
  1. 综合交通运输体系与区域经济的互动分析

    Analysis of Interaction of Comprehensive Transportation System and District Economy

  2. 成都市对外综合交通运输体系发展对策

    The Development Strategic of the Comprehensive Transportation System about Chengdu

  3. 城市综合交通运输体系经济适应性研究

    Research on the Adaptability Evaluation of City Comprehensive Transportation System to Economy

  4. 水运是现代综合交通运输体系重要的组成部分。

    Waterway transport is an important part of a comprehensive modern transportation system .

  5. 基于用户的综合交通运输体系及网络平衡研究

    A study of user-based comprehensive traffic and transportation system

  6. 综合交通运输体系的发展;

    The development of comprehensive transportation system ;

  7. 水路交通运输企业在黑龙江省综合交通运输体系中起着必要的补充作用。

    Waterway transportation enterprise comprehensive transportation system in Heilongjiang province plays a necessary complement function .

  8. 此外,论文阐述了综合交通运输体系必然是我国交通运输发展的模式。

    Connotations of intelligent comprehensive transport system are seen in the end of the paper .

  9. 我国组织春运的对策及建立国家综合交通运输体系的建议

    Studies on the Problems , Policies Concerning the Spring-Festival-Period Transportation and Suggestions of Establishing the National Complex Transportation System

  10. 高速公路作为现代综合交通运输体系中的重要组成部分,对国民经济的发展起到了不容忽视的作用。

    As an important part of modern comprehensive transportation system , expressway plays an important role in national economy .

  11. 本世纪头20年是我国发展的重要战略机遇期,在实现区域经济协调发展、建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会和建立现代化综合交通运输体系中,铁路将充分发挥骨干作用。

    The first 20 years of 21 century is an important period that brings great strategic opportunities to our country .

  12. 公路是现代社会必需的基础设施,在综合交通运输体系中发挥着重要的作用。

    Expressway is the necessary infrastructure in modern society , it plays an important and special role in an integrated transportation system .

  13. 铁路是国家的重要基础产业,铁路运输是综合交通运输体系的骨干。

    The railway is important and basic industry of a nation , and railway transport is mainstay of synthetic Jiao Tong transport system .

  14. 而南昌市目前单一中心的城市空间结构形态,已经无法适应城市综合交通运输体系的发展要求。

    But the single central city spatial structure shape of Nanchang , already has unable to adapt the city integrated transportation system development request at present .

  15. 作为综合交通运输体系中发展最迅速的民航运输,在促进地区经济发展中起着越来越重要的作用。

    As the quickest developing transportation way in the synthetical traffic and transportation system , civil aviations have the more and more important effect in promoting regional economies .

  16. 铁路是国民经济发展的大动脉,是重要的国家基础设施,在我国综合交通运输体系中占据十分重要的地位。

    A railway is the main artery in the national economic development . It is an important national infrastructure , occupying a very important position in Chinese overall transportation system .

  17. 最后结合实际,对珠江三角洲小城镇群进行了实例研究,探讨了珠江三角洲小城镇群的区域空间布局和综合交通运输体系规划。

    At last , the paper uses SCC in Zhujiang River Delta as an example , discusses its regional spatial layout and planning of integrated traffic and transportation system planning .

  18. 水路运输是利用自然资源形成的一种成本相对较低的运输方式,是综合交通运输体系中的重要环节之一。

    Water transportation is one of relatively low-cost transportation modes based on the use of natural geographic conditions . It has already become the important component of the comprehensive transportation system .

  19. 作为综合交通运输体系的重要组成部分,水运具有成本低、能耗小、污染轻等其他运输方式难以替代的优势。

    As an important part of the comprehensive transportation system , the waterway transportation has the irreplaceable advantages of low cost , low consumption and little pollution that other transportation modes lack .

  20. 铁路作为中国陆路现代综合交通运输体系的骨干,在现代物流系统中具有难以替代的重要地位和作用。

    As the backbone of modern comprehensive traffic transportation system in the land route of China , the railway has the important position and function difficult to substitute in modern logistics system .

  21. 贷款修路、收费还贷政策的实施,对加快各地公路建设,推动了综合交通运输体系发展,促进经济社会发展发挥了重要作用。

    The policy of loan fees owing on the loan after highway construction has significant effects on the developments of local road constructions , integration traffic transportation systems and the society economy .

  22. 公路交通以其灵活、快捷、方便、机动、覆盖面广、通达深度深、可达性好等特点,成为现代综合交通运输体系的重要组成部分。

    The road traffic has become the important part of modern integrated traffic transportation for its flexible , fast , convenient , mobile , wide-coverage , deep connection and easy to reach .

  23. 港口是国民经济和社会发展的基础产业和重要基础设施,也是综合交通运输体系的重要组成部分。

    The port is not only the foundation industry and important infrastructure of the development of the national economy and society , but also one of the important constituents of the comprehensive transportation system .

  24. 论文基于此背景研究区域综合交通运输体系中综合运输通道客运系统出行行为、结构配置、结构的合理性和协调性等相关问题。

    Based on this background , this paper does reasearch on travel behavior anlysis , structure configuration , rationality and coordination of the structure and some other related questions within passenger system of the comprehensive transportation corridor . 1 .

  25. 我国航空运输各项指标持续快速增长,在国际民航中的地位不断提高,在国内综合交通运输体系中的比重显著增加,对国民经济社会发展的贡献不断加强。

    The main indexes of civil aviation of China grow rapidly , status of civil aviation of China is greatly improved in international aviation community , share in overall transportation grows steadily , and contribution to the domestic economy is increasing .

  26. 公路运输是综合交通运输体系的重要组成部分,其发展水平的高低直接制约着整个交通运输产业的效率,并影响到经济与社会发展的速度和水平。

    Highway transportation is an important part of the comprehensive system of transportation industry . The level of its development can directly restrict the efficiency of the overall transportation industry and influence the speed and conditions of economic and social development .

  27. 综合交通运输体系是一定区域内综合发展和利用铁路、公路、水运、航空和管道等各种运输方式而形成的一个技术先进、网络布局和运输结构合理的交通运输体系。

    Integrated transportation system is a transportation system with advanced technology , reasonable network layout and transport structure , which make comprehensive use of various modes of transport such as railways , highways , waterways , aviation and pipeline in a certain region .

  28. 同时,物流基础设施能力不足,尚未建立布局合理、衔接顺畅、能力充分、高效便捷的综合交通运输体系,区域物流网络规划能力有待加强。

    At the same time , logistics infrastructure ability is inadequate , and has not set up rational layout , smoothly linking , ability , high efficiency and convenient fully comprehensive transportation system . The regional logistics network planning ability should to be strengthened .

  29. 在国家中部崛起大战略下,南昌市要发挥区域经济优势,整合各种经济资源,提高城市的区域竞争力,建立现代化的城市综合交通运输体系是必不可少的前提和条件。

    At the national rise of central China under the strategy , it is the essential condition that Nanchang must display the region economical superiority , which integrate each resource , enhance the region competitive power , and establish the city modern integrated transportation system .

  30. 建设渤海海峡跨海运输通道发中综合交通运输体系的核心要求,就是按照不同运输方式的技术经济特征,合理配置各种交通资源,促进各种交通运输方式协调发展,保证运输系统整体运行效率提高。

    According to different modes of transport as well as the technical and economic characteristics , the building could lead to reasonable distribution of various transport resources , and promote the coordinated development of transport means to ensure that the transport system improve overall operating efficiency .