
  1. 影片的画面渐隐而转成一府教堂的外景。

    The picture then dissolved into a view of the church from the outside .

  2. 这些措施是明清时期徽州一府文化繁荣、济发达的重要保证。

    These educational measures of the patriarchal clans guaranteed the cultural and economical prosperity in Huizhou .

  3. 一府两院不能成为监督法执法主体的几点理由

    Several reasons for " the Government , the Court and the Procuratorate " can not becoming the enforcement body of supervision law

  4. 人大质询制度作为我国监督一府两院的重要手段,越来越发挥着不可替代的作用。

    NPC inquiries system as our supervision " a mansion senate " the important means , more and more plays an irreplaceable role .

  5. 博弈的均衡:人大和一府两院监督与被监督的关系探析

    The balance of game play : an analysis into the relationship between the Government as supervisor , the Court and the Procuratorate as supervisee

  6. 通江县素有一府三乡(川陕革命根据地首府、红军之乡、银耳之乡)的美称。

    Tongjiang county has been called " one capital , three townships " ( namely , the capital of Sichuan-Shanxi Revolutionary Base ; the townships of Red Army , tremella and caves ) .

  7. 许多普通的小吃店都会有现场制作的饺子,比如顺一府饺子馆&坐落于北京中心地区王府井教堂南侧胡同里的一家干净的、令人愉快的小店。

    Freshly-made jiao zi can be found at many ordinary snack shops , such as the Shun Yi Fu , a small , clean and delightful establishment in an alley that runs off Wangfujing in central Beijing .

  8. 府标图案精美,内容丰富,是一个府的标志和象征。

    The provincial emblem is exquisite in design and rich in content . It is the symbol of a province .

  9. 这么说,我们要看一座宰相府了。

    So we are going to visit the residence of a former prime minister .

  10. 此图绘画的就是一次韩府夜宴的全过程。

    This figure painting is a Korean mansion the whole process of the banquet .

  11. 一位总统府发言人否认第一夫人将拥有私人专员,并称萨科奇总统的一些顾问可以帮助第一夫人解决一些问题。

    A presidential spokesman denied that the first lady would have designated staff , saying that some of Sarkozy 's advisors may be asked to help Cecilia Sarkozy with her requests .

  12. 北魏在以“六镇”为中心的西北边疆地区实行过垦田,颁布过垦田法,它也是这一地区“府户”的户籍样,后来增添进了“丘井之式”。

    In the period of the North Wei Dynasty , land reclamation was carried out in the northwest border region with the " six towns " as the center and a land reclamation law was promulgated which later became the household register prototype in this region .

  13. 在北区沿着现在的北湖滨路已建起了一批漂亮的府郏那个湖当时还没有用石块和花岗岩铺的湖堤。

    On the North Side had been erected a number of elegant mansions along what is now known as the North Shore Drive .

  14. 这个中途站就发展成后来的炼狱,或者说一个像阴府那样的地方,在那里,你要么睡着,要么你的灵魂就会去别的地方,你会等待复活。

    This develops into the notion of purgatory or some kind of Hades-type place , a place where you would either sleep or your soul will go someplace else , and you 'd wait for the resurrection .

  15. 美国是一个一国多府的国家。

    The USA is a country with multiple governments .

  16. 有一次,我接到一份港督府的晚宴请柬。在1997年香港回归前,港督府向来是历任港督的官邸。

    I received an invitation to dine at Government House , the traditional governor 's residence before Hong Kong 's handover in1997 .

  17. 本文拟就制度反腐或者说体制反腐做一点理论探讨,重点论述党的机构改革,人大的改革以及人大对一府两院的监督。

    This paper fries to wake a theoretical probe with regard to system anti-corruption , the focus lies in expounding the administrative structure reform of the party , the reform of the NPC and the its supervision on One government two councils .