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yī ɡuō duān
  • get rid of completely;round up all enemies in one fell swoop;completely
一锅端 [yī guō duān]
  • [completely]比喻一下子全拿出来,没有剩余;也比喻一下子全部消灭

  1. 尽管贝恩资本公司当初打算将NHL一锅端的大胆做法没有奏效,但现在这种私下里逐个击破的做法似乎对NBA很管用。

    Not quite the bold front-door takeover that Bain had envisioned for the NHL , but the backdoor seems to be working just fine for the NBA .

  2. 塔塔格里亚家族,迟早得一锅端。

    The Tattaglia family is going to be wiped out .

  3. 传统的垂直管理系统下,发电、输电、配电,甚至售电,所有的成本都是未分离的,所以成本的回收也是一锅端的。

    In traditional management system , the generation cost , the transmission cost , the distribution cost , and the selling cost of electricity , are reclaimed together .

  4. 我苦心经营唐顿30年,可不是为了让不知打哪儿钻出来的人一锅端。

    Violet : I didn 't run Downton for 30 years to see it go , lock , stock and barrel to a stranger from God knows where .

  5. 马上采取措施制止境内袭击印度学生的行为,否则我就把你们所有的网站一锅端。

    Immediately take all measures to stop racist attacks against Indian students in Australia or else I will pawn [ sic ] all your cyber properties like this one .

  6. 眼下已经是下午五点钟了,桑儿愁容满面他说:“说不定咱们还应该允许迈克把前来接他的汽车里的随便什么人都一锅端掉。”

    By this time it was five in the afternoon . Sonny , with a worried look on his face , said ," Maybe we should just let Mike blast whoever is in the car when it tries to pick him up . "