
zōnɡ hé tǐ
  • complex;synthesis;amalgam;umbrella;integrated organization/body;summation
  1. 首先,是LED灯光装置背景和载体的研究,在商业综合体这种新型的建筑和商业模式下,对现有的灯光环境中存在的现象和问题进行全方位的剖析。

    The design of LED light installation is the solution . Firstly , it studies the background and carrier of LED light installation . It analyzes the problems of present light environment based on the pattern of commercial complex .

  2. 伦敦住宅综合体“BatterseaPowerStation”的首期公寓本月上市。其开发商说,它将有意识地在首期买房人当中实现英国人与外国人的均衡。

    The developer of London 's Battersea Power Station residential complex says it is making a deliberate attempt to ensure that buyers of the first wave of its apartments -- which went on sale this month -- will be a balanced mix of locals and expatriates . '

  3. 另一种可能是,保守主义时代没有屈从于它的对立面&自由主义,而是倒想了一种走第三条路线(thirdway)的综合体。

    Another possibility is that the conservative era yields not to its liberal antithesis , but to a Third Way synthesis .

  4. 加入WTO后我国地区产业调控机制和模式的转型研究&兼论区域产业群落理论和地域生产综合体理论的替代关系

    A study on transit of the mechanism and development model in controlling Chinese regional industries after China joins the WTO

  5. 最高国家安全顾问们曾于3月14日在美国战情室(SituationRoom)向奥巴马介绍了这一情况。他们说,这座综合体建筑里有一个重要目标,极有可能是本拉登。

    Top national-security advisers briefed the president in the Situation Room on March 14 . They told him there was a high-value target at the compound , and most likely it was bin Laden . '

  6. 简要叙述了微电子机械系统(mems)研究中的多单元综合体&微型系统,包括它的种类、结构、工作原理及相关的特性。

    This paper describes the sorts , structures , operational principles and characteristics of the microsystems , a new popular research field in mems .

  7. 这家知名公司开发的公寓和写字楼看起来像是宜家(IKEA)和《星际旅行》(StarTrek)的综合体。

    Zhang is half of the glamour couple that leads Soho , a Beijing-based developer known for apartments and office buildings that look equal parts IKEA and Star Trek .

  8. 百度在亚洲市场就像google和facebook的综合体,他们都讨论了好几个礼拜了,就是西方世界不太知道。

    Baibu is sort of a combination of Google and Facebook for the Asian market and they 've talked about it for weeks . It 's just it hasn 't been made public in the Western World much .

  9. 为了打造一些人所说的纽约的翻版,天津市大规模举债,在北京东南约70公里处兴建以洛克菲勒中心(RockefellerCenter)和林肯中心(LincolnCenter)为模板的城市综合体。

    In Tianjin , about 70 miles southeast of Beijing , the city has borrowed heavily to create what some have called a replica of New York City , with complexes modeled after Rockefeller Center and Lincoln Center .

  10. 同时,我国城市综合体的布局研究要加强对GIS、城市设计理念等方法技术的引入,以便为城市综合体的建设提供更科学的布局策略。

    At the same time , methods and techniques such as GIS and urban design concept should be emphasized in the research of the layout of the urban complex so as to provide a more scientific strategy to the construction of the urban complex .

  11. 美国心理学家Horwitz(1986)对外语学习焦虑的定义是:外语学习焦虑是一种产生于外语学习过程和课堂外语学习相联系的有关自我知觉,信念,情感和行为的独特的综合体。

    Horwitz ( 1986 ) describes foreign language anxiety as a distinct complex of self – perception , belief , feeling , and behaviors related to foreign language learning and using for communication beyond the language classroom .

  12. 五是按地域生产综合体模式和3R原则组织工业生产,形式合理的地域工业循环体系,实现清洁生产;

    Fifthly , the area 's industrial production should be organized on the basis of the model of regional production complexes and the principle of 3R ( Reduce , reuse and recycle ) to form the scientific territorial industrial cyclic system and to realize clean production .

  13. 城市商住综合体建筑的设计与研究

    Design and Research for Urban Comprehensive Architectures of Commerce and Housing

  14. 美国军工综合体与国家导弹防御系统

    The U.S. Military & Industrial Complex and National Missile Defense System

  15. 城市中心规划中高层综合体建筑的交通组织分析

    Traffic Arrangement Analysis of High rise Complex in Urban Central Planning

  16. 综合体尽端是一个庭院,与放射性布局的研讨室毗邻。

    The complex ends in a court adjoining the radial workshop .

  17. 他们的艺术是凯尔特传统和地中海传统的综合体。

    Their art was a synthesis of Celtis and Mediterranean traditions .

  18. 交通空间在城市商业综合体的空间组成中有着非常重要的地位。

    Traffic space plays a significant role in the commercial complex .

  19. 第二部分:解析旅游综合体发展模式。

    The second part analysis the development models of tourism complex .

  20. 土壤是一形态和演化过程都极其复杂的综合体。

    Soil is a synthesis with extremely complex pattern and evolution process .

  21. 适意地通行中国2010年上海世博会世博轴及地下综合体工程

    Comfortable Passage Expo Boulevard and its Underground Complex of Expo 2010 Shanghai

  22. 北美及亚洲大型商业综合体比较研究

    Comparative Research on Mixed-Use Development of North America and Asia

  23. 农业综合体,农工联合企业农业综合开发与高效农业结合的思考

    Reflections on the Combination of Comprehensive Agricultural Development and High Efficiency Agriculture

  24. 城市快速交通枢纽综合体设计研究

    The Design Research of Urban Rapid-transit Station Complex E City

  25. 多重性格综合体&简·爱形象分析(英文)

    A multi-character image & The analysis on Jane Eyre ;

  26. 城市中心区的铁路客站综合体:提升价值

    Urban downtown area railway passenger station complex : Value upgrading

  27. 多媒体是以计算机为中心处理多种媒体信息技术的综合体。

    Multi-media is a computer-based synthesis of processing various media information technologies .

  28. 法国南特市新法院综合体简介

    Synopsis of the Court Complex in Nantes in France

  29. 人文景观是构成人文地域综合体的基本单元的论断。

    The cultural landscape is the basic unit which constitutes regional human complexes .

  30. 城市综合体&商业对城市空间的整合叙事

    Urban Complex : Integration of Urban Space by Commerce