
  1. 他是魅力十足、机智过人的男人。

    He was a man of great charm and not inconsiderable wit .

  2. 他善于说话,而且机智过人。

    He reasons well , and his wit is bold .

  3. 大哥机智过人,是全球最聪明的年轻人。

    The eldest son was the cleverest young man in the land ; he could outsmart anyone .

  4. 英国有四千万人口,怎么才能找到那三个欧洲最机智过人的罪犯呢?

    How , among the forty million people in Britain , could we find the three cleverest criminals in Europe ?

  5. 第一个人,第一个参议员,第一个主要的政治家——我跟你说,他在华盛顿饱受尊敬,他机智过人,参议员杰夫。

    The first man , first senator , first major , major politician - let me tell you , he is highly respected in Washington because he is as smart as you get , senator Jeff sessions .