
yī yì
  • one meaning
  1. 《尔雅》也有辨释之不足:一义相同的度不够准确、缺乏系统性、没有着力辨清名物。

    Er Ya has yet shortcomings : the similarity degree of one meaning in synonymous words is not exact and accurate , also lack of system , no clarity in differentiating matters .

  2. 用潜在语义索引算法取代传统简单的向量空间模型来做信息的过滤,该算法在处理汉语一词多义和多词一义有很好的效果。

    Replacing the simple traditional vector space model to filter information , the algorithm has a good effect on dealing with Chinese " Polysemy " and " More word one meaning " .

  3. TM、GMP一义D&Di可作为脑动脉硬化症血瘀证的微观辨证指标。

    Conclusions : ( 1 ) TM GMP-140 D-Di may serve as objective indexes for blood stasis syndrome differentiation in cerebral arteriosclerosis .

  4. 人心是孔道,道心或天理与人欲之实现必须以人心为基础。最后,本文提出道心为主,人心听命这一义理模式,指出此模式之文献依据、义理依据。

    The human mind is the basis , and the realization of heavenly principle and the selfish desire must fulfil on the human mind .

  5. 不管有多少歧义,但万变不离其中,都不能脱离艺术形象的质的规定性,都只能是这个艺术形象多义中的一义。

    No matter how many ambiguities , but one always changing , can not be divorced from the artistic image quality requirements , all this can only be multi-artistic image of just one justice .

  6. 《尔雅》同义词代表了古汉语同义词研究的传统,表现在同义训诂性、同义时代性、多源开放性、标准一义性、同义群聚性、名物主导性六方面。

    Synonyms in Er Ya represent the tradition of synonyms study in ancient China , which is synonyms explaining character , synonyms era character , dimensional opening character , standard one-meaning character , synonyms gathering character , matter leading character .

  7. AN结构入句后表示对动作某方面属性的度量,这一格式义对AN结构内部、VP具有制约作用。

    AN structure in sentences metricizesthe attribute of verbs and it has the constraints of structural meaning on the internal structure of AN and VP .

  8. 没有它,人生将是空虚的并且一无心义的。

    Without it , life will be empty and meaningless .

  9. 在一个义类词汇系统内部,词与词之间形成一种协作与竞争的关系。

    In the semantic lexical system , words cooperated and compete with one another .

  10. 他知道若翰是一个义人、圣人,所以他护着若翰。

    He knew John to be an upright and holy man and kept him safe .

  11. 一个义人所有的虽少,强过许多恶人的富馀。

    A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked .

  12. 一个义位表示一个义层,义层是以义位层层相叠的形式存在的。

    One meaning position expresses one meaning tier . Meaning tiers exist in the form of meaning position plus meaning position .

  13. 本文主要研究主导是字存在句的表义模式及典型体现这一表义模式的表量成分。

    This dissertation mainly focuses on the semantic pattern of the sentence and the quantity component that typically indicates the semantic pattern .

  14. 劳顿必须十分有效率得去领导其中一个义工团。对此团队来说,时间运用是十分重要的,特别是像世足赛如此必须精密筹画的国际赛事。

    Lawton headed up a team of volunteers-and had to do so efficiently : Time was of the essence with such an elaborately orchestrated international event .

  15. 宽恕冠希、宽恕受害者,祈祷上帝也赦免你们自己的罪,因为我们没有一个义人,同样需要耶稣的赦免。

    ForgiveEdison , the victims and ask God to forgive your own sins , because none of us are perfect and we all need Jesus forgiveness .

  16. Fuzzy算子运算的一种新语义解释

    A New Semantic Interpretation of the Operation Between Fuzzy Operators

  17. 结果:在设计合成的4条反义肽中,筛选出一条反义多肽(R4),其与C5a分子间相互作用的解离平衡常数值(KD)o662×10-6mol/L;

    Results : There is one piece of anti-sense peptide ( R4 ) being screened from these four synthesized peptides .

  18. Underlap是一个实义词,意思是一块材料铺在另一块材料下面。

    Underlap is a real word . It means a piece of material extending under another piece .

  19. 肽核酸(PNA)作为一种反义核酸类化合物,在分子水平的疾病诊治上,有其独特的优越性,现在日益受到关注。

    PNA , which is one kind of anti sense nucleic acid compounds , has its unique advantages in the molecular diagnostics and treatment of diseases . Now , people gradually attach more importance to PNA .

  20. 古代气论是中国文化中一个蕴义复杂的问题。

    Ancient " qi " is an ambiguous problem in Chinese culture .

  21. 义素脱落是一种语境义变现象。

    Morpheme absorption is a form of semantic deviations .

  22. 我一到月底义将具有偿付能力。

    Infml I 'll be solvent again at the end of the month .

  23. 现代汉语中的一个贬抑义格式

    A Structure of Derogatory Implication in Modern Chinese

  24. 作为一种表义文字,汉字中蕴藏着丰富的文化内涵。

    As a kind of ideographic writing , Chinese character contains plenty of cultural meanings .

  25. 求你不要审问仆人。因为在你面前,凡活着的人,没有一个是义的。

    Do not bring your servant into judgment , for no one living is righteous before you .

  26. 他建立了一堵自义的墙,毫无亏欠之心,其实,他最需要一面镜子来看清自己的本相。

    He had built up a wall of self-righteousness when what he needed was a mirror in which to see himself .

  27. 从而认为“厥”有二个不同概念:一是文字义,二是病证名。

    One is the literary meaning of the word ; The other is the name of syncope which is a kind of disease .

  28. 法律专家称:“打黑成就可保一时平安,而法治成就能保一世公义”。

    Cracking down on gangs will give you a moment of peace , but rule of law will safeguard a generation of righteousness .

  29. 一词一义的形成过程是词的制造者为一个意义选配一个词的语音形式的过程。

    The reason for word to contain several meanings is that mankind increases one meaning in the speech form of some single meaning words .

  30. 一天长兄义吉当强和野耗牛相遇,因争占草地,义吉当强被耗牛所杀。

    One day when the eldest brother , Ji Yi , and wild yak strong meet , due to competition accounted for the grass , meaning Kyrgyzstan killed when the intensity is yak .