻辑方法:一阶谓词演算,模态逻辑及具体化逻辑。

    Three temporal logics i.e. first-order predicate calculus , modal logic and reified logic are discussed .

  23. 本文在模糊命题逻辑演绎系统的基础上,引入了模糊意义下的一阶逻辑的相关概念,建立了模糊一阶(谓词)逻辑的准形式演绎系统。

    Based on fuzzy formal deduction system , some concepts of fuzzy first - order logic are introduced .

  24. 通过引进一阶模糊语言变元集赋值的新概念,给出了一阶模糊谓词逻辑(或一阶模糊语言)公式的区间解释真度的定义,并讨论了它们的一系列性质。

    In this paper , we gave the definition of truth degree based on the interval interpretation of first-order fuzzy predicate logic ( or first-order fuzzy language ) formulas by introducing the new ( concept ) of evaluation on variable set , and discuss its a series of properties .

  25. 提出了一种新型Petri网&高阶Petri网,这种网可以应用于一阶谓词逻辑中的多项式子句集问题;

    In this paper , we propose a new class of Petri nets , higher-order Petri nets ( HOPN 's ), which can be applied to polynomial clause subset of first-order predicate logic .