
  • One Pool and Three Mountains;A Lake With three Hills
  1. 一池三山的园林模式发源于秦代神仙思想,这种园林自然意识具有浪漫主义的倾向,不是真切的现实自然界的观照,而是一种神仙色彩的理想自然认识。

    This natural awareness of the garden art have the romantic tendencies , not the true reflection of the reality itself , but the ideal natural cognition of the immortal color .

  2. 设计采用了一池三山的中国古典园林的布局模式,采用挖池堆山的方式创建自然山水的风景理念。

    The design adopts Chinese classical garden layout of " one pond surrounded by hills " . The idea of digging pond to pile hills to create the natural landscape is also adopted .