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  1. 断块油藏剩余油分布研究&明一西块调整效果

    Study of One-Light-One-West Block Adjust Effect for Fault Oil Deposits Profile

  2. 明一西块油藏非均质性研究

    Study on Heterogeneity for Ming One West Block Oilfield

  3. 明一西块属于严重非均质性油藏,油藏的非均质性严重的制约了明一西块的进一步开发。研究结果表明,危害贵州省小麦的病原丝核菌至少有两种,一种是R。

    Ming One West Oilfield has a considerable degree of heterogeneity . The serious heterogeneity limits the further development of Ming One West Block . One is R.

  4. 中原油田明一西块油藏温度80℃,综合含水已达85.53%,产量递减偏大。

    Blocked oil reservoir WM-1 in Zhongyuan is characterized by formation temperature 80 ℃, composite water cut 85.53 % , and rather a large exponential decline of oil production .

  5. 在隆起东侧由均衡补偿作用伴生一西缓东陡的边侧坳陷(盆地),称(内)陆棚盆地亚环境。

    At the same time , as a result of equilibrium activity , in the east of the basin formed an unsymmetrical compensation basin ( depression ), which is named inner shelf basin .

  6. 把一个西葫芦切成两半,挖出种子。

    Cut a marrow in half and scoop out the seeds .

  7. 一株西尼罗病毒基因组cDNA亚克隆的构建与鉴定

    Construction and identification of genomic cDNA subclones of West Nile virus

  8. 去年,乔治?莱因哈特(GeorgeReinhart)看到一则西印度群岛私人岛屿马斯蒂奎岛招聘总经理的广告。

    Last year , George Reinhart saw an ad for a managing director of the privately owned island of Mustique in the West Indies .

  9. 他将不会携带一个西半球计划出席峰会。

    He is not going to Trinidad with a plan for the hemisphere .

  10. 曾有一例西尼罗河病毒经胎盘(从母亲到婴儿)传播的报告。

    There is one reported case of transplacental ( mother-to-child ) WNV transmission .

  11. 就是这个,达叔需要一套西�

    That 's it . Darius needs a suit .

  12. 北佛罗里达,春天,一只西印度母牛潜游在水晶般透明的水域中。

    A West Indian manatee drifts through crystal-clear water in a North Florida spring .

  13. 一种西印度群岛猪胶树属的树,结无花果状的果实。

    A West Indies clusia having fig-shaped fruit .

  14. 一个西移台风和一个转向台风的路径对比分析

    Comparative Analysis on Tracks of A Westward Migrating Typhoon and A Recurving Typhoon over North-western Pacific

  15. 荷兰东北的一种西德语;接近于英语。

    A West Germanic language spoken in the NW netherlands ; a near relative of english .

  16. 在美国南部栽培的一种西印度的饲料植物,也用于改善土壤质量。

    West Indian forage plant cultivated in southern United States as forage and to improve soil .

  17. 雪莉:辛迪已经在市区新开的一家西餐厅帮我们预定好位置了。

    Shirley : Cindy has reserved a table for us at a newly opened western restaurant downtown .

  18. 长久以来,网络传播呈现出一种西强东弱的现象。

    For a long time , the online communication shows the trend of ' strong western , weak eastern ' .

  19. 两个入海口,一东一西,跨越四个经度。

    Two river entrances to the sea , one in the east , one in the west , across four longitudes .

  20. 我们正在尝试一种西年的组织概念――小组团队,去结合一个团队并发挥其潜在的能力。

    We are experimenting with a new organization concepts-teams , to capture the energy and cohesion of a new business team .

  21. 方法:收集2004年10月和11月共9个星期一门诊西药房的所有处方,对有关临床用药情况进行统计分析。

    Methods : Collecting the prescriptions of out-patient for 9 Mondays from October to November 2004 in our pharmacy , then statistically analyze the medication informations .

  22. 对一个西哥特人而言,探求知识毫无用途,除非它能帮助你赚钱或者获得统治他人的权力。

    To a Visigoth , the quest for knowledge is useless unless it can help you to earn money or to gain power over other people .

  23. 1917年,宁夏灵武出土一批西夏文佛经,出土后即部分遭到散佚。

    In 1917 , a number of Buddhist sutras written in XiXia characters were excavated from Lingwu in Ningxia , then some of them were lost .

  24. 我是个懒人,经常把衣服东扔一件西扔一件,等要穿的时候到处找不到。

    I am a dawdler , often the dress east throw one is thrown on the west , etc when wanting to wear , cannot find everywhere .

  25. 这为另一种西来的以拼音文字为记录符号的语言&拉丁语、葡语、英语等与汉字汉语的接触奠定了良好的基础。

    These approaches laid a good foundation for the later coming European languages , such as Latin , Portuguese , and English , which also use alphabetic writing .

  26. 一种西趪科的像猪的有蹄哺乳动物,见于北美、中美和南美地区,具有又长又黑的浓密鬃毛。

    Any of several piglike hoofed mammals of the family Tayassuidae , found in North , Central , and South America and having long , dark , dense bristles .

  27. 而它作为一个西巴尔干国家,既有着与其他西巴尔干国家相似的历史背景,又有着与中欧国家相同的文化传统。

    As a country in the region , Croatia has similar historical background with western Balkan countries , yet , it shares cultural tradition with central European countries as well .

  28. 经过了数十年的冲突之后,一位西耶路撒冷居民在旧城的雅法门附近表示,双方并没有进行有意义的对话的共同基础。

    After decades of conflict , some like this West Jerusalem resident speaking near the Jaffa Gate of the Old City say there is not enough common ground for meaningful dialogue .

  29. 脑膜炎球菌病的最大负担出现在撒哈拉以南非洲脑膜炎带,这一地带西起塞内加尔,东至埃塞俄比亚。

    The largest burden of meningococcal disease occurs in an area of sub-Saharan Africa known as the meningitis belt , which stretches from Senegal in the west to Ethiopia in the east .

  30. 短尾一种西印度群岛的短尾科小鸟,与翠鸟种属上相关,有多彩但主要是绿色的羽毛,喉部为亮红色。

    Any of various small birds of the family todidae , of the West indies , related to the kingfisher and the motmot and having colorful , predominantly green plumage and a bright red throat .